View Full Version : Hulk in Drag?

04-12-2005, 07:39 AM
Well, my girlfriend had Sunday off, so I asked her if she'd help me with makeup since I haven't been doing real well with it.

She had no problem with this and proceeded to apply her various formula's; eye lid stuff, eye lash stuff, pencil stuff, liquid stuff, and powdered stuff. Afterward she teased my hair for me. When she was finshed, we looked at the results. We both laughed and concluded that no matter what I do, I'm still going to look like the Hulk in Drag; I'm just too muscular. Hell, I can't even get my arms to hang straight down my sides, let alone actually point outward with elbows in at the waist like most women do.

Still, we had fun trying. I found I was a bit discouraged, but quickly got over it by putting on my 40D and nippled forms.

I got up Monday morning and went at it again. This time, knowing what she did to apply the stuff, I tried applying it myself and you know what, I did a better job! I actually looked halfway decent in the face, at least from a distance. I used that Dermablend stuff and while it takes a little while to get used to it, it does seem to be worth the effort. I used the Dermablend, then went over that with a powder and things seemed to cover up pretty well.

Anyway, I thought I looked pretty hot standing there in my bra and panties with teased hair and a great tan, but I'm just not there yet. However, what I did do was put on a short, beach type silk cover shirt with flowers on it and went for a walk in the backyard with the cover open in the front. I kept waiting for someone to drive by and look, but no one did. When I came back inside I absolutely could not believe how intense just taking a short walk in the backyard can be...

04-12-2005, 11:02 AM
I know the feeling.My arms will never hang straight down.My chest is 52",my shoulders are 64" around,my neck is 22" and all of those measurements are growing as I continue to work out.At least I don't have the green skin. :D

Love and Hugs,

04-12-2005, 12:22 PM
I have tried make up once. You can see the results elsewhere on the forum. I wasn't overly happy with it. It was done by someone who I've met through another site. I am going to try again on my own. You are lucky to have a girlfriend who will help and enjoy having fun with. Most girls on here would love to be in that position. Me included. Any chance of seeing some pics.