View Full Version : Los Angeles experience

Mean Green Irene
01-09-2008, 05:52 PM
I have been full time for 2 months now in Albuquerque. I have enjoyed being at least treated as a woman everywhere I have gone. Even if they knew I was a TS.

However I just got back from a two day business trip to LA. Everywhere I went they addressed me a "Sir" Resturants, hotels, Airport, and car rental. I don't know if that is just their habit or what. I was dressed as I usually am. They treated me with respect no bad vibes - just as "Sir" I would have thought that their etiquette would have been better.

Has anyone else experienced something like this?

With Love Irene

Maggie Kay
01-09-2008, 06:14 PM
I think that they sometimes are giving a dig by saying "Sir" and often louder than normal. I have been trying myself to figure out what triggers it when I think I am sort of passable. It may be that they are adept to look for keys such as a male wedding ring or a hint of stubble or an incorrect walk. It just could be something of a game that they do to manly looking women too.

Stephenie S
01-09-2008, 09:52 PM
The phrase, "Actually, it's MA'AM" became a staple in my conversation with others during my early transition. You will need to say it more than once to the same person sometimes. Get used to it. It's gonna happen. This happens less and less as your transition progresses. You can't transition overnight.

Try to imagine what a GG would say in the same situation. (Or ask one what she would say) You are a bit self concious because you haven't cemented your gender identity within yourself yet. That will come. But for now, just correct people who make this mistake. SMILE, always smile, laugh if you have to, but ALWAYS correct someone who makes this mistake. You are a woman. Don't let someone address you as "Sir". They may get smart alecky, most will not. If this happens just deal with it the way you would deal with any rude behavior. Report them to their superiors or ignore it, but ALWAYS correct gender mistakes. It helps your self image also.


01-10-2008, 01:39 PM
I just correct them like Stephenie does, no biggie.

Karen Starlene :star: