View Full Version : Pointing those feet

01-12-2008, 05:00 PM
Hi everybody
I find women’s feet, the way they can stretch their foot straight down from their leg, so beautiful. This ability allows them to wear high heels so well. I imagine it is a physical gender thing because mine seem like they don’t go much past ninety degrees, well maybe a little bit. It would seem that stretching the foot out might help. Does anybody do this and does it help? I want to be able to comfortably and sexily walk in super high heels. :)
Love Barbie Jo

01-12-2008, 05:27 PM
Hi Barbie! I know females have different hip structure than males, but don't know if that helps them walk in heels. I think it is just practice, practice, practice. Young ladies start early, low heels to high. I got my first real heels much later...

Deborah Jane
01-12-2008, 06:46 PM
I don,t think it,s a gender thing, i can get my feet pointed without a problem...Unless i,m more girly than i realised!!:D

01-12-2008, 07:20 PM
how high a heel we talkin????

i didnt start walkin in heels till my mid 30s and i started out in 4 inch heels and never stumbled,,,i have a great sense of ballance :D.....

in my avatar pic those r 7 inch heels with a 2 n a half inch platform, so they work out to be 4 in half inch heel

01-12-2008, 07:25 PM
Those pictures look like something used to torture people with.

01-12-2008, 08:26 PM
Thanks for the replies, and the pictures Brenda....ouch! I think I'll stick to just stretching my feet. :)
Love Barbie Jo

01-12-2008, 08:30 PM
Barbie i think you are right, that its a matter of stretching. I don't think their are physical differences between genders regarding ankle and foot bone structure.

I assume walking flat-footed (in your guy shoes) most of the time that ankle flexibility is low. When it comes to the body -If you don't use it you lose it- I recommend regular leg stretches.

Sit on your butt with your legs in front of you, reach your hands and arms towards your toes and point your toes as far as they'll go. I'm not sure what the optimum time is to hold the stretch but often stretches are recommended to be held for 20-30 seconds. Try doing the stretch 2-3 times a day.

Calf raises might help too. Stand up, rest one foot on the back of the other legs calf, then using the calf muscle of the foot that you're standing on to raise yourself up. I saw that exercise in a Self magazine. They recommended 10 reps slow followed by 20 reps fast, then switch legs. Do less at first and build up to it.

I think the calf raises will help because they make you put the foot and ankle in the position you want to enhance, and to enhance that pointed position then strengthening the muscles involved should make a difference.

It'll take time., i don't know how much time it will take to see results, but it should increase the flexibility of the tendons and muscles that lead to your feet and ankle muscles. Some exercises can give results in as little as a week, some exercises take 3 months to show off improvement. so stick with it!

I'm no Dr so take my advice at your own risk.

03-12-2008, 12:47 AM
Practice. Practice. Practice. And yes, stretch the leg and point the toe to the floor as you walk while bringing the shoe to land just slightly in front of the other. Your walk will become more stable and it is a more beautiful, feminine stride. You'll also develop that heavenly clicking of the heel that thrills my heart when I hear it while I'm walking.

03-12-2008, 01:18 AM
...I want to be able to comfortably and sexily walk in super high heels. :)
Love Barbie Jo

Practice, practice, practice, Barbie Jo.
And start while you are young! :GD:

And what is your definition of super high heels ?

5, 6,7 OR MORE??????

Angie G
03-12-2008, 02:05 AM
I can point my feet almost straight out and can walk well in heels. :hugs: