View Full Version : Takeing your advise!

01-12-2008, 10:38 PM
I recently wrote about my son and how he got married and how he still drops by all of the time and just comes in like he still lives here. It all started with the changing of the locks or asking him for his keys back. I don't want to push him away because him and I have a great relationship. I also had advise to ask him to call first before he comes over which is also good advise. The advise I like the best is just come clean and tell him. I thought about it and talked to his mother(who is my biggest supporter) and she also thinks I should tell him. SO, I have decided to tell him. He is 20 and I think he is grown up enough to understand. I think he knows already. Kids aren't as easy to get thing by. He has probably already figured it out and just not said anything, but after running to my room every time he comes over or telling him I just got in or out of the shower I really think he's figured it out. Now to figure out when to tell him. I almost did yesterday and now he has to work every day till wednesday. I wish I would have told hime yesterday. Now I just have longer to think about it. Maybee psych myself up. Anyway, thanks for the advise and I'll let you know what happens.

01-12-2008, 11:27 PM
Good Luck!

01-13-2008, 12:40 AM
I would think it's the same as telling a S.O. Be prepared, have a guideline in your head about what to say and be prepared to answer any questions he may have. If you have brought him up to be open minded and not bias then it may be easier than you might think. It sounds like you do have a good relationship from your previous post and it may not be as bad as you think again sitll. Just take baby steps and dont force yourself as he may have a hard time seeing you that way. At least he will know for sure why you want your privacy and then go from there. I have come out to all that know me and only one has ever had a real problem with it and I am not friends with him anymore. His loss not mine. I'm still the same person inside or as not any different in my thoughts or things i may do or say as in the same as I would be in guy mode as when Im in girl mode. I just look different and thats what most of my friends say is your still the same as you always were, just look really different. So I wish you good luck and pray that it works out ok for you and your son. I think honesty is the best thing no more secrets and no more lies. It will take such a load off you when you are like that with the ones that are close to you and know your secret, Stress kills for real and we especially don't need anymore stress than we already have with our life style. But theres nothing wrong with our lifestyle its others that make it hard on us. God be with you and again good luck.

Angie G
01-13-2008, 09:34 AM
Do it hun But do it when you have time for a long talk To get all the Q&A done :hugs: and good luck hun

01-13-2008, 09:39 AM
Sounds like a plan. Good luck.

I too got tired of hiding when my son and daughter were around, so they now know. All has been good.

When I told our son, he said he already knew from what was on my computer, and had no problem with it. All that time wasted running and hiding!

YMMV, but I hope not.

Shelly Preston
01-13-2008, 09:56 AM
I hope it all goes very smoothly

I gues he will either call or just wont care

01-13-2008, 12:14 PM
I hope for the best for you and your son, may he be accepting if not understanding.

01-13-2008, 06:47 PM
Do it hun But do it when you have time for a long talk To get all the Q&A done :hugs: and good luck hun

I aggree with Angie,

Your situation reminds me of the first time I was tempted to tell my daughter about my x-dressing.

We were just the two of us, sitting at a restaurant table. That's when she did her own coming out to me as being a lesbian. I was a bit shocked, not that she was a lesbian, but at the time, place and way she decided to tell it to me, and also that she had come out to her mother before and that it was on my wife advice that she had told me, not on her own nor to my wife and I together.

On the moment, I almost came out to her something like "Well, I have also something to tell you..." But fortunately I managed to calm myself and to resist my first reaction. I just told her that it was nice, that I was happy for her, which was indeed the case.

I'm glad I didn't come out to her on that day and in those circumstances... I did it much later and taking great precautions in the way I introduced my x-dressing to her... And then it went very smoothly (I've told elsewhere what that coming out triggered)

You have all my best wishes for your coming out to your son.


01-14-2008, 10:18 AM
At least you have not had to do what we had to do. I took a new job out of state for two reasons. First becuase wife and I wanted a change in where and how we were living, second to drill into the thick skull of our son that our place was not longer his place. He has a wife and needs to make his place their place. He did not really believe we were leaving until the moving van showed up.