View Full Version : Just want to go out and feel normal...

Linda C
01-16-2008, 03:58 PM
Hi - I am feeling a little bummed out. I drove down (en femme) to my local Walgreens today and was all excited about buying some makeup and maybe a pair of stockings. I was all ready to go in and then the walls came tumbling down. I got freaked out and didn't go in (at first) - Why? I look at a many women and they look to me like pretty made up versions of us (some do!! - especially at Walgreens LOL!) Anyway - I finally got the nerve up and went in. I purchased some lipstick and b-lined it out of there. I just think that it sucks that there are so many societal reasons to keep us in the house. It would be great to be able to feel a little free-er. Sorry - just pissed and bummed... :(

01-16-2008, 04:08 PM
Your not alone on that one. Be strong sister! Your pictures look great by the way. you've got it going on for sure. :)

01-16-2008, 04:15 PM
There are many women out there that look very masculine and yet they go out , so who cares, go out be yourself and keep saying to yourself who cares, I will never see these people again:hugs:

ps...I was out to today at Wal-mart and Krogers and chatted with one of the cashiers about the self serv lanes, she called me ma'am....so dont let it get you down, life is too short to worry about what others think, because it will only be in the head for a second

Kathy Renee
01-16-2008, 04:21 PM
Linda - Cheer up. I was talking to an SA at a store in Denver a few years ago trying to guage how well I looked. She said that I, as well as several other CDs that shopped in her store, looked better than half the women that came into her store.

01-16-2008, 04:22 PM
Well, at times things don't go the way we expected them to go... And then we feel very bad about the situation but also about our own reactions...

That happens to all of us... Not exactly the same circumstances but a plan that doesn't work out the way it was devised is a fairly common thing.

From my five years life in the USA I kept one saying deep in my heart :

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again..."

As a side note, I went to visit your flickr.com picture galery and you are really very feminine so you shouldn't worry about what people will think as they will probably think that you are a woman...

Cheer up, you will succeed next time...


Melissa A.
01-16-2008, 05:01 PM
Hi Linda,

Don't be bummed out, sweetie! Especially with yourself. You got out of the car and did it! I go lots of places and even after all this time I still get scared sometimes, too. In the short term, you can't change how they feel about us. All you can do anything about is you. And it sounds like your'e doin' a fine job!

Have fun and be safe,



01-16-2008, 05:05 PM
Yep Linda C, you did get out there! Be proud of yourself for that! I'm so far from passable, I'll never come close to an opportunity like that!:yrtw:

01-16-2008, 05:06 PM
Im even afraid to go to my backyard in case somebody sees me lol...

Carol A
01-16-2008, 05:06 PM
Oh how well I know the feeling, you win some you lose some. Keep the faith sister :hugs:

01-16-2008, 05:28 PM
Well you went light-years ahead of where I would have gone. You look great in your picts, so be brave. I love your style for clothes too!

01-16-2008, 06:40 PM
I think it gets easier with more outtings to just go and do what you want to do! I have been out to malls and other places dressed on several occasions and I still get nervous sometimes but it does not last like it use to and I just focus on what I am there for! In general, 99% of the time, I have had a very positive experience even if I was read which does happen once in a while! Mostly due to me being nervous and others picking up on that, I think. But there really is no other way to learn and get comfortable with it other than by going out and doing! As tough as it is we have to be out there and seen before society is going to relax and accept us as just another person doing their thing!

Congratulations on getting out! Big step and you did great!

Keep letting yourself be you and others will either accept or avoid you! Either way you get to be you!


Lora Olivia
01-16-2008, 07:05 PM
Hey Sis,
Why so bummed. Because you got cold feet? Or because in your eyes you don't measure up. Hon if you looked anything like some of your pics you look great. 99% of us are never going to look like super models but then I figure 95% of those that are born female equipped aren't going to be model material either. I think this also goes to show what pressures society and the media put on those born female as well, causing so many girls and ladies to struggle with depression and serious disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Take it in stride hon and relax:hugs:

01-16-2008, 07:19 PM

I know what you mean, but it gets easier. I now feel less self conscious looking at make-up as women than when I am drab. I can take my time and browse without feeling like everyone is looking at the guy buying make-up

Good luck


01-16-2008, 07:40 PM
Linda i seen ur pics and i dont see what the problem is,,ur TOTALY passable,,:hugs::thumbsup:
i luv ur sexretary look with the strappy heels :drool:

i KNOW i dont pass so i dont even try,,, i am a guy in womens clothes out shoping for the things i need and im left alone to do it...:D

a few years back there was a website called crossdresser.com (singular spelling) and the guy on the home page was shaved bald had a beard and was in skirt and heels,,, so go be urself and dont worry about the mindless drones around u,,,:2c:

Paula T
01-16-2008, 08:17 PM
on Flkr and you are a complete babe. If you were dressed to "blend" instead of looking so dam classy (I'm jealous) you would be not quite so nervous or whatever the feeling is. I don't look near as passable as you do but go out every once in a while. And yes I am somewhat "nervous" there's that word again when I do it but what the heck. I don't think anybody really cares.:eek:

Dawn Marie
01-16-2008, 08:56 PM
Try not to worry about how others perceive you, your mind is your own worst enemy. Just be yourself and your confidence will grow with you. The more you venture out the easier it will get.
I love your pictures, you look very passable, and most of your outfits will blend right in.

01-16-2008, 09:44 PM
Yeah Linda! You went into Walgreens? I can't get out of my front door.
You have what it takes to be a great CD.

Linda C
01-17-2008, 01:49 AM
Seriously - thank you all so much - it was rough day!!

01-17-2008, 01:59 AM
You went a lot further than I ever have and probably ever will. And from your pictures, by looks (haven't seen your walk or heard your talk) you would do a far better job of blending in than I will ever be able to do. Keep on!

01-17-2008, 02:45 AM
After looking at your photos I have to agree with everyone here, you look totally feminine and there's nothing you should worry about. You had the courage to do something many of us dream of. Besides, normal is overrated ;)

01-17-2008, 05:47 AM
Don't be bummed, turn this around. At first you were apprehensive, then you went in.This is a win and an achievement so put it under your belt.I have not gone out yet and a post such as your's helps me more than you know.

01-17-2008, 06:05 AM
Linda you have taken the first step on the long road of freedom to be who you are. The first step is always the most difficult.

So you hold you head high sister and stand proud. You are on your way.

Xx Vicky xX

P.S You look great in your pics.

Suzy Harrison
01-17-2008, 07:13 AM
Hi -I know how you feel. I also had a bad day today which resulted in me not going out in public as I had planned. We're all going to get days like that. It will come together in time - you're not alone.

01-17-2008, 08:03 AM
i don't mean this to come off the wrong way but define "normal".

i tend to look at things this way:

every person out there has their "thing". said "thing" makes everyone different. for us - it's wearing womens' clothing. and, say it with me, there's nothing wrong with that.

ultimately i think once you are 100% convinced there is nothing wrong with what we do (so long as it doesn't interfere with our every day lives), life will become much, much easier.

Suzy Harrison
01-17-2008, 10:45 PM
i don't mean this to come off the wrong way but define "normal".

ultimately i think once you are 100% convinced there is nothing wrong with what we do (so long as it doesn't interfere with our every day lives), life will become much, much easier.

I think you have the answer here.

We are our own worst enemies - because deep down we may we feel we shouldn't be doing this, we then feel embarrassed or nervous. This is due to the conditioning we go through as we travel through life. I suffer from this too - although I don't feel guilty and I love being a TS/TG - . I think practice is the answer until those negative thoughts are bashed out of our heads !

01-18-2008, 06:59 PM
You look great in those pictures, the hair,make up and the clothes, definitely passable..makes me want to purge everything i got and start againfrom scratch..

01-18-2008, 07:44 PM
I think Suzy hit it on the head! We get self conscious and really think that we are doing something wrong and should not be doing this! I get that feeling everytime that I go out dressed. I can'ty help it, it is the way I was raised and I get scared. A grown man of 58 being scared to go into a store. Of course the nylons, heels and skirt all have something to do with it.

Linda C
01-20-2008, 07:42 PM
I think Suzy hit it on the head! We get self conscious and really think that we are doing something wrong and should not be doing this! I get that feeling everytime that I go out dressed. I can'ty help it, it is the way I was raised and I get scared. A grown man of 58 being scared to go into a store. Of course the nylons, heels and skirt all have something to do with it.


Michelle PJ
01-20-2008, 11:39 PM
I have never ventured outside the home but would TRULY love to. I can't imagine what it might be like to be read or observed by others en femme. You would have to be a pretty darn good Gurl. That wouldn't be the case with me. And, does anybody have any comment on how HARD it is to look pretty when you are starting out as an ugly, drab male?

01-21-2008, 01:24 AM
It would be great to be able to feel a little free-er. Sorry - just pissed and bummed... :(

I know exactley how you feel hunni, am there at the moment.

01-21-2008, 01:33 AM
Hey LInda I know what youfelt I just did that in day light and believe me I was scared to no end. I had my GG friend with me and I have seen some real GG that make old truck drivers cute. But I did buck it up a little and went out from my house to the place I frequent, dressed. It is and still think the walls have eyes and ears. Hang In there Sister Lets support each other. I still believe our time is coming when who cares and we can be free. Just view your pics you dress very classic. If I ever figure how to get mine posted you'l see me ok.

01-21-2008, 02:05 AM
i shop walgreens for my pantyhose and they all know i wear them :D

a few weeks ago i went to radio shack to get a "Y" conector and i was wearing my jean skirt with white pantyhose and my tennies,,sure i was seen and so what...

01-21-2008, 04:12 AM
Hi - I am feeling a little bummed out. I drove down (en femme) to my local Walgreens today and was all excited about buying some makeup and maybe a pair of stockings. I was all ready to go in and then the walls came tumbling down. I got freaked out and didn't go in (at first) - Why? I look at a many women and they look to me like pretty made up versions of us (some do!! - especially at Walgreens LOL!) Anyway - I finally got the nerve up and went in. I purchased some lipstick and b-lined it out of there. I just think that it sucks that there are so many societal reasons to keep us in the house. It would be great to be able to feel a little free-er. Sorry - just pissed and bummed... :(

With a wardrobe that size, and your looks, going out should never be a problem. DeeDee3