View Full Version : Friends I seek your advice.

Nicole Erin
01-16-2008, 05:50 PM
I had posted some photos, see this thread -

Now here is the deal -
What I need to know from you, viewer, is what I need to improve about my looks.
Yes I know about the smile :D [I will, I promise] but what else? Things about my makeup? Do I look fat? Do I just have one of those faces that just is NOT feminine even in makeup?
I don't know if I look like a guy in drag, passable but ugly, pretty but not passing, dragzilla who don't pass and is ugly...

I feel like a dip even asking this, I feel like an attention wh^re :o as they call it, but I would rather find out from good company here than to go out and get ridiculed or something.

I need YOU to help me. Do not worry about hurting my feelings. Telling me how to improve is not going to hurt me, or even if you said "Dragzilla, keep that closet door LOCKED!" it would not bother me, I need to know these things.

If you do not wish to reply here but want to help, you may PM me and I promise, no matter what you say, it stays between us and no hard feelings. ;)
thank you my friends.

Jenna Dawn
01-16-2008, 05:55 PM
I personally think, and I am not passable at all so this may be water under the bridge, that you should get a wig that has longer hair that will frame your face more. smiling will help as you have mentioned. Lossing weight can't hurt anyone unless your already 100 pounds. it will slim your face up. just my two cents. hope this helps.

Linda C
01-16-2008, 06:02 PM
Ok - you look like your well on your way. This is what I did - and we are around the same build. I would cover the neck line more - because you are muscular - blend your makeup better - the red splotchy cheeks are too 80's. Maybe get wig that surrounds your face and ears better. Your eyes look great - just a little more concealer and if you have to smoke hold it differently :happy: hope this helps - you are real close!!

Julie York
01-16-2008, 06:02 PM
Before anyone can be brutally honest with you they need to know what your objective is. What do you want to achieve and where are you wanting to achieve it?

01-16-2008, 06:27 PM
The Wig!!!!!!!!!! ....something softer and wavy that would frame your face and shoulder length... I think this would be MAJOR Erin ...that wig just doesnt work ....!!!

Lisa Rose
01-16-2008, 08:17 PM
I'm going to disagree here, I think the hair is just fine. I would work harder on covering the mustache, though. And never, never, never pose with the cig's. Very unleady like. :love:

01-16-2008, 08:24 PM
Like everyone has said: new wig; smile..
I am not qualified to comment on makeup and am slightly color-blind, but imho, you look pretty feminine.
I think that with either a facial makeover from someone who knows what they're doing, or if you can learn yourself, you would look like a very beautiful woman.
Everyone could probably shed some pounds including moi, and if you did, I think you could be a little Nutrasystem-like "before and after" bombshell. Just my:2c:

and I'm not kidding.


Nicole Erin
01-16-2008, 09:35 PM
OK I really appreciate what you all are telling me :)

So I have some work to do but one thing is for sure - at least I know I am not hopeless. Some things vary for people's opinion but some things keep being mentioned so now I really know what needs help here.

That was NOT a good hair day. That is my real hair, it needs to grow more and needs some fixing. I have never owned a wig.

So anyways, thank you people SO much for your help.

And Lisa, next time I shall leave my healthy habit out of the picture so to speak ;)

SIDE NOTE - My male part does not care what anyone thinks of "him" but Erin is really concerned with looking good. Two personalities in the same body, boy this is weird to me.
Everyone thinks "he" is gay or a CD anyways, so why not perfect "her"? Complex isn't it?

01-16-2008, 09:42 PM
you look good i dont seeantthing . you look like a women . to me

Kate Simmons
01-17-2008, 12:03 AM
I think the overall look pretty much works Erin and you look pretty good. Smiling was mentioned. It's not always necessary though. I know some GG's who NEVER smile contrary to popular belief. To make the presentation fly, it needs to be totally you in any case and you need to be relaxed. As much as deportment is always stressed by some, it won't work if it's forced. I've found that if I make being my femme self fun and stop worrying about doing everything "perfect" everything just seems to flow naturally with very little effort. That is the main thing that pulls it off in my opinion.:happy:

01-17-2008, 12:42 AM
You know... you look pretty passable already. Your hair even looks okay, but you might do better with a wig or more curls and a more popular women's style.

01-17-2008, 06:27 AM
Hi Erin- I would try a few different things with your make up.You might enhance the eyes by extending your top eyeliner past the eye just slightly and also try those dual color eye shadows until you land one that is you.On your cheeks I agree with the earlier post about the bronzer,your upper face is prominent so darker may fade it and even your face out,a darker shade foundation and or powder may do it to.Your lips seem a bit small in your pic,have you thought about extending them slightly through the use of a lip liner.I don't know if you like or can do any exercise,but if you can there are some that may be helpful.I've found when ever I start on a new exercise binge,at some point I will start to thin in the face,this can change my approach on make up and help with an overall better femme appearance every where

Emily Ann Brown
01-17-2008, 08:11 AM
My opinion and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee at 7-11 I know, but drop the "fancy" stuff, put on a sweater and some jeans, smile and you could blend at WalMart easy (as long as you have the walk and mannerisms close).

Emily Ann

01-19-2008, 12:06 PM
You smoke like a bloke. I agree with a different wig, other wise pretty darn fem!

01-19-2008, 12:38 PM
If I saw you out I would not look twice...

Unless you walk like a man but do soften your hands with the way you hold things. watch the other fems around you and see how they hold a cig and smoke, hold a cup of coffee, a fork, etc. same for walking, then move forward with your perfection.