View Full Version : Variable-Sized Breast Implants ...

Jennifer Lynndon
01-29-2008, 11:42 PM
So I'd LOVE to be able to have REAL cleavage ... but conventional implants wouldn't go over too well in my personal life ... or at work ... so I'm still waiting for the variable-sized implants ... wouldn't they be the coolest!!!

So how many of us would get implants ... if we could change the size whenever we wanted.

That just seems like the coolest!

01-29-2008, 11:49 PM
They do have breast implants that the doctor can slowly, over a period of weeks or months, fill with saline to give you a bigger size than you would be able to handle right off the bat. If you take the saline out of them, you are just going to have saggy boobies, your skin will be all stretched out and will not go back to what it was. The idea is neat, but not really practicle in real life..........Stephanie

01-29-2008, 11:54 PM
What a great fantasy though, to be able to have breasts in female mode, and none in drab mode. I would love that!

01-30-2008, 01:31 AM
Come on designers! Get working on it. Probably thousands of customers on this site alone!

01-30-2008, 01:35 AM
What a great fantasy though, to be able to have breasts in female mode, and none in drab mode. I would love that!

I could go for those too !! Sign me up !!

Marcie Sexton
01-30-2008, 10:57 AM
Keep the faith, after all look what can be inflated now...

penis, and the use of the lap band for weight control...why not boobs...

Marvina Martian
01-30-2008, 01:59 PM
I'd thought of this many times as well. It would be soooo cool!

Angie G
01-30-2008, 04:05 PM
I'd love it :hugs:

01-30-2008, 06:03 PM
Ohhh, thoughts of a million dollar patent are dancing in my head! I can just see it now -- implant a mini beach ball in each breast, place the air nozzle beneath a flip-top nipple, and then just blow into it to your desired size.

Millions I'll make!:danceman: I wonder, however, how much R&D will cost....

01-30-2008, 06:16 PM
Well, the idea could be a great marketing stunt... I'm sure many of us here would like such a "product" :heehee:

As far as I am concerned though, I wouldn't want my breasts to be down size adjustable :tongueout

I love them too much... In addition they give me the felling of being "femme" even when I'm not dressed...

The price to pay is that I can't go to the beach with my breasts exposed to
the public... And I know well enough that I wouldn't pass once in a swiming suit...

I wonder if deflatable breasts implants would allow a better access to the beach... That would have to be in the design criterias... :happy:


01-30-2008, 08:15 PM
How cool would that be. A mini air compressor implanted along with some industrial strength balloons , and a button hidden somewhere on your body. Big boobs at the touch of a button, just don't put it on your butt. Sit down and instant growth. whoops

01-30-2008, 08:37 PM
Well, variable size breast implants do exist now, but they have only slight modification ability (like one cup size) and it can only be done within so many months of having the implants. I believe there are problems of the body "settling right" if it's done beyond that window and they aren't terribly adjustable due to the fact that the breast tends to deform if they are adjusted too much.

That being said, i'm not an educated expert, so this is only from a layperson's eyes.

You could always just get saline injections in the meantime (although it seems to be painful, for what I've seen).

I could show a link of the process being done, but this place seems to be rather prude and somewhat sexually repressed (even though I love it) so I won't unless I get some sort of 'blessing' on it.

Pamela Julie
01-30-2008, 08:55 PM
The adjustable implants out there now are just for size selection, a little saline is added each doctors visit until the desired size is obtained, usually within several weeks. The saline injections work well for a very short time. The body absorbs the saline at the rate of about a pint an hour, so you would have the incredible shrinking boobs, and be back to drab size in two hours at best. Your breasts could not take the stretching/shrinking more than a time or two before the tissue stops shrinking back to normal. If someone came up with something that really worked, I would try it, but I doubt human physiology will allow it.

01-30-2008, 09:12 PM
I am sure there are numerous problems with being able to do it succesfully or someone would have done it already. But since we are just dreaming, count me in. I love my breast forms so much now, I wonder if I would ever want to make them smaller or would I just want to keep making them larger?

Jennifer Lynndon
01-31-2008, 09:35 PM
Well, variable size breast implants do exist now, but they have only slight modification ability (like one cup size) and it can only be done within so many months of having the implants. I believe there are problems of the body "settling right" if it's done beyond that window and they aren't terribly adjustable due to the fact that the breast tends to deform if they are adjusted too much.

That being said, i'm not an educated expert, so this is only from a layperson's eyes.

You could always just get saline injections in the meantime (although it seems to be painful, for what I've seen).

I could show a link of the process being done, but this place seems to be rather prude and somewhat sexually repressed (even though I love it) so I won't unless I get some sort of 'blessing' on it.

I have had saline injections but they were very painful and they lasted only for a few hours.

And variable sized implants were actually tested some years ago but there were a number of problems with infections at the location of the valve. I was hoping that advancements had been made ... :sad:

01-31-2008, 09:42 PM
While we are dreaming...

If they are inflatable, they could also be useful in the event of an emergency at sea! On the other hand, best not to foget to deflate them a bit before flying!!

01-31-2008, 09:48 PM
How about a valve stem with a tire pressure gauge?:devil:

ashlee chiffon
01-31-2008, 09:49 PM
i would definately if i could change the size, as i think many transpeople that are unable to openly transition would...it's the purrrfect solution to hiding breast enlargement when having to be in drab, then becoming the busty gal you love to be when you can...also, i like being a B sometimes, then a C/D others...so adjustable would be sooooo kewl!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
ohhhhhwell, in another life....*sighs*

01-31-2008, 10:38 PM
If they could do it without causing the saggy skin in boy mode, SIGN ME UP!!! :D