View Full Version : Sewing!

04-21-2005, 12:41 PM
Well, at the beggining of this semester I placed my candidature for a research internship at the university this summer (nice relax summer job in my field)... I didn't know if I would get it... But I thought a CGPA of 4.0/4.0 (A in everything) in my first semester would help.

I promised my mom that if I got the internship, I'd buy her a brand new, high quality sewing machine, the best we could find, even if it cost $500 or more... Because she is always getting frustrated with our old machine, that always breaks the wire and gets stuck (all kinds of problems).

Surely, I got the internship. This means I'm buying her the sewing machine... But... I reserve the right to use it whenever I want (not that it would be a problem) :)...

And guess what, I bought a velvet skirt on Ebay. Its brand new but its wayy too large and too long (would fit an obese conservative woman). I plan on shortening it to 4" above knee length, fitting it to my waist, and making 7 to 9" slits on the sides... And place laces in both of the slits :) I'm going to look sexy in that :D

04-21-2005, 01:11 PM
Dang girl! You got it goin on! Congratulations! I really admire the respect between you and your mother, you obviously treat each other very well.

I hope you'll post pics of your new look (see thread titled "Good News for Me), it's very cool!


Well, at the beggining of this semester I placed my candidature for a research internship at the university this summer ...Surely, I got the internship....<snip> ....And guess what, I bought a velvet skirt on Ebay. :) I'm going to look sexy in that :D

And recently, I even made friends with a goth girl over the net that lives in my city....<snip>....And guess what, she proposed that we go shop together....<snip>.... And she wants to bring me to a makeup counter to buy makeup....<snip>....Speaking of makeup, I found a look that I would like to replicate and I think is feasible...

I came back home today and to my surprise, my mom had bought me some platform sandals of appropriate size...

04-21-2005, 03:51 PM
Hi Nyx,

Great news about the summer research position!

Love and Hugs,