View Full Version : first CD date!

02-04-2008, 10:53 AM
tonight is my first date with a guy/cd & I'm excited!! I can barely work. I don't know what to expect, but I'm going to keep an open mind. We're meeting in boy clothes though, so it should be a little less stressful. ahh i can't wait.

02-04-2008, 10:55 AM
Congratulations, and have a wonderful time. Needless to say we will be waiting for a report *giggle*


Christina Louise
02-04-2008, 01:25 PM
Good luck, hope it goes brilliantly for you. :hugs:

02-04-2008, 01:52 PM
Congratulations! Do let us know how it goes!

02-04-2008, 02:19 PM
thanks all! it's 2 pm and my date's @ 6:30... I'm wondering if I should head back home & change or just go straight from work...

the problem is my work is really close to the place we're meeting... and home is 20 minutes away. AND i'm busy at work! aggh. What to do :censor: hehe.

02-04-2008, 02:30 PM
thanks all! it's 2 pm and my date's @ 6:30... I'm wondering if I should head back home & change or just go straight from work...

the problem is my work is really close to the place we're meeting... and home is 20 minutes away. AND i'm busy at work! aggh. What to do :censor: hehe.

Girl, do whichever is going to make you more comfortable on the date. If you need to go home first to look and feel your best on the date, then do it. If you are going to be a bit late, then just give a courtesy phone call.


All the best!

02-05-2008, 11:11 AM
So it happened. We met & he was dressed sort of femme, earrings, flats, cute. I"m 27, he's 35. A bottle of white & a basket of french fries later, we are in a cab on the way to my place.

We both talked our way through the whole thing... feelings, fears, awkwardness, first time, do you, don't you, condoms, cleanliness.

No penetration. But other stuff did happen... My first guy kiss, BJ swap, cd experience. Heels & the works. (I don't know how much detail I can reveal without getting edited)

All in all it worked out how I thought it would. It was pretty intense. He kind of left a bit quieter, but on a good note.
The stigma is gone. I still love my girlfriend. I'm not gay. I want to do this again. Maybe he'll call. who knows.

You ladies tell me what other details you want to hear!

02-05-2008, 11:25 AM
The stigma is gone. I still love my girlfriend. I'm not gay. I want to do this again. Maybe he'll call. who knows.

You ladies tell me what other details you want to hear!

So you cheated on your girlfriend with a man, and you performed homosexual acts. But you're not gay? :confused:

Does your g/f know?

02-05-2008, 11:26 AM
Thanks for the report, cutie. The white and fries is always a sure thing *smile* I'm glad you are happy with how the evening went.

Just out of curiosity (ok, nosiness): does the gf know of your dressing?

02-05-2008, 11:38 AM
No penetration. But other stuff did happen... My first guy kiss, BJ swap, cd experience. Heels & the works. (I don't know how much detail I can reveal without getting edited)

All in all it worked out how I thought it would. It was pretty intense. He kind of left a bit quieter, but on a good note.
The stigma is gone. I still love my girlfriend. I'm not gay. I want to do this again. Maybe he'll call. who knows.

Is anyone else disturbed by these sentences?

In the first you talk about "No penetration but other stuff did happen", then you list BJ swap (which is technically a form of penetration), then you state "I still love my girlfriend. I'm not gay. I want to do this again."

Now, if you have a girlfriend, why are you going out with a man? Does she know that you have bi-sexual tendancies? Does she know you're a CD? Does HE know you have a Girlfriend? I am sorry, but I cannot congratulate you for infidelity like this.

I will however give you some advice. Stop and think before you end up hurting your girlfriend, yourself, or this other CD.


P.S. Sorry if this offended anyone, but I just cannot commend or condone infidelity in any relationship.

02-05-2008, 11:38 AM
So it happened. We met & he was dressed sort of femme, earrings, flats, cute. I"m 27, he's 35. A bottle of white & a basket of french fries later, we are in a cab on the way to my place.

We both talked our way through the whole thing... feelings, fears, awkwardness, first time, do you, don't you, condoms, cleanliness.

No penetration. But other stuff did happen... My first guy kiss, BJ swap, cd experience. Heels & the works. (I don't know how much detail I can reveal without getting edited)

All in all it worked out how I thought it would. It was pretty intense. He kind of left a bit quieter, but on a good note.
The stigma is gone. I still love my girlfriend. I'm not gay. I want to do this again. Maybe he'll call. who knows.

You ladies tell me what other details you want to hear!

I want all the details tell us more. Glad you had a terific first date, first kiss, got me reminising about my first date. You should have gone all the way, its what makes first dates extra special,there will always be time for that, but very gald you had a good time. Monica

02-05-2008, 11:38 AM
quick background on my situation.

So I came out as a cd/bicurious to my girlfriend over a year ago. I dress all the time with her & she is fine with it all. We talk regularly & she's even tried role reversal with me on a bunch of occasions. She's just not turned on by me as a girl, so it's a bit of a downer.

She has chosen to stay with me regardless of whether I need to be promiscuous or explore my bisexuality. I'm honest with her & tell her everything (including last night). She's really ok with it & she's glad I'm able to do it. When I talk to her, I say things point blank like, "are you ok with me exploring my cd'ing with other partners?" She responds that she has no problem with it, as long as we're together & honest with each other. I think we both think that monogamy is passe.

I know how ideal it must sound, but it's absolutely true.

Also about my "I'm not gay" comment.. I just said that because of it being my first time & not really knowing where I tend on the attraction meter. But after last night it's obvious I can swing both ways, but I'm definitely not going to stop sleeping & dating women. I should reword that & say I'm half-gay :P

also: He knows all this too. He has a wife who he said knew where he was & that they talked about us meeting before hand. I can say very clearly that no one lied to anyone last night. Everyone knew the scenario & he went home to his wife & my girlfriend came home & I told her everything that happened. Then we made love & had breakfast together this morning.

I know how everyone is pouncing on this as infidelity, but I swear this is basically me having an open relationship with a very cool girl. I'm exploring my bisexual side because I need to without dragging my girl into it & staying with her because I love her & we are best friends. I don't see why anyone has to get hurt if everyone's aware of what's going on & there's total honesty.

02-05-2008, 12:21 PM
Already more detail than I want. You're new here, maybe you ought to get a feeling for what's appropriate here before posting stuff like that.

Do your girlfriend a favor and end your relationship with her, you're being selfish, and that's putting it mildly. And you're fooling around with someone who's married? You really need to step back and take a good look at what you're doing, in my opinion.


02-05-2008, 12:38 PM
Already more detail than I want. You're new here, maybe you ought to get a feeling for what's appropriate here before posting stuff like that.

Do your girlfriend a favor and end your relationship with her, you're being selfish, and that's putting it mildly. And you're fooling around with someone who's married? You really need to step back and take a good look at what you're doing, in my opinion.



"Exploring my bisexuality" Is a line of CRAP. Open Relationship is also BULL. The one true key to a successful relationship besides communication is FIDELITY!. Giving or receiving oral sex from someone other than your wife/girlfriend is in no way going to strengthen your relationship. It is cheating plain and simple.

Do yourself a favor and THINK, I mean REALLY THINK, about this situation and ask yourself " Does my girlfriend mean that little to me that I can just "go have sex" with someone else. How would you feel if she were to go off and have an encounter with some other woman who is married? Marriage is sacred and if you are putting yourself in the middle of someone elses marriage that is the wrong place to be in. There are certain MORAL rules that must be maintained, and infidelity in any form should not be encouraged.

02-05-2008, 12:39 PM
Every individual has their own set of values, and morals about what is acceptable sexual behavior. Because of that, typically, we don't post threads about our sexual exploitations. Threads like this tend to stir the pot so to speak. Therefore, I think your sexual exploits are better left in private messages with your personal friends, unless you don't mind being the target of ridicule and judgment.

I'm glad you are learning about yourself.:hugs:

BTW: I feel this would be a good time for a mod to close this thread before it turns more sour than it is.

02-05-2008, 12:47 PM
Seriously I was just trying to share an experience that was a good example of a fun, responsible, adult situation. I don't get all the agression & apprehension.

I've been lurking/reading/learning around these forums & others for a long time. I realize that somethings are out of bounds, but I don't know why what I said is soo taboo. I also don't see why grownups can't make their own decisions & you feel you have to defend my girl from me.

I gave my girlfriend the option to leave me way back. I was very clear with how I felt. I know that having multiple partners is not fair sometimes and I acknowledged that we may have to be apart. In fact, we separated for a while (month or so) & got back together. In the end, she chose to stay with me regardless of what happens. I'm not looking to be in a longterm relationship with ANYONE else except for her.

BUT I'm also not going to repress my sexual desires in order to follow some pre-conceived standards. We live in a different world now, things have changed. Relationships have changed.

I do not go blindly in to tricky situations, so please understand I have analyzed & thought & talked about every possible outcome, scenario, feeling there is to have...

Thanks for the positive comments, but for those jumping on me for being selfish & over the top, I would say look at yourselves! What are you doing? Wearing panties & high heels is hot and sexy. It's a lust, desire, fetish, experimental thing... it's not really this innocent "i just wanna dress like a girl" thing. Am I off base? There's alot of sexual deviancy & taboo stuff that goes along with this lifestyle.

I sense a ton of "oh you can't say that or this or whatever". It's called crossdressers.com ! jeez. it should encompass everything.

02-05-2008, 12:49 PM
Every individual has their own set of values, and morals about what is acceptable sexual behavior. Because of that, typically, we don't post threads about our sexual exploitations. Threads like this tend to stir the pot so to speak. Therefore, I think your sexual exploits are better left in private messages with your personal friends, unless you don't mind being the target of ridicule and judgment.

I'm glad you are learning about yourself.:hugs:

BTW: I feel this would be a good time for a mod to close this thread before it turns more sour than it is.

yeah ok sorry. I get it. It's sort of a downer though... I would have liked to discuss this situation with people who ARE interested. Values & morals ARE VERY different for different people. Sorry if I inadvertently offended anyone, it was not my intention./

02-05-2008, 01:00 PM
Every individual has their own set of values, and morals about what is acceptable sexual behavior. Because of that, typically, we don't post threads about our sexual exploitations. Threads like this tend to stir the pot so to speak. Therefore, I think your sexual exploits are better left in private messages with your personal friends, unless you don't mind being the target of ridicule and judgment.

I'm glad you are learning about yourself.:hugs:

BTW: I feel this would be a good time for a mod to close this thread before it turns more sour than it is.

This Lady is wise beyond her years LOL :hugs:

02-05-2008, 01:01 PM
Already more detail than I want. You're new here, maybe you ought to get a feeling for what's appropriate here before posting stuff like that.

Hey, I was reading this thread bc you're doing something I'm currently grappling with. But this quote is a good one for you to think about. I've been on this site for a while and I do a lot of reading, it's not the atmosphere to discuss the sexual side of your dressing so openly. The majority of posters here are not in their twenties and experimenting.

That being said, I hope you can see (if not agree) where these other ladies are coming from. Keep being you, you can't be anyone else. Just be aware of your surroundings too.
BTW, if you need to talk, I'll listen.

02-05-2008, 01:03 PM
There's alot of sexual deviancy & taboo stuff that goes along with this lifestyle

Hello Crossdresser,

I do not agree with this statement, as we all dress in women's clothes for different reasons and to label all crossdressers with that is putting us in the same pot.

I totally agree that when posting on this Board, we should keep our intimate encounters & beliefs as to not offend others that are on the same page.

I wish you well and take care,


Christina Louise
02-05-2008, 01:09 PM
IF your relationship with your gf is as open you describe and likewise that of the CD and his wife, then I'm happy for you that you had such a wonderful time and hope you have more in the future. :hugs:

02-05-2008, 01:13 PM
This Lady is wise beyond her years LOL :hugs:

I'm gonna slap you Rena, I don't many years left, just far beyond my years can I get? :lol:

02-05-2008, 01:13 PM
There's alot of sexual deviancy & taboo stuff that goes along with this lifestyle

Hello Crossdresser,

I do not agree with this statement, as we all dress in women's clothes for different reasons and to label all crossdressers with that is putting us in the same pot.

I totally agree that when posting on this Board, we should keep our intimate encounters & beliefs as to not offend others that are on the same page.

I wish you well and take care,


Well said Cindy.

Crossdresser, While I am in no way an expert on the topic of Crossdressing, myself and many others have been doing this, living this way, for more years than you have listed as your age on your profile. Many of us are speaking form our own personal experience with regard to our responses here on this thread and the many others we post. Much of the advice given here is to be taken as such, advice from "elders" (for lack of a better word), in the CDing world. We have been there where you are now, and we have fought this battle within ourselves many times over. While I personally am not bi-sexual, nor have those desires, I do understand the idea behind it. Many of my friends are GLBT, and some of them are quite outspoken in the community here in Houston Texas. I could care less if you are bi-sexual, I just personally do not feel that there is any such thing as an "open" relationship. Not to mention playing in another woman's yard with her husband, a man who took a vow to spend his life with her alone. Even if you were single, do you think he would remain faithful to you if you two were in a committed relationship since he is essentially cheating on his wife to be with you?

02-05-2008, 01:20 PM
This is getting way off topic with a bad case of TMI, it's now closed.

Karen Starlene :star: