View Full Version : Ink

Jan W
02-05-2008, 05:10 AM

This is directed to those of us who are MtF crossdressers.

I see a lot of photos of girls with tattoos.

I do not understand why someone with our particular penchant would be tattooed.

When my friends were doing this I respectfully declined as I was not going to do such a masculine thing to my body.

I mean no disrespect but can those of us with body art please tell me why they wanted tattoos?


02-05-2008, 06:28 AM
For a lot of people (i personally dont' have ink, but have been wanting to get some), CDing doesn't define us, but is rather a part of us, as i would imagine, ink would be... Also, there are lots of women out there that have tats, and it doesn't necessarily take away from their femininity IMO.

02-05-2008, 06:40 AM
Personally, I will be getting a few tattoos in the near future. $$$$$ pending.

The first one i get will be my premiership tattoo from playing cricket.
The next one or maybe two will have my kids names in it, one will be on my lower leg the other one might go on the other leg, but it might even go on my shoulders.

Some may think that i should get my kids names ones done first, maybe i should.. gotta find something that's right though first. That's the main thing.

Getting back to the topic, tattoos aren't considered just for men anymore... i fact i think it's tending to go a bit more the other way towards women.

The tattoos that guys get done are bigger, and the one's that girls get done are smaller and in more detail in some cases.... and in more visable places too.

02-05-2008, 06:47 AM
My tattoos are just a small part of who and what I am. I can't hide most of them and wouldn't if I could. Just had my lips tatted permanent cosmetically. How is that for a tattoo? And there are a lot of ladies with great tattoos don't see any thing wrong with them they just are not for everyone. It is a very personal expression for most who have them and a life time commitment, a rare thing in todays world. Morgan:2c:

02-05-2008, 07:03 AM
My ex has a tatoo that was small, visible and feminine. It is a picture of a hummingbird, butterfly and flowers, just above her ankle and looks beautiful - so as was said, there is nothing particularly masculine about tattoos.

02-05-2008, 07:29 AM
I think a girl with a nicely placed tatoo that is an expression of herself is quite sexy.( Just my :2c:)

Annie D
02-05-2008, 07:29 AM
I have recently gotten some tattoos that I enjoy seeing on myself and I view them as a reflection of my true inner self. Perhaps the mental image of of seeing a tattoo on yourself may be repulsive but please look into the subject before condemming those of us who have decided to use our bodies as a canvas for beauty and an announcement of who we are.

If you look on the internet, you will find several websites about tattooing. My favorite is "freetattoodesigns.com". It has only a few designs but it explains the meaning of several types of designs. My most recent tattoos are butterfly designs. The butterfly signifies a change, a metamorphasis from an ugly catapillar to a butterfly whose life may be short but something delicate and beautiful.

My first tattoos were two roses that are located above each leg below the stomach. Each one is in memory of my mom and dad who both died last year. My next one was a small butterfly located on my lower back. All three of these are low enough to be covered by shorts or swim suit. My next pieces of art are a string of dainty flowered vines that extend from my rear butterfly around to the front side of each hip. The vines are slightly curved matching the curves of my body. I have gotten several compliments from medical technicians and personnel who have seen them. Again although extensive, they are in a modest place on my body and can be covered by my clothing. Becoming bolder but not blatant, I got three more butterflies to close the open spots; two small ones between the vines and the roses and one large (baseball size) between the roses right above my princess. I really love the new ones as they can be seen through my more delicate panties and there is no more need to get printed undies. My last one is the boldest, as it is a very delicate butterfly design located on my lower back and without a shirt can be seen by all. This is my most significant as it makes the statement to the world that I am coming out and evolving.

Although tattoos are viewed by many as a male dominated form of art, if you research the topic, you will find that a very high percentage of women have one or more. The fear of dirty needles are a thing of the past and I have complete confidence in my artist and studio. My artist is a young woman young enough to be my daughter and I have given her the challenge of designing some ultra feminine artwork to frame my latest piece.

Everyone is entitled their opinion and I respect yours and your feelings about your own body. Please don't judge those of us who have gotten tattooed in a bad light because many of us have a thought out what statement that we wish to make using a different form of communication.

02-05-2008, 08:50 AM
I do not understand why someone with our particular penchant would be tattooed. - First thing I must say is that my wife has many tattoo's. So to say it is a masculine thing is way of the mark.

Anyways I have a couple of tats that have significant meaning for me and I am looking to have one done to signify my true self.

As azncd says, tattoos is part of me as it is permanent and crossdressing is part of me which is permanent.

The only difference is that I chose one but was blessed with the other of which I had no choice.

It certainly takes a lot of things (those chosen and those not) and life experiences to make us who we truly are.

Xx Vicky xX

02-05-2008, 09:24 AM
My wife and I are looking into getting a tattoo for me. Part of it is a marking, as I am her submissive as well. The tattoo will be very feminine, and on the lower back, so it could be hidden by swim trunks or shorts.

While I understand the initial intent of the original post, there are feminine tattoos out that that help with a feminine appearance. I would never get anything very masculine that would take away from my feminine appearance, for when I do dress.

02-05-2008, 09:48 AM
I have tattoos. Very "manly" ones and alot of them at that. But, I have 2 sides to me. One side,a long time ago, was a warrior. These are things that we do to set us apart and to celebrate who we are and to signify our right of passage. If I had thought harder, I would have still got them but I probably would have put them were they are more easily covered. Finding pretty clothes that all have long sleeves in my size is a chore.lol

Angie G
02-05-2008, 09:50 AM
I don't have any and I never even thought of getting a tat. And at 59 I glad I never hid I have nothing against ink it's not for me. :hugs:

02-05-2008, 02:47 PM
I have several, I have a flower on my left ankle and a red robin on my right, and the TG sign just above my pubic patch,then the biggie, I got this two years ago, at the small of my back just above my ass crack I have a real cute scroll work that almost looks like wings and it comes to a point going down my crack, and when the right guy ask me to marry him I am going to add just above the scroll work , " This belongs to John" I think its sooooo sexy and cute and when I wear my low cut jeans and short top you can see it and when Mr. Right has his name on me everyone will know who I belong to. All my boyfriends love it and say how sexy it is, but Im still waiting for the "Mr. Right" name to go on me. Monica.

deja true
02-05-2008, 03:03 PM
I'm not really a tattoo person, either, but ALL of the above entries go to explain the various reasond for body art. And more importantly, you can see that they all stem from the need to make a visible commitment. Whether it's to the male bonding and shared facing of danger or the personal commitment to a gentler and calmer life. The art helps the "canvas" remember their commitments to friends and ideals... If for these reasons they're done, then they are art, very personal and meaningful art. If they're prison or self-inflicted tats done due to peer pressure or to show a commitment to being a bad-ass, then they are pornography!

I'm thinking I'm gonna get one (a little and very personal one) after my first public outing to remind me of what I did and that I'm proud to be who I am (at long last)!

Judge not lest ye be judged...

respect and love


Nicole Erin
02-05-2008, 04:41 PM
I wanted a couple when I was 21. I am glad I never did get any.

02-05-2008, 05:17 PM
Being a scout dog handler in the RTMC required having no tatoos. I never got any after service either.

02-05-2008, 05:59 PM
I have a US Flag and Eagle on my upper arm which is easily covered by most short sleeve blouses. My daughter has several tats (unicorns and wolves) and plans more.

If you think tats are not for women, watch LA or Miami Ink some time.


02-05-2008, 06:05 PM
I have a unicorn tattooed on my right shoulder blade, small, and personally I really like it. I have had many complements from people about it.

02-05-2008, 09:59 PM
Jan, that's a very timely question for me because I recently posted a thread in the lounge asking if there was a cover up for tatoos. I have one on my left forearm which is the face, head and shoulders of a woman with a banner underneath. I got the tat in 1965 while I was in the navy. I was a closet dresser then and it didn't matter if I had a tatoo because it could only be seen by me. Now I'm coming out of the closet and I want to wear pretty clothes that will expose my arms. My tatoo would be a dead giveaway that I'm a man. I can't afford to have it surgically removed so the next best thing is to cover it. You asked why anyone would want a tat, I can't really find a good reason for mine except that I was with a bunch of other sailors who got them all at the same time. I call it my permanent souvenier from Puerto Rico.

Luv and :hugs: Jill

kimmy p
02-05-2008, 10:31 PM
Pardon me for being paranoid, but I don't want any permanent distinguishing marks/images on my body.

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.

02-05-2008, 11:09 PM
I have three tatoos it was part of a right of passage in the Navy in the early 70s. But have seen a lot of GGs have tatoos it dosen't take away there feminity. It is all in tast of the person.

Chloe Renee
02-05-2008, 11:44 PM
Tattoos are defiantly not just for men any more. Just look at any of the tattoo rags out there. I would have to say 60% of the models are women. I'm talking major art not just cute little butterflies.(There is nothing wrong with butterflies, just an example.) I myself do have a tattoo, with plans of another (a pin up of my alter ego, on my calf) providing funds allow.
My wife also has ink, in fact she suggested the Jasmin pin up idea.

02-06-2008, 05:41 AM
Pardon me for being paranoid, but I don't want any permanent distinguishing marks/images on my body.

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.

Paranoid -Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others.

I do not see where you can relate paranoia and getting a tattoo. Am I missing something?

I must be in real trouble...............A tranny with tattoo's.........:heehee:

Xx Vicky xX

Katie Ashe
02-07-2008, 03:22 PM
I have always loved art and studied it in school. I love to look at tats but never wanted one. I think tats are beautiful expressions. I have never found something worth putting on my body, yet recently found I would like a Tinkerbell tat on my shoulder.
Someday I'll have the money...:fairy1: :praying: :fairy3:

02-07-2008, 04:00 PM
I never really got into them, nor into body piercing, or whatever.

I heard that when you get older the more distorted it'll get and if you want to remove it, it's a difficult process.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.


02-09-2008, 09:18 AM
Got mine when I had no idea I wanted to be girly.
They are not "difficult" to remove with laser treatments.
Just tedious, painul and expensive.
As I am finding out every 90 days.
Wish I could get hairs and tats removed all at the same time with one treatment.....
I'd pay double the price.

Laura B.
02-09-2008, 11:28 AM

I think now there is nothing inherently masculine about tattoos. There are manly ones and there are feminine ones. I have a very feminine one on my ankle and am going to get one on my lower back that is made up of flowers and vines when I can afford it. I love my tattoo and I think a pretty design and a well done tattoo can enhance your femininity. That just my point of view. I fully understand the point of view of people who do not want tattoos also. It's just a personal decision. Thanks,

Laura B.

Dawn Marie
02-09-2008, 12:36 PM
I like tatoos on women as long as they are tastful and in the right area for the effect. I've even played with the idea of getting one myself, but the wore permanet gets in the way every time. I have had them done with hena before, because they only last a couple of weeks and then wear off.

kimmy p
02-09-2008, 10:33 PM
Paranoid -Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others.

I do not see where you can relate paranoia and getting a tattoo. Am I missing something?

I must be in real trouble...............A tranny with tattoo's.........:heehee:

Xx Vicky xX

Hi Vicky, my extreme, and hopefully irrational fear and distrust is of my own Government. I am not a criminal, I do not wish to be a criminal. But my Government has proven willing to invade innocent peoples privacy, keep records of "a person of interest" who might have just checked out a book thought suspicious from the library, these records include any distinguishing features such as tattoos. I just don't want to help them. Please ladies, if you wish to bash me for my fears do so privately. I don't wish to disrupt a thread.

02-10-2008, 01:39 PM
I intend on getting a tattoo soon. I have been thinking about it for about 2 years, I've just been trying to decide where I want it, and what type of font I want to use. It is going to be relatively small, so I don't think it will be particularly masculine or feminine.

Anna the Dub
02-10-2008, 01:45 PM
I got one when I was 17, and was trying to convince myself and everyone else that there was nothing wrong with me, I was all man. How I really wish I had never done something as stupid as this. Haven't got the money to get rid of it yet (electrolysis costs a lot, don't have any more spare cash) so it's long sleeves for me for the foreseeable future.

Nicki B
02-10-2008, 01:50 PM
..I was not going to do such a masculine thing to my body.

The first time I went to a big gig (in S.Wales) I, and the other t-girls with me, were the only girls not showing off a lot of ink? :strugglin

So, perhaps diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks? :)

Wendy me
02-10-2008, 01:52 PM
well Wendy did not get tattooed but "HE" did .... we share this body .... "he" has got use to being shaved and having boobs ..... and Wendy covers "HIS" tattoo with some make up ...... not a bad trade off.......