View Full Version : Dress to Feel Sexy

02-10-2008, 07:05 AM
Hi All,
I was reading an article on women’s health in which the following observation was made (see quotes below). Do you think these comments apply as equally to our situation; especially as we contemplate the questions of feeling feminine or why we dress?


"A woman who loves sex exudes sensual confidence not just on special occasions, but in her daily life."

"If you’re feeling frumpy and unappealing, chances are you’re not going to be much of a sexpot in the bedroom. Sex appeal starts with the little things, so put some effort into your appearance even for everyday errand-running. You don’t need to spend hours in front of the mirror or invest in pricey, uncomfortable lingerie; just do what makes you feel confident and attractive. Wear clothes that accentuate the best parts of your body. Paint your nails fire engine red!"

"Make these things a priority, whether it’s as simple as shaving your legs every morning or scrapping those worn, saggy undies for pretty new ones."

"The key to carrying yourself like a sex goddess is thinking of yourself as one. If you do, others will, too – and they’ll respond accordingly."

"Have good posture, put on a smile and walk with purpose and confidence; you’ll exude sexuality."

The entire article is posted on Life Script: http://www.lifescript.com/channels/healthy_living/Womens_Health/get_out_of_your_head_and_into_bed.asp?page=1

02-10-2008, 07:25 AM
Hi Alisa,

I think many of these maxim's do apply to us...or at least me, in real life. My dressing was, for a long time, stress related. Meaning that when I was stressed, I dressed. There was nothing like a new bra, garterbelt or a new pair of heels to calm me down.

These days, dressing is still a stress reliever, but it can come in the form of a new lipstick or eyeshadow.

I do try to walk with good posture and with a smile now and I have noticed that people respond in kind.

So, whether or not every maxim applies to us (me) they are wonderful advice!


02-10-2008, 08:03 AM
For me, and I think for many of us, we need to go through all this preparation work just to look feminine. Trying to be sexy, in general ends up in looking tarty and giving an image that is a caricature of sexy looking women...


Nicki B
02-10-2008, 08:32 AM
The point about self-belief (and hence self-fulfilling promises) applies to anyone, male, female or intersex..

02-10-2008, 08:38 AM
I printed out the article and read it a number of times. I have to agree. In my fairly long life I have met some incredibly sexy women who weren't absolutely beautiful. They had the underlying sexy current flowing that seems to make men forget what they were doing or where they were supposed to be going.

It does work in real life, its just rare that you run into it since most men are so single minded that they think it is a direct come-on to them and them alone. The truly sexy women are in relationships because they have attracted the type of mate that they are seeking. The ones that aren't in a relationship scare me......

02-10-2008, 08:39 AM
What a great quote from an old peice of advice!
For me in my teen years it was almost like a sexual fetish, But since then the feeling of just being about passable is soo enlightening and surprising indeed!
I love the feel of seeing myself as being maybe passable? Though not quite there yet but still practising..