View Full Version : I've been thinking

Danielle Hyatt
02-15-2008, 01:18 AM
Of going out as Danielle but not arund here somewere far away.
I am a little scare and not sure I want to do it!!!

Any insidt?

Your Friend

Marvina Martian
02-15-2008, 01:44 AM
I was just in Redding last week! Going out is quite fun, especially if you have some others to go with. I don't specifically know of your club scene but if you get a chance to make it down to LA you will have a blast!

02-15-2008, 09:09 AM
I'm also not ready to go out in my home town... It wouldn't make me feel comfortable...

However, I go out when I'm far away from home, and it is really a wonderful experience.

Beware of just one thing: it is addictive :heehee: Once you start, you begin to crave for the next possibility to go out...

For me it was best when I did go out with two or three sisters... More fun during discussions around a meal taken at a restaurant...

I wish you to enjoy your experience of going out "en femme".


Angie G
02-15-2008, 10:41 AM
You'll never know if you dom't try hun :hugs:

02-15-2008, 11:34 AM
I am out in my own town every day now.
At first it was very scary, but once I got over the "Fear Of The Fear", it got easier and easier.
The first time, though, wasn't where I live. It took a lot of courage to come out for me, but it was worth it in the long run.
All my life I've felt that I should have been F.A.B., but I wasn't. Now I'm living the way I've always wanted and never had the nerve.
All-In-All... I'm a much happier person since coming out. No more worrying if I got all the makeup off, or traces of fingernail polish off.
BUT... It's not for everyone. You must weigh all of your feelings to be sure that it is the right thing for you.
I have found that most people have accepted me for who I am. Others don't notice or just don't care. But, there are a few, that just can't understand why I am doing it.
It's true that tween & teen girls spot me right away.
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you can never fool all of the people all of the time.

Shelly Preston
02-15-2008, 11:40 AM
I would think if your not sure Dont do it

If you want to but are still unsure dont go out locally

Just be careful and do a lot of reading here there is lots of good advice on going out

Nicole Erin
02-15-2008, 04:20 PM
First, safety first! Don't walk around dark alleys or into biker bars... don;t drive drunk if you are en femme [or anytime for that matter.]
You want to go out. It will bother you until you go out. You know you want to so let's talk -

Getting the feel of being out of the house dressed -
The first outing could be so simple as a walk around late at night or maybe a drive late at night. No need to interact with anyone just yet - baby steps.

When you are ready to go a bit further -
Find out about GLBT safe places, like clubs/support groups.
You should take your femme garb to change into. Don;t worry, if it is a CD group, you will NOT be alone. These girls will give you real life insight relevant to your area. Trust me, the girls at a CD group will not judge you.

So now you know where it is safe for us girls -
Venture to those places. Keep in mind that if it is CD friendly, you will probably get plenty of attention but of the good kind ;) ["WOW you look great...!":D] By now you will be equipped with the tools you need for the next big step -

Going out during the day and doing things like shop or whatever -
This is the time where you want to blend in and look your best. Leave that leopard mini and 5" heels for the night clubs. You will be nervous, people might notice. That does NOT mean go run and hide back in the closet. If you are well presented and aim to blend in, things should go fine. This is not the time to dress like "Sheniquah the drag Diva".

Something you should be thinking about from the start is about how to look and act your best so when it does come time to go out during the day, in public, en femme, you will be best prepared.
But the steps along the way, try to move just a tiny bit more out of your comfort zone each time you go out. No matter how small a steps...

Also, if worse comes to worst in your outings, have a male change of clothes handy and something to remove your makeup.

Carly D.
02-18-2008, 10:39 AM
I think of this idea.. I think how far away would I have to go to not worry about being caught by someone that might know me, and I think the average distance would be an hour and a half drive.. mostly because of convenience for people.. that and the price of gas has shrunk the world where people go shopping out of town.. so about a hundred miles to be safe(er)... and safety is very important.. don't flaunt it.. be safe and try to blend in...

02-18-2008, 04:52 PM
I've only been out twice en femme, same place, a GLBT friendly bar about 10 miles from home. It was dark out both times, my SO was the desegnated driver, I was the desegnated drinker!:drink:

02-18-2008, 06:24 PM
Go to a gay/TG club that will accept you with open arms and be yourself. Practice your voice, enjoy the other people there and mix. You will have a great time, feel accepted and happy with your new self. The hardest part is getting out to the car when you arrive.

04-08-2008, 05:42 PM
Deeeeeeeeefinitey don't do it in Redding!
I live in Redding right now, and I wouldn't *dare* go out dressed around here :S

trannie T
04-08-2008, 10:31 PM
There are a couple of groups in Sacramento for crossdressers, San Francisco is the most trans accepting city on the planet, Reno is not too far, you have several options, get out and have a good time.

Niya W
04-08-2008, 10:37 PM
Actauly she would be better in Sacramento.. There is Faces. The Merc, club 21. Actually there are several places to go, but th at all I can name right now. These are all on K street. Unlike SF Sacrament actually has strip that caters to TG's In that area they are use to us, so going to eat at restaurant is no big deal in that area and its all in walking distance. Well its not actual a strip, more like a city block that has several places that cater to TG's

Sarah Doepner
04-08-2008, 11:47 PM
I won't go out in my hometown, but have been out elsewhere. Before I went, I did my research and found places that were considered relatively safe. It's also a good option to see if there is an organized group in the city you want to visit. They can be a world of help and often can invite you to one of their gatherings. I found that to be the absolute best thing I ever did when I was ready to go out. They had all been through the same fears I was feeling and were able to help me feel comfortable.

Be patient and go out when you know you are ready. When you do, have a wonderful and safe time.

04-09-2008, 08:49 AM
I will admit, going out for the first time fully dressed can be scary. I remember my first time and a few after that, I was nervious to the point that my hands shook a little and my heart rate was up too. BUT after the very first time, I was so thrilled that I could hardly wait to go out again. After a few more times, it got easier, no longer got nervious and my heart rate stayed at normal.
If you dress your age and dress to blend in, then most people will not even notice you and most that DO will either just smile at you or leave you alone.
I have been going out fully dressed, shopping, movies, eating, and etc for over 2 years and no one has hasseled me at all. I know some have read me but they have left me alone or treated me with repect.