View Full Version : How Productive Are You When Dressed?

Kathleen Ann Trees
02-21-2008, 11:19 AM
There are days, like today, when I have the office to myself. Nobody is going to be in today. So I bring a bag, lock the door, dress, and get to work. Other days, when I know I'm going to have the house to myself, I just work from home. Dressed of course.

There are so many distractions when I'm dressed and working. I want to look at myself in the mirror. Brush my hair. Touch up my make up. Even try on a different outfit or change my jewelry. Oh, and there's always the problem of checking out Crossdressers.com.

But, with all of that, I still find myself very productive when I'm dressed. Maybe because I'm happy. I'm sort of in mania mode. Maybe because I want to "live" my life as a woman while dressed. (I think the same feeling happens when we dress and want to clean the house, cook, do laundry, etc. Even shop!)

How productive are you when dressed? Then, do you crash, like coming off that energy drink? I do.


02-21-2008, 12:00 PM
I work at home a lot also. I find that when I first start working, I fuss a lot with my clothes, walk around, look at myself and am generally very aware of how I am dressed.

But once I get involved in what I am doing, I pretty much forget how I'm dressed. What I enjoy sometimes is suddenly realizing that I've been totally focussed on a task for several hours and have been completely unaware of the fact that I'm dressed in a skirt, hose, bra and forms.

These are the times I can feel most like a GG. I can reach down to smooth my skirt, adjust a bra strap that is slipping off my shoulder, or slip my heels of for a moment to let my feet relax without even thinking about it.

Deborah Jane
02-21-2008, 12:56 PM
I,m totally unproductive when i become Debs..I become a lady of leisure and just chill out.

02-21-2008, 01:08 PM
The only thing I do is go shopping.
If that's considered productive? :heehee:


Erica Lauren James
02-21-2008, 01:37 PM
I guess I fall on both ends of the spectrum but probably more so on the less productive side of things.

When I'm dressed I tend to spend a lot more time on the computer (internet) than when in boy mode. I also tend to admirer myself in the mirror fairly often. Walk around my place so I can here the click clack of my heels, maybe change clothes a few times.

But what I need are friends that are cool with Erica so we can get out and get some things done while dressed or just become Erica full time and then I'd have to be more productive.


02-21-2008, 01:37 PM
I work a lot from home and strangely (but happily) am a lot more productive dressed than in drab. I am more awake, more alert and more focussed than in boring boy clothes.

Like you said Kathleen, it probably has a lot to do with the happiness factor of it. The mind and body are in harmony and that allows all energy to be focussed on the task at hand as opposed to dreaming about what to wear at night :heehee:

Carol A
02-21-2008, 03:20 PM
You know I don't know as I can dress everyday and just go about my tasks. The wife doesn't seem to care as she is supportive and just takes me for who or what I am.

Now Carol Ann you will mop the floors, vacuum the rugs, do the dishes, and then do the towels. Ain't it great?, :love:

02-21-2008, 03:43 PM
Kandis tends to be more detail oriented in the "appearance" portion of things so my work would suffer somewhat as I have to do things by deadlines and that would inhibit me from doing so. Since Kandis cannot come to work for me I don't have this issue to worry about... wish I did though ;)


02-21-2008, 04:08 PM
Guess it depends on what needs to be accomplished. Today I painted a closet while dressed (painting stelletos?... no)

02-21-2008, 05:20 PM
I wish I could wear a skirt or dress all the time, but my job dosn't allow that to happen. When I am at home dressed I do have a hard time keeping my mind on work, I would rather think about how I look.

Linda C
02-21-2008, 05:25 PM
When I am dressed - all I want to do is take pictures and chat with you all - Productive? I think so!! To me that is as good as it gets.. :happy:

02-21-2008, 06:36 PM
How Productive Are You When Dressed?
It depends for what... For some of my work on the computer, I just feel the same whether I'm "en femme" or not. By and large it has limited effect.

However, there is sometimes a negative effect: I often spend more time discussing on X-dressers forums when I am "en femme". I also tend to start "chating" more with sisters on MSN or Yahoo Messenger... That drasticly lowers my productivity... I know it would be enough that I close the MSN or Yahoo Messenger application... But I can't resist...

For house chores no problem, I do them as much when "en femme" as when I'm in drab mode.

For some other work my productivity declines dramatically... For example I do very little of the homework I would do as a man like woodworking, fixing furniture, electrical installation... I know it is an almost sexist attitude...

I should also include in the productivity loss the tie I spend getting ready to be "en femme". It takes me at least 3/4 of an hour more than to get ready as a man...


02-21-2008, 09:14 PM
Not very. I have to admit that Marla time isn't real productive much of the time.

But I still like it!

02-21-2008, 10:50 PM
Not Very much for me also..
Melora usually goes straight to the CAMERA! It is her favorite place right now.. Makeup for me is very HOT, so I guess that I need to practice more at tollerating it.

02-21-2008, 10:53 PM
Yesterday I fielded two conference calls in my hotel room in this career girl outfit, which I wore to breakfast in the hotel restaurant too, I am super productive when I'm dressed like this:


02-21-2008, 10:56 PM
Not productive at all! In fact its counter productive!

This Summer 'Kathy' is gonna take a looong nap as i grow my beard back again. I've got a ton of projects and chores that need to be done not to mention my other guy hobbies some of which include;
Practice for the Summer shooting competitions,
Build a new dog house for the newest edition to the family,
Overhaul my IH tractor's transmission,
Overhaul my Cub Cadet mower's engine,
Tram my metal milling machine,
Sharpen the blades on the brush hog,
Cut down a couple of big dead big oaks before they fall on my neighbors property,
Need to weld up some expanded metal to fabricate a security door for the barn,
New roof on the house,
New water well,
New hotwater heater,
Tune up the pickup and the Jeep,
Tune up both of my back up generators,
Tune up the ATV,
Design and build a battery charger for my cordless drills,
Paint the barn,
and a whole bunch of other stuff that escapes me at the moment.

We'll see! I was really looking forward to wearing those new Summer sandals! :rolleyes:

teresa jeen
02-21-2008, 11:02 PM
there are times when my work involves phone calls. i love to be dressed when i do them. just to wonder what they would think if they knew!:heehee: i do housework all the time, mom's to fault for that. (da***) but to go about my business in fem is just a so natural feeling that i wish to do it all the time.:love:

02-21-2008, 11:26 PM
I'm not very productive when dressed, unless the job is clubbing !..LOL Actually, it's like getting instant A.D.D. I just can't concentrate.

02-22-2008, 08:34 AM
I'm retired, but couldn't go to work dressed. Being single, as a guy, I'm kinda messy, sloppy, etc. So....I put on my gal "working" clothes; usually capri jeans, colorful gal sneakers, a cute top and my laundry, dusting, dishes get done a lot easier.

Suzy Harrison
02-22-2008, 08:47 AM
When I go away on my country trips I take my lap top with me for e-mails to my company.

But I'm not very productive - in fact I'm a waste of space. My nails are too long and I keep hitting the wrong keys, I keep on looking at this site and of course checking the mirror every now and again to make sure my make up is still fab ! - I'd get the sack in 5 minutes flat if I went full time !

Suzy Harrison
02-22-2008, 08:52 AM
The only thing I do is go shopping.
If that's considered productive? :heehee:


Of course - single handedly you're keeping the economy going :heehee:

02-22-2008, 10:00 AM
For me when I dress for work purposes and not photo purposes, I tend to get very focused on the take and forget how I am dressed.

02-22-2008, 10:10 AM
This is an area in which I seem to have difficulties (otherwise being very active); I just seem unable to imagine anything worthwhile doing en femme. Tried a little bit of garden work, but...maybe I should try again.

02-22-2008, 10:49 AM
Oh lord, if I have the time when I'm dressed, I'd even go so far as to consider cleaning the toilet and tub! I mean heck, I don't want the Mrs to have all the fun....


02-22-2008, 10:49 AM
more...and less.

i'm an architect, and often work late at night dressed. chrissie is very creative and daring, and also has a great affinity for other women, so her designs are often the best in the office.

then again, sometimes i'll get to feeling very girly and will just have to come on line and chat. :hugs:


02-22-2008, 11:06 AM
I get very little done apart from changing outfits, consulting the mirror, applying makeup, cleaning it off, taking and editing pictures and using this site! No jobs around the house!


02-22-2008, 11:07 AM
For me, not productive at all. I would always want to look at mirror lol, there's no way could I concentrate :heehee:That's why I never dress if I have important task to do.:happy:

02-22-2008, 01:17 PM
The only thing I do is go shopping.
If that's considered productive? :heehee:


That's VERY productive. :D


02-22-2008, 04:33 PM
I enjoy doing all my housework as Cindy, love doing laundry ,vacuueming, cooking, I usually get twiceas much done when I am femme, not to mention the better job, its like I called a professional cleaning service when Cindy gets done...(ps in guy mode I hate doing those things...yuckky!!!!!!)

02-24-2008, 09:48 PM
latly i haven't been so productive around the house,worring on how i look. it seems i'm looking in the mirror alot lately. like i said before i'm new to this, and in my home i feel confortable but always worring that someone will come to the door.

02-24-2008, 10:59 PM
I am about the same as you, I am very comfy and get things done.

02-25-2008, 12:58 AM
I had the house to myself last night and had a lot of work planned...did i do any of it no i sat here and read your replies and changed my clothes about 6 times...went from dress to skirt to jeans to shorts to ballet flats, one inch heels and then a pain of knee high boots for the rest of the night...

ya'll are too distracting...give me too many ideas:love:


Suzie S.
02-25-2008, 06:17 AM
I pretty much do the same things around the house no matter how I'm dressed. I just dress according to what I need to do. :happy: If I'm cooking or cleaning, I'll wear something old. If I have time to just relax, I'll wear something nice. I don't wear makeup every time I dress, just don't always have the time. Some days I only have an hour or two, other times not for a week or more. :sad: Though in the closet, I can walk my dog in the back yard because we have a lot of wooded land here, and neighbors aren't that close.

In a more condensed reply, I find it quite boring to just sit and do nothing. I always need to keep busy. :rolleyes:

02-25-2008, 07:49 AM
I seem to be more productive, and for some odd reason, I get this girly notion to be more "anal" and pay much more attention to the smallest details. Must just be the woman in me coming to the surface!

02-25-2008, 09:20 AM
Not as much as I find myself playing around and looking in the mirror when dressed

bridget thronton
02-25-2008, 03:10 PM
I think I am more productive working at home dressed

02-25-2008, 06:50 PM
If I'm dressed at home and have a settled on an outfit for the AM, then I love zipping around cleaning the house. I love the sound of my heels on the floors, love bending over as ladylike as possible to pick things up, etc. I guess cleaning is what you make it- get a little Shania going on the stereo and get busy!!.........Jamie

Lisa Gerrie
02-25-2008, 07:19 PM
Hmmm... I guess it depends on how you define "productive".

If you mean "finishing chores on my todo list" then it's a net-negative for me. Honestly, if I deduct the time spent dressing, fussing, undressing... and the element of distraction while dressed... I have to admit that I get less done in a day en femme vs. drab.

But if you mean "going to bed with a smile on my face, thinking about how I spent my day", there's no contest.

There's productive and then there's productive.

-- Anne

02-26-2008, 01:16 PM
Kathleen, The only time I get my house work done is when I am dressed. I really enjoy cleaning, and doing laundry and such in a skirt and heels. If I'm in drab at home I'm a lazy bum! Willow

02-26-2008, 11:16 PM
I'm dressed at home and out about 75 % of the time. I think that will change to 100 % in the next year. I have answered the door dressed many times now. Thank you ma'am!:D I have had afew looks when I was in stores but remarkably much less than I expected. Marny

Mean Green Irene
02-26-2008, 11:43 PM
A couple of years ago I was laid off and it took 7 months to find a job. I did most of my searching on the net and even a number of phone interviews while dressed. I felt better and I knew that in a phone interview I was more confident. However once while pacing during a phone interview I stumbled while wearing 4 inch heels. I ended up with quite a bruse, but I did well enough to get another interview.


02-29-2008, 11:52 AM
I have the house to my self today, so I figured that it would be a perfect time to get dressed and do my house work.
First thing I did was to put on a fresh pot of coffee.
I already had on a vintage pair of black nylon tap panties with lace trim around the legs, my ankle bracelet and toe ring.
I decided that it would be a good time to clean out the big fishtank.
So I put on a brand new bra that I had won on E-Bay and it just arrived in the mail today. I adjusted my "C' Pals breastforms in the bra and looked for an appropriate top. I found a nice pink cami tank top with spaghetti straps and a little row of pink lace across top. I found a short black velour mini skirt, to show off my freshly shaved legs. They were pale, so I broke out a brand new pair of sheer energy pantyhose to give my legs some color. I found a few pairs of black shoes, one set was a little too high and uncomfortable to do all of the house work that I intend to do, I found a black pair of zip up boots with a little smaller heel. More comfortable, but not the look that I was searching for. So I dug deeper into my huge tote full of womens shoes and found a black suade pair of heels that were very comfortable and they seem to match my mini skirt.
So Ive been very busy, drinking coffee and getting a caffeine buzz as I productively get everything accomplished. The fish tank is just about done, just has to be windexed. Next I'll do a load of laundry ( panties ) and make the beds and vaccuum. Maybe I'll even take a little cat nap while dressed, if I can keep my hands off of my legs.:heehee:

02-29-2008, 04:29 PM
Since I work from home, I can get more done when in fem, so I try to dress up daily.

02-29-2008, 06:45 PM
Has anyone ever taken a little cat nap while dressed, and been awakened by some friend or family member staring at you?

Not that it has happened to me, but it must have happened to some one???:blushing:

02-29-2008, 07:15 PM
As I work on night shift and some weekends I can dress at work all the time and just love the feeling, mind you not much does get done and I am able to bluff my way out of it most times but sometimes one does have to work, just to pay the bills. I keep telling my boss that work does get in the way of my private life (lol) Luv Peta

03-01-2008, 04:09 AM
you know Ive never thought of it but I guess Im more productive Ill do more around the house or run more errands so... but then agaiin in drab I guess Im just as good I cant sit still anyway.:straightface:

03-01-2008, 09:20 AM
To Group::love:

Yesterday was a good example. Yesterday, Imma got dressed in multiple girdles, stockings, panties, long line bra, and all in one. :o

Then Imma put on male drab, black pants and black shirt along with a zip up jacket. Took wife on a three hour shopping trip. Wife shopped, Imma sat on bench and watched the people.:D

Came home and removed drab clothes and got fully dressed. Strapped and locked on my new, black patent, low heel, pointed toe pumps. The straps keep my feet in a flat position and the sound of the heels on our tile floors sounds like a woman walking in the house!:eek:

Imma was girdled up for eleven hours yesterday and wore my pointed toe shoes for five hours. Imma worked in home office and then made six loaves of pumpkin bread and cleaned up kitchen. How is that for being productive!?:thumbsup:

Attached photos show my new shoes, girdles, garter grips, and stockings. Today, Imma plans a full day in office working on first draft of a paper to be presented later this year. Imma plans to stay girdled up, gartered up, dressed up until this draft is done!:devil:



03-01-2008, 10:52 AM
I have always been real productive while dressed, doing all of the housework and cooking dinner, it was one of the things my ex loved about my crossdressing. Now I work evening in a veterinary office dressed and I excel at my job

03-01-2008, 07:27 PM
Good question.
Sometimes, yes, I can be more productive.
If I have a lot to reading to do and I'm procastinating,
I'll decide to get dressed up in my business skirt suit
and go to work (at home, that is!)

Dawn Marie
03-01-2008, 08:04 PM
I find that when dressed I enjoy getting things done around the house more. It seems natural to me. When I am done then it is time to either change outfits or sit down and relax, watching TV, or cooking.( I like to cook!) And when it is time to go to drab, I usually get sad and a little less productive.