View Full Version : first time dressed in public today

02-25-2008, 03:24 PM
well i went out today for my first time and it was great but scary. i went to albertsons wearing a black turtle neck sweater tight faded blue jeans with high heel boots, long dirty blond curly wig with pink fake nails and lots of makeup but not enough for my face to glow. walked around for bout 20 minutes and i have hard time walkin in heels need practice for sure. got looks but most just smiled and didn't notice. one of the employees came up to me when i was in the makeup section and said "how's it goin" without thinkin i said same back and his mouth dropped and that face was priceless.lol he just studdered uh uh and i walked away. I would definently go out again but would rather have company to help make me less nervous.:hugs:

Nancy Richards
02-25-2008, 03:32 PM
Way to go. The first is always the hardest. We are never that sure of ourselves until we have done it. Keep it up.

02-25-2008, 03:34 PM
Good for you! :happy:

If you can't find anyone to go with and don't want jaw dropping reactions to your voice, try using a higher pitch when talking? (practice practice practice) It still isn't 100% perfect but seems to not be as unsettling as Ving Rhayms answering back ;)

Good luck and stay on the positive side.

02-25-2008, 03:36 PM
Haha! Way to go! That's awesome girl, keep it up. Do what makes you feel happy. =]


Nicole Erin
02-25-2008, 03:55 PM
Well it sounds like you had an enjoyable day.
The look on the guy's face, you will be laughing about that for a long time to come :D

He was all thinking "Uhhh, well she done looked like a purdy gurl but she done spoke like a dude and I didn't not know what to think...."

02-25-2008, 04:03 PM
You are just a bad girl, know you are in for it, the time of your life.
Once you take a walk on the wild side.......you will be hook for life.
Good going girl.


02-25-2008, 04:10 PM
which albertsons?? was it in Phoenix at cave creek and union hills???
i was in there yesterday in blue knit pants and a white t shirt with white over suntan pantyhose with black knee highs over that and my black wedges,,i got a few second looks but no coments :D

Linda C
02-25-2008, 06:00 PM
Wow - how fun! it's scary ain't it? Good for you! I like to hear those kind of stories.. :D

Miss Tessa
02-25-2008, 07:20 PM
Company is what made me first go out in public as a woman.

I knew sooner or later I would have to, since I am TS and 40% of TS girls who do not transition commit suicide. So my other T-girl friends who were 24/7 and some of my Drag Queen and Femme Queen friends would go on our outings, and I felt more and more confident everytime. Shortly after that I was comfortable in my own skin by myself and getting "ma'am" where I went.

The key for me was definitely going out with other friends, so if I got clocked, they would too. and I would feel less nervous being "those trannies" rather than "that one tranny"

02-25-2008, 09:43 PM
Thanks for the support. it was fun but yes really scary. I hope to do it again soon but still trying to find friends to come. i don't know any perosnally that are cross dressers but have few accepting girlfriends that want to come. i live in vancouver washington and don't here bout any dressers here only portland. would be really fun i think to go out with other cross dressers to the club or outing.:hugs:

02-25-2008, 11:12 PM
Washington huh,,guess it wasnt the albertsons near me then :(:(:(:(

02-26-2008, 09:28 AM
Congrads......hope you have a fun outing. I remember my first time out dressed and around public. I atteneded HEF in 2005. It was being held here in Dallas that year. I was very nervious as I walked to the Hotel Entrance. As I approached, a GM came out, looked at me, held the door, and said "Morning Mam". I smile the whole way to the check-in table. When I got there, the sister that checked me in noticed my smile and said, "You got Mamed didn't you?". We chatted for a few minutes as she got my program package for me.
I found my Tri-Ess host and when she found out it was my first public outing, she told some other sisters and they made the whole day a coming out party.