View Full Version : i now understand and identify!

02-27-2008, 04:16 PM
i remember noticing when i was younger that women could change their looks so much more than men : example: getting hair colored, long nails, short nails, itsy bitzy .....lol anyway, i think i will ( especially if i transition) be one of those old ladies who changes her look alot, different moods , different attitudes, does anyone else identify with this?

02-28-2008, 01:53 PM
I seem to stay with one look for a long time. I've just recently changed my hairstyle and am still trying to get used to it.

Deborah Jane
02-28-2008, 02:06 PM
I can identify with you 100%, i,m always changing my look.

Sonia Kiss
02-28-2008, 03:24 PM
Absolutely, Suzanne. I loved playing with looks when I used to go out a lot in the evenings and I still do it to some extent with my every-day looks that I wear to work now. I've worn skirts and dresses of all lengths and coworkers have called my looks everything from "elegant" to "funky." Often a mood will run for a week or so. I wear jeans a lot but I've had all-skirt weeks. The weather has been gray and snowy and rainy this week and so I've been in the mood to wear red every day. Skinny jeans and a Ralph Lauren fuchsia linen blouse today. Tomorrow there is a retirement party at the end of the day. I have a dress picked out and a new bow to wear in my hair! :) Sonia

Oh wait, now that I post, I'm reminded that my avatar pic shows the dress I'll be wearing tomorrow.

02-28-2008, 04:17 PM
I can identify with you 100%, i,m always changing my look.

If that "look" in your avatar is recent, I would go with it for a long time! Awesome! w.

02-28-2008, 04:25 PM
I think you have identified one of the things that appeals to many of us, the variety of 'selves' that we can explore en femme. My avatar and the pic in my profile is Wenda at halloween, a somewhat ****ty lady. My other id, Polly, Polly Darton is a blonde from somewhere south of Cincinatti who is a bit naive about her ample assets. Completely different personas. Both are great fun.