View Full Version : allisoninlove

03-12-2008, 10:20 AM
www.allisoninlove.multiply.com/ is a site for hypnosis files of a transgendered nature. It is free for those with the time and effort to connect to it.

It has gotten my attention and I would recommend it to all my sisters both GG and GM. Especially the 'lose all control' file. Since control has always been my problem.

03-18-2008, 07:02 PM
Is it proper to lose control, well some of us have such high needs for control that it is just too much and we need to loosen up. Femininity as a secular religion is the alternative to allisonlovesyou.com

I do need this lose of control so I continue to use the website.

Has no one else tried to use hypnosis for transformation in the mind.