View Full Version : Weird kinda problem

03-13-2008, 10:52 AM

03-13-2008, 11:04 AM
Yeah, you're kind of living in two worlds right now, so you're always going to have some conflict. As long as it stays that way all you can do is adjust your attitude. The world won't adjust. I tried it. It just doesn't play along.

Your hair is lovely!
My brother has long hair like that. I imagine he still gets called girl. I used to have the same kind of hair when I was younger (sob!) and I did get called girl a lot back then and secretly liked it.

The stuff you do for yourself - the hair, whatever else - be proud of it and remember it's for YOU that you do it. Don't let other people's reactions diminish or tarnish that. They don't know or understand what it's like to be you - you are the only one who does, so try and keep that in mind when the rest of the world is acting like morons.

Your hair is so pretty. Does your GF get to comb it for you sometimes? I remember doing that with my first GF. It was really nice girl time. :)

03-13-2008, 11:09 AM
Naryest hun just move ur cute tusshy to Phoenix and all will be fine,,,:hugs:

03-13-2008, 11:12 AM
I understand you anger with the world.

It doesn't feel fair to exist outside all the usual boxes and being stuffed into the box that each person thinks you should fit in.

Have a good "Hate", and maybe a good cry ?

:rose: Roberta :rose:

Sandi jo
03-13-2008, 11:18 AM
Slow down, take a deep breath, everything will be fine

amber 07
03-13-2008, 11:49 AM
Dearest Naryest

Don't hate the world, it changes, but very slowly. Love yourself for who you are or want to be. It might take some very hard decisions on your part to accomplish that. You still look very young(as opposed to some of us on this site). You have to decide what the goals are that you want to accomplish and set about making the best decisions for YOU, not your family, girlfriend, or the townies you live around. I moved to Australia awhile back, leaving everything I had ever known to marry a woman who said she understood my feelings. After 2 years it was obvious that she didn't and I came back and had to start my life all over again. I made the decisions that were best for me and it has worked out marvelously. You might have setbacks and you might have to reasess your goals or priorities but always have YOURSELF in the forefront of any decisions. Remember, you and you alone are responsible for your happiness. Good luck and Godspeed, Amber

Julie York
03-13-2008, 11:50 AM
Wear a BIG name badge.


03-13-2008, 12:02 PM
dear Naryest,
the world can be so ugly
but you are beautiful!
i'm happy to see you are secretly glad for the attention.
i understand. i wish i could magically transform into a girl right now.
but i can't and the slow route would destroy lives around me.
so i brush my hair and lkuxuriate in the feeling of stockings and practice better makeup and no one mistakes me for a girl! so i'm jealous of you, dear sister! we are here for you, friend. rant, scream, cry! but you are still you and the problem is with them. try a theatrical mustache applied by spirit gum!
not so permanent as the real kind or a beard.
not gay either,
in a small mountain town.
feeling alone
but not!
and you are so not alone ever again,
if you keep sharing here, we can all grow!
hugs, sister,
and love,

03-13-2008, 12:03 PM
I can't say that I wish I had your problem, but I will say I wish I had your hair. Baldness runs in my family, I even have a genetic sister with very thin hair. But getting back to the gist of your thread, I understand how painful it can be to want to display your feminine feelings only to be supressed by those around you. Too many times when I would show my sensitive side I would be put down as being weak. It's also a huge disappointment when your community is so narrow minded so as not to accept you for the person you are instead of what socirty expects. Luv and :hugs: Jill

03-13-2008, 12:08 PM
The world's wrong - not you.

Lipstick kisses


Tamara Croft
03-13-2008, 12:22 PM
i love the way i look and i feel pretty good about me...Sweetie, all you need to do is focus on this part of your post, you love the way you look and you feel good :hugs: The rest of the world, what they think about you etc, it matters not, as long as you feel good, that's all that matters. As for your long hair issue, just tie it back at the neck, then put it under your clothes... its out of sight and people won't know exactly how long it is :)

Dee Jay
03-13-2008, 12:42 PM
If the job is in a restaraunt then you will probably have to cover your hair when working.

I used to work in factories and had to "lose" my hair during my shift for H+S reasons, lots of moving machines etc.

I used to put my hair in a pony tail and then hide this under my baseball cap. Hardly any hair visible.

Could you not do the same? This would stop your hair "confusing" people :)

The other option is to live with it. People will soon learn.

If your job allows you to wear your own clothes and not a uniform, this could help too. Clothes maketh the man :)

Good luck with the interview.


03-13-2008, 12:57 PM
Some of the men in my area have long single braids clear down their backs. Several have Grizzly beards, and dress like cowboys. The only thing missing is a squirrel nesting in their hats. They are not exactly Radical Faeries, but they are accepted here. Some even have natural man boobs. They are a friendly lot. I wish you luck. Sometimes we have to make a geographical leap into a better life. You can walk down mainstreet in Hickville, and get all kinds of trouble. Walking through downtown Las Vegas, you would just be another one of Nature's children engaging your senses in the great Variety show. Still, I imagine that a lot of rare small towns actually love their Cd'ers.

03-13-2008, 01:48 PM
I don't have any words of wisdom for you. I let my hair grow out a little, it's very curly, and people have referred to me as a female also. I am tryinjg to learn to live with it.

03-13-2008, 01:57 PM
Sweetie, all you need to do is focus on this part of your post, you love the way you look and you feel good :hugs: The rest of the world, what they think about you etc, it matters not, as long as you feel good, that's all that matters. As for your long hair issue, just tie it back at the neck, then put it under your clothes... its out of sight and people won't know exactly how long it is :)


deja true
03-13-2008, 02:16 PM
Nary, Tamara put her finger on it. If you love yourself the way you are, then what's the problem? These days long hair, as long as you like, is no big deal to most people. Anybody giving Kid Rock or those country rock guys a hard time? Sounds like you just need to 'take possession' of your looks. If they are a point of personal pride for you, then you have to make them the focus of your public pride as well. Flaunt your good looks, honey, don't cringe.

There are quite a few of us here that are physically isolated from others, in small towns, in foriegn countries, on islands. You're not the only one who is truly isolated. I've only met one other CD in my whole lifetime and that is many times yours. But friends are right here. Right here now. Take advantage of the people here for companionship. By and by, you'll meet many of us face to face.

Ever heard of the Chicago Be-ALL? The SCC in Atlanta? Or any of the other CD and Trans-people conventions going on all over the US and Europe? There's your opportunity, babygirl! You wanna meet Trans-people? You'll meet thousands! Search 'em out. This is why god invented google, fer cripes sake!

Settle down, young 'un. Have a little patience, grasshopper. The rewards we have to wait for are always the sweetest.

respect & love,


03-13-2008, 02:56 PM
thnx for your comments XD