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03-19-2008, 12:52 AM
...so after we discussed certain personally uncomfortable aspects of our physical appearances,...

She: You're the only person I can talk about this with, y'know...

Me: Well, that's only fair since you're the only person I talk about certain things with.

She: Yeah,... like buying makeup...

Me: Exactly...


She: ... and don't wear my things....

Me: Um, I don't have to anymore, thanx.

She: ...cos I picked up one of my bras and I smelled you all over it.

Me: Smelled me all over it?

She: Yeah,...

Me: You sure it wasn't the 'sex smell' wafting through the bedroom? LOL

She: No, it was you, your cologne and all...

Me: Well sure, that makes sense, I throw my clothes on top of the same pile as you do, silly

She: Oh.

And then I start realizing, now that I've told her about the whole me, I guess there will always be these certain yet-to-be-asked questions hanging there in front of us, waiting quietly for answers, ...

... but at least she didn't throw a shoe at me before she found the opportunity to ask for the answer!


Postscript: As we're just watching some TV on the couch, she takes off her bra from under her shirt and throws it over me to the other side of the couch. "Ahhhhh,.. now this feels good.", she says.

"Oh really?", I reply, smiling.

"Yeah", she says, "If you wore a bra for hours, you'd....oh, forget that..."

...so I just continued to smile.

03-19-2008, 05:43 AM
This is a very cute story, thanks for sharing it :)

03-19-2008, 05:53 AM
Loved your little moment with your so.:heehee:

03-19-2008, 05:57 AM
I've not had a particularly good morning but when I read this it brought a smile to my face.

Thanks for sharing and giving me a bright moment.

03-19-2008, 08:48 AM

Your postscript was hilarious.....thanks for the "morning chuckle" :D:D:D

03-19-2008, 08:00 PM
Love the dialog format. Gives an intimate perspective on the interactions with the SO. Would love to get more snippets of dialog between anyone’s conversations with your SO. Here’s my contribution….

She: You’re looking gurly today.

Me: Yes, I was feeling down so to pick myself up a little I put these on…..and I even painted my toenails.

She: What color?

Me: I’ll show you.

She: Tell me what color first.

Me: bright pinkish red.

She: Nice! You are gonna look better than me if you keep that up….no make-up though….well, maybe some eyeliner….

03-19-2008, 08:16 PM
Thank u for that. It made my evening!

03-19-2008, 08:24 PM
I'll admit it. I wish I could have such a conversation with my wife that left us both calm and smiling about it. Thanks for sharing.