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View Full Version : Pink Fog

Sarah Doepner
03-30-2008, 11:26 AM
I'm looking for a good definition of Pink Fog. The only one I've found was in a Fantasy Fair workshop description. I'll offer it up here, but would like to see how others would define it. Maybe we could even come up with a good Wiki entry. By the way there is some useage in the Mary Kay community of the term as well. Primarily with those who are totally committed to the product and see themselves as delivering makeup salvation to the masses.

Here is the description I found.

"Lost in the The Pink Fog Brenda Viola
You finally made it to Provincetown, and Fantasia Fair was the most fabulous experience of your life. You're pumped up, full of new self-confidence and unable to think about anything but expressing yourself in your preferred gender role. Back at home, the world seems drab and you chafe at having to hide part of yourself from your family, friends, and co-workers. You want to burst forth, heedless of consequences, and proclaim yourself to the world, and you think you just might. Congratulations. You're in the pink fog. The pink fog (blue fog for FTMs) is the state of euphoria we experience when we take our gender expression to a new level. It's a dangerous time to make decisions, and yet a time when we most want to. Come talk about the pink fog and how to find your way out of it."

03-30-2008, 11:46 AM
AAAGG, Run, it's the Pink Fog! :D

03-30-2008, 07:03 PM
Pink fog seems to be used to describe the actions of someone that is totally at ease with their crossdressing and refuse to allow others to control the amount of time they dress and where and when they go out. It's usually used as a leverage tool to control someone by those that are close minded and embarased by their partners dressing.

03-30-2008, 08:18 PM
the way i see or view the "pink fog" ie when you go out see a good looking gg and want to wear her clothes - walk past a ggs clothes shop want or need to go in - see a pink purse in a shop and want it ! want to wear that lippie you got girl ! everthing about womenhood you want need and envy - but your still stuck i male mode - unable to show your true self - sad but true - those that come out get rid of the fog - can you !

Kayla Shadows
03-30-2008, 08:21 PM
Ive seen it used to describe the actions one displays by being too into crossdressing and wrapped up in it all.Mostly it seems to be another negative label given to someone whos just having fun.We cant be having too much of that now can we.Fun?:eek:Dont you all have something better to do..like being miserable.Come on now...:)

03-30-2008, 08:31 PM
i'm all for having fun but why does it have to have a name to it ! pink fog ! whats the female equivlent of that "blue fog" ! it just amazes me now there really isnt a female equivalent of a transvestite or crossdressed and its true no matter whether you live in london or new york - its total crap ! be yourself or behave ! sorry swore but thought better of it !

03-30-2008, 09:07 PM
My impression of the pink fog is when you get into a state with your cross dressing where you lose control and do so at the peril of the rest of your life. I agree that it is used in a derogatory sense.

The problem is that you have to immerse yourself in this to understand at what level you want this to be a part of who you are. For me I find that each day that I am able to live in my new space and dress according to how I feel the more that I feel that that is who I really am and that who I was all these past 50 years was really a lie. Sooooo...is the pink fog a state that you go into or a state that you come out of? Is the pink fog getting lost in femininity at your peril or finally not resisting it at your peril? :daydreaming:

Resistance is futile :D

03-30-2008, 11:24 PM
Pink fog seems to be used to describe the actions of someone that is totally at ease with their crossdressing and refuse to allow others to control the amount of time they dress and where and when they go out. It's usually used as a leverage tool to control someone by those that are close minded and embarased by their partners dressing.

You now what, that's a very good point!

However I'd add another definition.
Pink fog is also when a long repressed healthy desire can no longer be repressed and comes out in a strong excess, such as when finally buying some femme clothes then overspending on them in the short term. I did this a little last shopping day myself.

But what i spent on clothes that day or any overspending was far less than what I would have spent on clothes the year before out of my normal budget had I been able to and therein lies the truth.

The excesses of 'pink fog' are not excessive viewed next the the excesses of the repression that cause it in the first place. The answer then is to undo the repression and the binge-purge cycle will change into a healthy equilibrium.

03-30-2008, 11:41 PM
pink fog is so fun!
pink fog is a negative label for being unrealistically happy, from the reference point of one making that judgement. perhaps an unhappy crank?
we've seen it called both.
i believe it is analogous to the pink cloud newly detoxed alcoholics feel when finally thinking clearly with their body approaching healthy equillibrium complete with a healthy rush of brain chemicals being produced again. feels great. called by the long sober as a warning since it doesn't last and can't be relied upon. just a theory.
either way,
having fun,

04-01-2008, 05:42 AM
can it be that you can't see through fog and when it's pink you can't see the world beyond crossdressing? :):daydreaming:

04-01-2008, 06:58 AM
I actually suffer from a medical symptom called 'brain fog'.
It's caused by chronic fatigue syndrome and involves memory loss, loss of concentration, decision making impairment, panic attacks, sudden confusion, loss of train of thought, sensory interferance and a whole host more. It drops my IQ by up to 40 points!

In comparison even the most extreme/exaggerated pink fog isn't even a slight mist or heat haze.

04-10-2008, 03:03 PM
Sexy high heels spotted, in my size (12W or 13M). Result: INSTANT pink fog. Gotta have em. Can you ever have too many shoes?

04-10-2008, 09:44 PM
can it be that you can't see through fog and when it's pink you can't see the world beyond crossdressing? :):daydreaming:

I kind of agree with Brianna. My Pink Fog is the constant preoccupation with and thoughts of being feminine - most of my waking hours usually. As with fog, Pink Fog blinds me to the rest of life around me and I waste my time instead of being with family, doing chores, or doing something for my community. Anyone know how to regain control???? :straightface: