View Full Version : Almost a year later and what's changed?

04-03-2008, 07:41 PM
Ok, so the last time I was officially logged in before today was about a year ago. So, what's changed?

For a little back story for new members and to serve as a simple reminder for the older members, I was the typical 21 year old crossdressing SO of a wonderful person who knew nothing about me. I would hide all of my belongings whenever she'd come to visit and would have to hope that she wouldn't snoop when left alone. I posted a topic in here similar to many others of "How do I tell her?" or "I'm so unhappy not being myself around her", you know...those feelings that our type of girls get.

Well, she finally knew my secret. I had told her and hoped for the best. I just couldn't be in a relationship with someone I cared so much for and felt like I had to hide from her every time I was around her. I showed her (at her request because I wanted to take it very slow) everything I had collected over the years: panties, bras, sleepware, cute skirts....and the breastforms. That last one was introduced here in the last month, and it bothered her greatly.

Since then she's bought me panties, makeup, and cute nighties and has really just wanted to let me know that because of how much she feels for me, she will accept any of my "quirks" as she calls them. If I'm nice enough to her (romance and man clothes) she evens suggests the use of the breastforms around her.

Now, through consenting choice, I'm able to be as 'girlied' up as I care to be and she still gets the love she deserves.

This site has been such a fantastic confidence builder and I've got a wonderful relationship by taking the advice of some of the teachings from the oldest members of the community. Thank you so much for being there for me ladies. I look forward to the opportunity to help another girl in my old heels out in the same manner. MUAHS!

04-03-2008, 07:55 PM
honesty is always the best policy, if it truly bothers some one that much that they cant handle it, then really they arnt someone , i would want to be with, its just clothes, isnt it.

but as Crossdressers sometimes we can be like adolescent teenage girls, and want to spend all our waking time femme, remember to spend some GUY time, and enjoy the femme when you can

deja true
04-03-2008, 09:03 PM
A brilliant story, Corillis! (Lovely name, too).

Would that some of us old hags could learn from the young ones. Your minds are more open, both men and women.

We seem to be surrounded by people with the Victorian mindset that we grew up with.

Good luck to you, dear one, in what looks to become a wonderful relationship.

respect & love,
