View Full Version : beneath the spreading underwear tree

04-06-2008, 12:56 PM
ski areas are goofy. every one i've known has at least one tree festooned with ladies undergarments and/or mardi gras beads, never men's wear!
its the funniest thing.
once i was hiking up under a chair in the summertime when i came across such a bush. most were well worn and weathered though many times brand new articles are bought just to throw into the tree from the passing chair.
i found a new pale blue haynes for her brief that became only the second bit of ladies wear i'd ever worn. made me feel sexy.
i am snowboarding at grand targhee ski resort today where i saw the winds had knocked free some choice pieces to the snow below. now, i have more bras than i can find time to wear, i don't need to risk exposure scooping up such while more chairs are coming up and over me! but i wanted to!
found rec. gear on a mountain is called booty. how fun explaining that to a five year old, how the word has changed meaning, as well as the underwear tree to my nine year old!