View Full Version : Ingrained concepts

Kate Simmons
04-30-2008, 07:15 PM
This afternoon I had a very strange and vivid dream. Three people were journeying across a wilderness to reach a final destination. I realized all three people were myself. Two of them were the male and female parts of me that are balanced and integrated. The third one was a part of myself that evidently still has not accepted that integration due to upbringing and societal programming and has lingering doubts desptite my claims to the contrary and maintains I have to be one or the other.

These are very powerful feelings indeed and in spite of seeming to have it all together, the third person refused to turn it's back on the other two due to lack of trust and was constantly telling the other two it's not natural to be integrated and a person has to be one or the other. Finally the other two confronted the third one and told it we would never reach our destination with doubts and it had to end in the wilderness to reach the final destination. At that point I woke up.

What this tells me is that despite seeming to have it integrated and all together, there is very deep programming to contend with. It also tells me that I will never completely be the integrated person I want to be until that part is edited out. No one said it would ever be easy but it is worth the effort, at least to me.:)

04-30-2008, 07:50 PM
Once we have experienced enlightenment, it is impossible to go back to "harnessed" thinking. It would be like trying to fit back into our tiny snowsuits from infancy. Mind expansion. One of the greatest gifts.

04-30-2008, 07:50 PM
This is a very interesting dream you had, the cultural training of a lifetime is very difficult to erase. The important thing is the journey, the process, the learning - not the destination.