View Full Version : getting in the mood for.....

Wendy me
05-07-2005, 07:26 AM
all right now i get dressed pretty much when ever i want mostly every day .
every day is wendy day i know thats a lot more than most girls can and i am ever so happy that i can .. now i have been trying to get some new pitchures ... and i always love to dress and have some fun ... but i don't know i just have had a hard time getting in the mood to do some pictures for a while now..could it be that i dress every day and it's just not that big of a of a deal to dress or am i just getting lazey????dose any one else need to get into the mood for pitchures ??? if so how do you get in the mood.....????
ever sence i deleted most of my pitchures i just don't feel like being in the mood to do pitchures .........

letsdance GG
05-07-2005, 07:33 AM
Not in the mood for pictures :eek:

OMG, someone help Wendy!! That's like saying you don't want to go shopping anymore!

Seriously, I think it comes and goes just like any other mood. I don't know this for sure tho.


05-07-2005, 08:11 AM
I don't get in the mood until I'm fully done up and wearing something new.

However, my wife says no more pictures, and we just got a new camera with a remote :(

05-07-2005, 08:47 AM
Hey Donna, I gotta agree with you there! Unless I have dressed completely (makeup, nails, dress, shoes) I don't want to take any photos either. And buying something new is always a good excuse to get all done up and take photos :)


Wendy me
05-07-2005, 09:03 AM
donna and danaj well i shop all the time so something new i allways have... and dressed yes every day ... make up i even make "him" wear it ....i think sunday night i am going to try to do some pitchures ........

05-07-2005, 09:06 AM
The only pictures I have of myself are the ones used on my passport and drivers license, along with some 'clinical' photos my doctor took when I was starting HRT! I've spent a lot (LOL!) and I mean a lot of money collecting 'vintage' (forties and fifties) clothes. Because these are the type of clothes that wouldnt quite 'fit in' if I wore them on the street, I'm considering having a photo shoot done modeling my collection! Thanks for the thread, because I've been stalling getting this done and this got me motivated again!

05-07-2005, 10:15 AM
Hey Wendy,

I'm not always in the mood either but have been thinking of some in guy mode since my hair is growing out and the beard is back.We'll see what happens.

Love and Hugs,

05-07-2005, 10:20 AM
Wendy... take those pictures, girl! Think of how much more you could say. Remeber, one picture is worth 1000 words!

05-07-2005, 04:01 PM
For me, one of the best ways is to visit the crossdressers chat room and see what the other girls are doing and talk girl talk for awhile. If I don't get in the mood after socializing with other girls, I must have had a forntal lobotomy :)


05-07-2005, 04:52 PM
Wendy, I can really struggle to do photo's, I usualy only do them for a change of avatar but a lot of the time I can't seem to face doing them and when I do I usualy keep only a tiny amount of them.

So yes I definitely have to be in the mood for doing them.

love mand xxx

05-07-2005, 05:31 PM
I dress so rarely anymore, that on the few occasions I "go all the way," I automatically pull out the camera. It seems to be more honest on how I look than my mirror is. It is for that reason that I show barely ten percent of the photos I take. The others highlight just how much further I need to go to be passable.

If you're anything like me, you'll go through extended periods when you have no desire to take photos of yourself, but once you do take one, you can't stop until you just can't take another one, or until you run out of batteries. :)

Just do it!!! And I hope you share many of them with us.

Wendy me
05-07-2005, 06:24 PM
i have got myselfe talked into it i think....... maybe, well sunday night ...............ok so thanks girls...........makeing a list.....batteries..camra....ok ..........

05-07-2005, 07:25 PM
Seems a funny thing, really. Way back when, when just being alone for a few hours to dress-up seemed to be all I could ever hope for, tembling in those few hours with my sister's and mother's clothes and makeup and exploring my new-found femininity for the first time, it was all so exciting and taboo! Now I'm all grown up and have my own things, more than I sometimes know what to do with. I too seem to being getting a bit spoiled, I guess. Not to say the excitement of it all as gone, far from it! But sometimes I do seem to be just going through the motions, doing the actions necessary to become the girl I so wish I was born. However, for me, it has all become so much more than excitement that drives me... It's the arrival and the comfort of dressing the role in which I feel so much more comfortable than in my everyday, itchy and insane maleness. When I dress-up, I'm FINALLY me again, finally free with all again right with the world. Taking pictures, although fun when I first did this, has also for me grown into a distant passion, need, that only the yesterdays of my becoming can hold onto.


05-07-2005, 07:37 PM
For me, it almost has to be for a special reason since I don't fully dress that often anymore...and the recent makeover I had done at my salon was a very timely opportunity. But hey sis...when you are in the mood for it...go for it. No better time to do it then when the motivation is there to.;)

05-07-2005, 09:04 PM
Don't force it - if you're not in the mood then, who cares?! But if you want pictures and you just don't FEEL like it when the opportunity is there... maybe it's the excitement. Do something different, and take a camera with you. An abandoned field on some sunny day. A mountain hike and change for a few when no one's looking.

Who am I to talk though? ;)

Donna Delite
05-08-2005, 01:35 AM
I've found letting someone else take the pics helps. You get a lot more shots in the same amount of time. Plus you don't have to do any of the work, all you have to do is pose your heart out. I also find my best shots are when someone else takes them. There's a little bit of show off in me too and I really enjoy posing for someone, maybe you would too.

05-08-2005, 06:51 AM
Oh i love taking photos, as soon as i buy something new, i have to take at least 30 or 40 pics, or until the camera batteries go flat.

Also it is a bit of an art to take photos of yourself, and try and get them in focus, i found it much easier now i have a tripod.
(who knows, way in the future, i could get my GF to take them?)

It helps me because, i can't dress all the time due to my GF being about, so, i have the pics to look at in private on my Mac or my cell phone (transfer them via bluetooth).

Wendy, get that camera out!, That's an order! :D

Luv Dee.

05-08-2005, 07:50 AM
i live alone so i dress every day when i am at home
the full makeup & everything but i dont have anyone to take pics of me
love sophie/girl
p.s it may be a good thing becuase i may break the camera

Wendy me
05-08-2005, 07:10 PM
omg what a lot of work what to wear long skirt short skirt... whitch top botton down pull over sweater ... hair make up nails ... shoes ... i am working on it ...

Tristen Cox
05-08-2005, 07:16 PM
Are we going to get some head on this one? :p

Oh bad Tristen very bad

Wendy me
05-08-2005, 07:24 PM
just could dressed ,, hair done just see how good the paint dept. works out....

05-08-2005, 07:27 PM
Wendy,just go for it.

Love and Hugs,

05-08-2005, 08:02 PM
Hi all,

I've only had 2 photo sessions so far, with the first one with my maid outfit and resulting in my avatar picture, and the second one around Christmas time with disappointing results - I don't use makeup with any regularity, and was wearing foundation and powder that was totally the wrong shade (there went $3.50 down the drain).

This will probably be my last full year working and retirement will mean more Jadeanne time. My loving wife supports my dressing around home but she doesn't wear makeup and just puts her hair in a bun or ponytail. She is my fashion advisor, although I do make the final decisions myself.

A few weeks ago I decided against a femme photo session and opted for building a computer for our church. The last time I worked on a "custom maid" computer, I wrecked a brand new pair of support stockings, so for now until I rearrange my computer room for a stocking-safe work area, it's male mode for computer building/repair.
