View Full Version : A Service....just idea at the mo

05-08-2005, 11:39 AM
I'd appreciate the the girls opinion about an idea Ive been mulling over for some time.
I'm thinking about starting a service for girls like us, where they can be dressed, have makeup, advice, purchase items of clothing and accessories, have a photo taken as a memento of the visit. Maybe be taken to a freindly club to dance till late, and aslo the opportuinity to exchange experiences and find support.As a person whos been TG I'd like to provide a freindly and caring service, the likes of which wasnt really available to me when I was addressing my gender issues.
There are already places in the uk like this, I vivdly remember visiting Transformation for the first time when based in London, I remember the friendly atmosphere, and also that I wanted to reach out to the other girls in thero male mode and ask about their experiences and feelings, I didnt because I felt like I was intruding. But similarly this forum provides such an opportunity to share, and cope and support, but also to laugh and cry together, which I think is incredibly important, because being at peace with who we are IS IMPORTANT.
Im located in the north west of the UK, and sure that there are individuals who would find benefit for this form of service, I'd apperciate your opinion.
Oh please feel free to move this thread to another page if this is inappropriate for this one, thanks.
Love Azure

Julie York
05-08-2005, 12:43 PM
If you have the experience and facilities then why not?

The main thing is that people would be safe and comfortable with you and the service. And a small friendly set up could work in your favour by word of mouth.

Good luck.

Tamara Croft
05-08-2005, 12:51 PM
I think that's a great idea.... send me an application form :D

05-08-2005, 02:09 PM
A great idea. Too bad someone doesn't open cd friendly chain of stores, that would also include all in one shopping.


05-08-2005, 08:07 PM
I really appreciate your comments, thankyou!!, Im based in wales, and feel that there are people who would find this kind of service of help.
Im going to do alot of research first, and maybe visit a dressing service as a customer to gauge my experience of the visit, though I wouldnt be poaching ideas, Id politley ask for pointers or tips on what to do not to. As ive been working tonight Ive been brainstorming and realised some quite subtle but important things to consider, when providing the service, and at the heart of it is care and respect, and of course fun.
I want to bring my own experinces, and imagination to provide a unique dressing service. I'll keep you all posted on whats happening : )

Katie Ashe
05-09-2005, 09:53 AM
I bet if someone were brave enough to open a small chain of CD Stores, we could give walmart a run for there money. None in my town but specialty stores don't turn a customer away, but they are not totatly set up for our needs. The idea of being safe while shopping as my alternate ego, would be very motovating. Does any of this make sense :confused:


05-19-2005, 05:17 AM
u know what I would love to open up? a CD resort. everyone flies in, checks in, and dresses up.. and can interact with other CD'ers in privacy and feel completely comfortable. could have a pool where everyone puts on a woman's bathing suit, could have amateur kareoke, etc. etc.

05-19-2005, 05:34 AM
Jo_anne, wouldn't it be great if we could organise a cruise ship and have a special trip for cd'ers through the South Pacific Islands off Australia's East Coast? I know that the main cruise line here in Australia has a yearly special cruise dedicated to Gays (not of interest to me).

Azure - love your idea! Can you also set up in Australia too?
