View Full Version : are you more femmine than your wife

05-09-2005, 04:58 PM
how many of you girls are more femmine than your gg partners

05-09-2005, 05:10 PM
i am... at least sexually. :)

05-09-2005, 05:22 PM
;) I would have to say~yes indeed! and this has to do with dressing myself very much n more feminine! and for the bedroom, whew~ very fem in the bedroom and thats a whole other topic! :p

05-09-2005, 06:26 PM
Well she says that I CAN be, but she's full of it. She's a gorgeous gal and I don't think I could ever come close...

05-09-2005, 08:03 PM
My wife is definitely more of a "tomboy" and doesn't spend a lot of time worrying about her appearance. Although she wears dresses sometimes for work and for special occasions, she really prefers jeans and pants far more and she has no interest in using makeup, lipstick, etc. Me, on the other hand, when I'm en femme, I want to really "doll" myself up with lipstick, makeup, the whole nine yards. The whole point to crossdressing, at least to me, is to try to make yourself look as beautiful as possible.

05-09-2005, 08:19 PM
no one told me you have to have a wife, there was no notice, maybe I just didnt get one, I clearely remember turning up for the orientation, and Ive worn the skirt suit like it says on the form, but I havnt got a wife with me, can I borrow one.....erm......no...oh ok. I supoose theres going to be a test at the end, if its multiple chose I stand a chance, is there a lunch break?
wheres the loo? God I hope you dont have to do a presentation, if I sit at the back, nod and smile maybe I can wing it!

05-09-2005, 09:07 PM
that is the greatest looking leg i've seen on here...you look great ....my wife is 6ft and very manish ...maybe why we like each other

05-09-2005, 09:12 PM
Azure, you don't need a partner, you have us!
Lisa, that's true
I like frillier things than anyone else I know

Katie Ashe
05-09-2005, 10:51 PM
After I spilled to my wife, she said I can have anything I can fit into, she don't want them anyways, well mostly. I guess I would be more girlly than her. but she still wears the pants in the family :rolleyes: She's ok with being tom-boyish the rest of her life.


05-09-2005, 11:35 PM
I find this amazing so many wives just like mine the tomboy. Does it say something about the wives we have chosen or what?

05-10-2005, 12:06 AM
Hi Hon,

When I am dressed I am far more feminine than my wife. The rest of the time though, I am afraid she might divorce me if were more of a girl than she.


Maria Louise
05-10-2005, 05:31 AM
I've got more skirts, more heels, more make-up and longer hair. I cook, do the laundry and keep the house clean and tidy.

She watches football.

Isn't life a bitch?

Wendy me
05-10-2005, 05:48 AM
well like maria said i have more skirts ,dressess , heels longer hair do the cooking and house keeping.... can out shop her 24/7.........but if she asks ... i think i would say her
after being marryed for this long you know not to start trouble............

05-10-2005, 06:06 AM
:) Hi all,
a very good tread. I have to say that I am much more feminine then my wife when switched to CD mode.
And reading all this messages it looks like nearly all CD are more feminine then their partner.
But then it goes the old saying that opposite attracts its other. Very true. My other half is a real tomboy and doesn't like any real feminine clothes, and yes its true, she likes the football why I watch the Mercedes Fashion Show.
B.T.W. the 2005 Fashion Show in Australia just finished and there is a hint of true feminine dresses coming up like the sheetdress for example. Girls get a waist again.
In being more femmine then my wife I also work more hard at it then her, example waist training.
She doesn't accept my CD, her argument: I can't compete with you.
So what can I do? Wait 'till she is out and change into the most beautifull and romantic, true feline woman I can see in the mirror,
Love to all from Norbie

Vivian Best
05-10-2005, 06:37 AM
My wife isn't tomboyish nor does she do anything to make herself particularly sexy but she is feminine. Saying that, there are somethings I can definately do better than she when I'm in feminine mode. I certainly make myself sexier than she but she is better at make up than I although I can do a pretty good job. If I were to make a decision I would have to say it's a tie.

Vivian :p

º’~\_…trace GG…_/~’º
05-10-2005, 06:49 AM
it depends how you all define feminine really, doesn't it?

sissy stacy
05-10-2005, 09:02 AM

No, i am not more feminine than my current GF. When she learned of my dressing and saw my wardrobe, she did say that i had more nice lingerie than she did. More than one GF has said that over the years.

i have since bought my current GF more nice lingerie.


-sissy stacy

05-10-2005, 09:30 AM
how many of you girls are more femmine than your gg partners

Not a hope.

My wife is one classy lady. She wouldn't be caught dead without the proper makeup, matching outfit including underwear, nailpolish, jewelry, shoes and purse.

05-10-2005, 09:42 AM
I would say probably yes when I am dressed...much to my wife's dismay and displeasure I am sure. Otherwise though....no.

05-10-2005, 06:58 PM
I am in bed for sure. And they way I dress.


05-10-2005, 09:12 PM
no im not but i am working on it with her help and guidance

Fiona K
05-12-2005, 09:20 AM
She has accused me of being more girly than her and she's no tomboy!

Paula A
05-12-2005, 09:59 AM
Well now that I've told her and I am being true to myself around the house (dressing in front of her is still out of the question) I guess I am, and it irritaes the heck out of her. she is a a bit of a tom boy, she'll only wear a dress if she has to, very little makeup, and short nails, no paint and she is the dominant one in the household.

05-12-2005, 09:59 AM
two answers to this.

1... looks / clothing; my wife is a practicle sort at home. fashy clothes & makeup not necessary unless going out or for work. me, i would prefer to wear skirt suits everyday with low key makeup and accessories - so yeah probably more girly than my wife in that sense.

2... a mental approach. my wife is very traditional and as a woman insists that a standard must be maintained. for me, just blending in and not trying to compete with woman is more important, but then again when i am a woman, i probably have the same aproach as my wife.

a very thought provoking thread.


05-12-2005, 10:22 AM
I am more feminine than my wife, my wife is very traditional woman she don't like fancey things, were I do i would prefer to wear skirt & top bra all day all night and get dress up all day

05-12-2005, 06:39 PM
It depends on what you mean by more feminine. It took me a long time to find a decent answer to this. I finally found the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI), which qualifies 60 traits as Masculine, Feminine, or Gender Neutral. According to this, the traits of masculinity and femininity are:

Masculinity: Self-Reliant, Defends Own Beliefs, Independent, Athletic, Assertive, Strong Personality, Forceful, Analytical, Has Leadership Abilities, Willing To Take Risks, Makes Decisions Easily, Self-Sufficient, Dominant, Masculine, Willing to Take A Stand, Aggressive, Acts As A Leader, Individualistic, Competitive, Ambitious

Femininity: Yielding, Cheerful, Shy, Affectionate, Flatterable, Loyal, Feminine, Sympathetic, Sensitive To The Needs Of Others, Understanding, Compassionate, Eager To Soothe Hurt Feelings, Soft-Spoken, Warm, Tender, Gullible, Childlike, Does Not Use Harsh Language, Loves Children, Gentle

By my count:
Masculine traits: Sheryl 12, Brandy Marie 8
Feminine traits: Brandy Marie 12, Sheryl 8

Guess I'm more feminine than my wife, but I already knew that.


Brandy Marie Devereaux

Donna Delite
05-12-2005, 08:59 PM
We're finding new ways all of the time that it appears I'm more fem

05-12-2005, 09:21 PM
I've been married to my wife for over 36 years and I'm hoping for another 36. Answering this question could put that goal at risk! She is a warm, caring, loving individual who I get great pleasure in responding to in EVERY way. Competing with her would be tough for ANYONE!

05-12-2005, 09:47 PM
Definately not my wife would never go anywhere unless she has matching lingerie and fully made up..we do however fight over underwear she never seems to think i own any ....at least once a week i have to remind her that something she is wearing is mine ...Quickly she says OH can i borrow it and answers herself by saying thanks before i can speak.....thats why i love her so much ...we share everything ...xoxoxo

05-13-2005, 12:59 PM
I wouldn't say I'm more feminine, but I do have more makeup than my wife (by a long shot). I don't think she owns an eyelash curler or false eyelashes, but I do. I know I have more shades of lipstick and eye shadow. I also have more nail polish and nail care products -- she never does her nails and I almost always wear some sort of polish. My nails are longer than hers too.


05-18-2005, 06:46 AM
Am I more feminine than my wife..................... Yes without a doubt :)

love mand xxx

05-18-2005, 10:38 PM
when I'm dressed with makeup and she's dressed normal, absolutely. My wife almost never wears makeup, almost never wears a dress (mostly pants/blouses, sometimes t-shirts). She's overweight, has thin lips and bad acne.. Me, I'm overweight but not as bad, I have thick lips for a man, thick eyelashes and pretty clear skin. She gets so jealous sometimes.