View Full Version : A very nice Saturday, Hope it stays that way

Nikki A.
05-19-2008, 08:39 AM
I had a very nice Saturday. First I left work early to see my son on his Senior prom, did all the picture things with the other parents. The kids all looked so great in their tuxs and fancy dresses. Very happy time but a little bittersweet for me in that I knew how much his mom had looked forward to all this and she's not with us to see her son.
After that my daughter and I went out for an early dinner (something nice for her).
After I dropped her off at home, I went over to another of our member's houses to change and head over to Rainbow Mountain for the CD weekend. Unfortunately my friend was down with a virus (danced too much the night before LOL) and decided not to go. I changed, we talked and off I went on my first solo adventure to the Mountain (been there once before).
Let me say I had a great time, for someone who knew nobody there. I was told to look for some people, met some of the members (and their wives) of this forum and talked to girls who had come from NC all the way to Maine. Everyone was very friendly, we talked and danced. Everybody seemed to have had a good time. I even did kareoki towards the end of the night.
I took one chance that I hope doesn't come back to haunt me. I recognized two (maybe a third) of my daughters teachers there (both openly gay). I'm not sure how recognizable I am enfemme, but I decided to say hello to them, now my daughter and son don't know about my CDing. My son graduates in a month, but my daughter will be a junior and is involved with the school plays and both had her as a student, I think that the one teacher also coaches her scholastic scrimmage team. Over the last two years I have had many friendly conversations with both of them both in and out of school. All are involved with the play or at least know my daughter. We talked for a bit and I asked that nothing be mentioned. As it turned out, I made them guess who I was and it took a few clues before it dawned on them who I was.
A long post, but finally thanks to all of you who were there on Saturday and did I make a mistake by outing myself to her teachers.

Talon DeRojo
05-19-2008, 08:59 AM
Searching - Well, anything might happen, but if there were ever people who would not violate your confidence, I would imagine it would be those teachers. Even though they are "out", I would think that they would respect your wishes. Let's hope so.

Kate Simmons
05-19-2008, 09:15 AM
I know that particular couple and they are dedicated to their teaching and their students. I have no doubt they will keep your confidence. What I find encouraging is that you are widening out my friend and are not afraid to extend yourself to others. Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith that way but when people see we are open and friendly, they reciprocate in kind and this is what we really want. This is why I'm always myself and never put up any kind of pretense. I know you are a real people person in any case and a "natural" with social interaction. The thing is it is natural to be open and friendly and if we are just ourselves any potential "stigma" just fades away into nothing. I'm glad you had a good time my friend.:hugs:

Angie G
05-19-2008, 07:51 PM
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself when you went out And I know you wife was at the prom hun. :hugs: