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05-21-2008, 05:50 PM
But it was a good thing.

I work for a large corporation and on our campus we have several buildings. I went over to one of the other buildings to get my hair cut by my hair dresser of ten+ years. We got to talking and I asked her how opened minded she was. You know, do you happen to have friends that are gay? Do you hang with artist types (I actually used the word Bohemian, but she had a puzzled look on her face). She said sure, and that she was a little wild herself. I asked her about how her husband was and she said that the divorce was next month (a surprise to me) and that he would continue to live with her after the divorce like they did before as roommates!

Needless to say, I felt I was safe to tell her I'm a CD. Now I have also started to experiment with business cards that I hope to use for Atlanta, but I'm not totally happy with the first batch. Anyway, I said well I'm a little wild too, and don't be shocked, but this is me, and I gave her one of my cards.

She was like oh this is so cool, why haven't you told me in all these years? Then she goes to her cabinet and takes out a picture. She says here are three of her TS friends! She had so many questions and loved the picture and couldn't believe that was me!

After the haircut she came over to me and gave me a big hug. It was one of the happiest things that has happened to me in a long time!


05-21-2008, 05:58 PM
that's so great for you! you do sound happy. is this the first person who knows? Anyways, congratulations. you may have found three new friends. :)

05-21-2008, 05:59 PM
WOW ! That took courage ! She seems like a good friend, it is nice to hear such stories. It seems like we all live in fear of rejection at some level, gives a lady hope to hear about this sort of out come from telling a person about your dressing.

Congrads !!


deja true
05-21-2008, 06:18 PM
OMG! Tracy, you are having one hell of a great month!

A hairdresser also sounds like a great friend to have. ;)

I've made cards, too.

Just a simple lavender background with my name in Script and my e-mail in

tiny Arial down in the corner. Nothing else!

I hope to hand out lots and lots at Chicago.

Congratulations darling, on a great great day!

Jannette H
05-21-2008, 06:42 PM
Tracy, That's wonderful other friend you have now. There is nothing wrong with outing yourself. Have a great day.:daydreaming:

05-21-2008, 07:40 PM
On my way over to the salon I had stopped and got in my car and called a wig salon I had contacted via email. It's one of those salons for women suffering from baldness usually by chemo and it's local. In my email I told them I was a CD and they said they were good with that. So in the car with my best female voice I call for an appointment next week. And all the time I'm talking I'm thinking "you don't sound like a girl stupid". So I don't know how pathetic I sounded, but I went through with it anyway. I'll probably ask them when I get there how bad it was. lol

I had wanted to do this and was nervous sick all morning until I did it, then I felt better. That may be why I felt like talking to my hair dresser, I don't know. I've got those cards in my wallet and have to be careful, they could be like land mines!

Thanks to all the support here, these things are happening, I just know it!

Love you all, Tracy :love:

05-21-2008, 10:49 PM
If I was as beautiful as you are I would have outed myself a long time ago. :daydreaming:

05-21-2008, 10:57 PM
Tracy, that is great! As we get to know people, picking the right ones to tell gets easier.

05-21-2008, 11:02 PM
Thats great what a cool way to let some one know It kind of throws it on them to respond or not. Very cool

05-22-2008, 12:03 AM
Sounds like your subconscious took over for u! All I can say is, " Congrats".

U R so brave! My hero! As r all u brave and self confident ladies that take it to the streets!

Sheena Pink
05-22-2008, 10:16 AM
Awesome Tracy! I know it's not the same, but I shared photos from my birthday (very saucy ones I must say) with my hairdresser last time. He said that I was a different person in them. I'm very reserved person in everyday life. Put the wig on me and suddenly I'm free and flirty! Boy was I giddy afterwards.

05-22-2008, 10:20 AM
Isn't it nice to know there are so many lovely and accepting people in this world? You only have to try to meet them, and then usually you're happy you did!

Hugs, Marci :hugs:

bobi jean
05-22-2008, 11:51 AM
Hey girlfriend
Doesn't it feel good after telling someone?
I recently came out to everyone at work and have been totaly accepted by all. Yesturday the newest girl came in to relieve me, I was still dressed (on purpose) and told her that if she had any problem with it at all, just say so and she would never see me dressed again. Her reply was and I quote,
Your lipstick is too dark and you need to brush your hair." we laughed at me a bit then, as I was leaving, she said I'll see you in the morning girlfriend.......... I had changed into my jeans and shirt..

05-22-2008, 12:00 PM
Way to go girl!

Now for the wig shop. Think of yourself selling firewood. Do you care who buys it? Heck now, you just want to sell it. Same thing for a wig shop. Just get in the door, make a choice and go. That is the bottom line. They don't care what voice you use or how you look, just that you walk out the door as a customer, satisfied. That may have come off a bit cold, sorry.

The other day a big rig stopped in front of my salon. Out jumped a huge man with beard and ponytail. He walked in the door, looked around, walked over and picked me up hugging me. (at this point I was starting to think of defensive moves to use, but he was smiling so big I didn't see a threat) He was a CD that was passing through and made a point of stopping to say hi. He also bought 4 wigs and we had fun with makeup in my private room for about 2 hours.

Many times it feels like the world is watching a whole more than it really is. Besides, you look so hot they will all fall over if you go in dressed.

Your sis,


Kathy Leigh
05-22-2008, 11:07 PM
Hi Tracey,

What a wonderful experience for you.

I hope you have many more like it.

05-22-2008, 11:15 PM
A few years ago, my wife and I got into the fetish club parties for a while.

In the beginning I just did the leather thing but decided for one party to go all dolled up.

A few of our friends we knew were going to be there so I had all the excuses all ready.

So we went to the party and found our friends and as it turned out it was all pretty cool. The guys couldn't believe I had the nerve to come dressed like that and the girls all thought it was pretty cool.

All in all it was a good thing! And we had a blast as well.

05-23-2008, 12:41 AM
Tracy, you are out of control! Feels great right? :banana:

05-23-2008, 02:17 AM
Tracy, congats on your experience with your outing to your hair dresser, it is such a liberating experience. I have been where you are now in the beginning stages of sharing your cding with friends, have a wonderful day and have fun being a girl.:hugs: