View Full Version : I'm getting there

Emily Anderson
05-23-2008, 03:05 PM
I've been around on this site since a few weeks, reading the threads and posting a load of questions, all the time asking myself whether I'm a real crosssdresser or just a half-baked tranny wannabe, living vicariously and having a load of fun, but not really knowing any more than I ever have what I really want to get out of all of this, and not knowing where I'm going...

But, tomorrow I know where I'm going. I'm going to buy a new wig! My first wig in about five years, and only my third ever. Finally, I'm excited!

Deborah Jane
05-23-2008, 03:18 PM
Good luck with getting your new wig Emily
What colour are you thinking of getting?
Also i,ll give you a tip...Beware the blond wigs..They seem to cause "strange effects" on your brain!!:brolleyes:

05-23-2008, 03:29 PM
Are you going to go to a botique? I would love to have a professional opinion and help on choosing a style!

Good luck and have fun!

:hugs: Shannen

05-23-2008, 03:32 PM
I never know where I'm going. Except the T-party in Columbus tommorow. It will be the first time I've gone out that I let people know I like to dress. Usually it's just with friends who think it's funny and I just being a good sport
(yeah right) go along with it. I ordered my first real wig and wish it would get here (the blonde one in my avatar is one of thoser halloween things). I also ordered one from Chloe here in the classified (sent the money order an hour ago) wonder which one I'll get first? Anyway remember "Life's a journey not a destination" let life carry you where it wants and have fun on the way.

Emily Anderson
05-23-2008, 03:38 PM
I'm going to a major wig store. They have all kinds of styles and all kinds of prices, from cheap and nasty to highly priced and great quality. I'm just hoping I can find something that actually suits me, and not get lost in the pink fog.

Last time I went there, I bought a brunette wig, but I'm naturally black and it didn't go at all well with my eyebrow color...

05-23-2008, 03:43 PM
exitement is good, we need some exitement in our lives, enjoy your shopping and hope you find what you are looking for. :daydreaming:

Niya W
05-23-2008, 04:34 PM
Emily Anderson come on out, in your show case we have wigs, shoes and purse.

Bob I bid 1359.
Sorry I was watching the price is right.

05-23-2008, 10:07 PM
Allright, Emily! At least you have a destination,and proper directions!Coming here is like the CD AAA:)

Nicole Erin
05-23-2008, 10:19 PM
...all the time asking myself whether I'm a real crosssdresser or just a half-baked tranny wannabe, ...

Well people must decide for themselves what "label" they want. Or if they don't want a label, it's good too.

I know certain other members of the "gender spectrum" often say "So and so is not a real [gender variation] because..."
But no, CDs do not do that. I hear CDs make wise cracks about each other for their choice of style or whatever but i have never heard anyone say "She is not a real CD." :heehee:

Being CD is not black and white. If you decide that is what you are, it doesn't matter if you wear nothing more than undergarments at home or go out and present in public as femme. Many colors of being CD.

Being Cd is a journey, not a destination.
A journey of 1,000 dresses begins with a single purchase.

05-24-2008, 08:11 AM
Hi Emily,you've posted some great questions also.I can never seem to come up with one important enough or that hasn't been asked already.When selecting your wig you may want to pose these questions 1).How well will it work for your jawline.2).How well will it work with your eyebrows.3).What face shape will it leave you with.4).Will it work with many different looks and- or outfits.

Angie G
05-24-2008, 08:24 AM
well you go girl shopping is so fun. :hugs:

05-24-2008, 08:58 AM
when i get my wig it will be like hitting the final frontier. Not sure where it will lead but i guess it is almost time to find out

05-24-2008, 08:59 AM
Emily, Congrats on your new adventure "in search of a great wig"! IMO, go for the style first and then the color. There is a style for you that will make you feel more femme, bring a smile to your face, and make you comfortable in who you are.

Enjoy life, Chari

05-24-2008, 09:02 AM
Are you going to the URNA 'T' party in columbus??
If you are, I have seen that there are quite a few 'T' friendly stores in columbus, so going a little early would get you a chance to stop for a wig with professional help!!
Just a thought....
Lisa E

Jenny Doolittle
05-24-2008, 09:14 AM
HI Emily,

From experiance I guess I would tell you first, find a botique that really is interested in making you look great. I have been to several wig shops, and finially found one that really wants me to look fantastic and not just sell me some hair and get the CD'er out of the shop.

I found synthetic wigs musch easier to take care of and they hold their style.

when U go. take plenty of time, try on lots of styles and lengths.

Have fun.

Jenny Do.