View Full Version : Not a good night

06-02-2008, 01:52 AM
Hello all,

I'm a little upset after what just happened I'm hoping you girls can maybe help with this. Since I've started visiting this website I've been feeling a lot more open about my dressing and have grown to accept it more and view it as something that is less about being some type weird thing I do and more about self expression. With that I've had the courage to post pics, you all have been the first to see what Lisa looks like.

With this new found courage I decided to lookup some various other online groups to join. I joined this one group and after a day of waiting to see if I'd have the opportunity be accepted and to speak to others like myself what I got was access to some private group where people posted pornographic pics of themselves while dressed on yahoo groups (it was advertised as a place where you could be "yourself" and not just solely sexual). I felt betrayed.

For the past few months I've been coming to accept my dressing as being something I can share with others for being an aspect of myself and not something dirty I do behind closed doors. Sorry to bug all you ladies with such a serious topic when I like to keep things light hearted but I felt really upset tonight :( . I know all the whole "keep yourself safe" speech but I guess tonight was the first time I really felt the need to do so. Sorry.


06-02-2008, 02:07 AM
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. I guess to the members of that particular group, self expression includes posting pornographic pictures of themselves. It doesn't sound like a group you may enjoy being a part of, but I don't see how it's bad or wrong, or how that description was misleading.

06-02-2008, 02:22 AM
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. I guess to the members of that particular group, self expression includes posting pornographic pictures of themselves. It doesn't sound like a group you may enjoy being a part of, but I don't see how it's bad or wrong, or how that description was misleading.

Sorry I'm not trying to be judgmental myself at all its totally ok to do that but I guess my issue is I got myself into something I wasn't wanting to get into and I was a little scared by that.

One thing I learned about being me is not to pass negative judgment on others its just that I got myself in over my head when I'm still trying to take baby steps. I guess that's just a part of the learning process though...

06-02-2008, 02:36 AM
I guess my issue is I got myself into something I wasn't wanting to get into and I was a little scared by that.

I can certainly understand that, and Yahoo groups are definitely hit and miss. Just don't get too discouraged, it's a big internet out there, I'm sure you'll find other sites and groups that are more to your taste.

06-02-2008, 02:38 AM
So, don't participate! All you have done is joined a group, nothing says you ever again have to post anything, show any pictures, respond to "hit-ons!"

Next step is find a chatroom, or whatever it is that you are seeking and try again. By the way, I think I know ONE fairly clean chatroom, if that's what your after. They took away the rest of that forum, but up until recently the chatroom still exists. PM me, if you need the info.

Peace and Love, Joanie

Jenny Doolittle
06-02-2008, 07:10 AM
I can understand your aprhension Lisa. That is really the only reason I have been slow to post a pic.

Sterling, would U care to share the name of the other room with me also?

Here is wishing all the luck in the world and hope that U can be the real U.


06-02-2008, 07:19 AM
There are a number of 'clean' forums and chatrooms available.
I use both the chat and forum at 'Susan's Place', along with 'TG Chat' and the chatroom at 'StorySite'. I also use the message forum at 'Transformationsbyrori' and crossdresserclub.com
ALL are 'G'; rated. All are well checked and offensive posts are removed quickly, just like here!!
search around a little, you will find a few places that you are comfy with!!
(Like here!!)
Lisa E

Karren H
06-02-2008, 07:30 AM
Well I started out online on UrNotAlone and it was ok for starters... No real interaction... Except they did have a chat room that was like semi organized chaos... Then I found the crossdressers secret garden and met Emily Ann... We proceeded to get ourselves kicked out of there pertty quick... (Yoni yoni yonu...). :D

Then Emily told me about this place and a I found a couple simular ones.. And they were great and supportive... No other ones like it imho... And I've been in some yahoo groups that were less than stellar... Even belonged to a german womans leg fetish group... Appearently they ran out of cute german womens legs so they asked me if I'd post photos of my legs!! Hahahaha. Go figure...

So I'd just hang around here if I were you....

06-02-2008, 07:43 AM
Like others, I have visited and even joined for a short time some other groups and sites, but none of the others I previously went to satisfied what I was looking for. Here it has been quite different. I have been a member here for over two years, and it has been great.
I'm sorry that you had a bad experience, but chalk it up as just that--a bad experience. Don't participate. There are plenty of girls here who will give you support and encouragement. There are also plenty of very experienced and wonderful people here with whom you can communicate and develop friendships.

06-02-2008, 08:57 AM
You could also take a larger step and find a Support Group in your area. Do not know if your still in the closet or not, but I can tell you that a support group like "Tri-Ess" WILL allow you to be yourself. They will not judge you in anyway.

Angie G
06-02-2008, 09:01 AM
That's what some people are into and it works for them if it don't work for you don;t go there hun. I wouldn't think they would come out and say they deal with pornographic material I just would not visit that site again hun. Just let it go and move on. :hugs:

06-02-2008, 09:08 AM
Yahoo just like AOL has become a toilet that needs to be flushed.

When I got my AOL account back in 1992, I had a blast. I found the Florida room and it became a local social group. My wife and I have close friends that we met there and YES I met my wife through this group.

Well the years have passed and many things have changed... for the worse I am sorry to say.

This is one of the reasons I like cd.com. While it is a semi-open forum, there is no chance that anything off color or disrespectful will be allowed here. This is my kind of place.

The funny thing is, in the past Yahoo and especially AOL Terms of Service prohibited the "crap" everyone sees there now and the fact of the matter is without that "crap" both services would have folded years ago. SEX SELLS!

I just wish Compuserve was still around in its original format.... Now that was a place to be!

I was an original Compuserve user back in 1978 and they did have a Gender Forum. This forum was the first public venue to let me know that I was not alone. Compuserve RIP

Kristen Marie
06-02-2008, 10:00 AM
I understand your feeling about a site like that. I joined one that seemed nice and safe...and after a little while the porn images started appearing everywhere. And it's not that some of that is not erotic and exciting, but it's not why I joined. I removed myself from that group and have no regrets.

CD Susan
06-04-2008, 01:14 AM
I too have belonged to a few other sites that were a dissappointment to me. It doesn't take long to determine if a website is what you were looking for or not. I have deleted my profile on more than one site that I was not comfortable with. This site is by far the best that I have found yet. I joined this site two months ago and am glad I did. I will probably find other sites that I think I would enjoy being part of and join only to be dissappointed again. It is no big deal to me, I just move on but I always end up back here. This is my home and I can do without the 'pay for porn' places.

06-04-2008, 04:02 AM
I think its all about being adult and responsible. If these people want to go and "do their thing", and it's between consensual adults, let them get on with it. If I wish to join in, it will be because I have visited their site/forum, and am at least accepting and supporting (where have we heard that before?) of their lifestyle.
Like other red-blooded males, I quite enjoy porn. My values are that the subjects are female, attractive, over 21, and that no children, animals or "strange" (to me) practises are employed. Those are my personal values, and I wouldn't want to lecture anyone on them being the right ones.
If anyone feels strongly enough about their own personal values, then it costs nothing to set up a forum on Yahoo or similar. That way your own values become the arbiter.:2c:

Crissy Kay
06-04-2008, 08:38 AM
You do have to be carefull with yahoo groups. I am on a few of them. Over time, the group may be taken over by spammers. Before you join a yahoo group, check the message history if you are allowed to. There, you will find out if its all spam, or a moderated group. I am on "cds in mass" group, which is unmoderated, but not yet taken over by spammers. I hope this advice helps. Good Luck!

06-04-2008, 09:06 AM
Whenever you go online, join a group, or even join a forum like this, you should know you may get some bad experiences. Having a thick skin is a must when going online. Try to not let what you may see or get called bother you.

I belong to some webmaster groups where name calling is all part of the day to day banter. As for the adult stuff, yes it's out there everywhere. Any yahoo group will get spam and most seem adult in nature.

I myself have a little "naughty" site for CD's and don't think there is anything wrong with it. If you go into a site and find it's not what you wanted just hit the back button.

Sorry you had to see something you were not ready for, I understand that. Just let it go and find another place. But know that most places seem to be of an adult nature or spammed to the gills!

deja true
06-04-2008, 09:53 AM
Another thing that has to happen for you is to get used to all the euphemisms used in the self-descriptions of the sites. You'll pick it p quickly after having seena few of these sites.

Except for the BE-All and SCC groups on Yahoo, i don't bother with the (mostly) cess pit of 'adult' groups there. Yahoo has been asked for ages to seperate serious gender groups from the 'adult' category and have never done so.

Referrals to copacetic groups and chat rooms will more likely come from the websites of girls that you admire. Check some of those as well as Sterling's and LisaE's suggestions.

06-04-2008, 10:02 AM
Well, the good thing is, it was online and not IRL.