View Full Version : help-advice

06-06-2008, 11:32 PM
Hi everyone, well its time I got some advice from you all. I really struggle with my crossdressing, at times I feel like I am wierd but my whole life I have never really fitted in with "the boys", I will go a few weeks without dressing up but the urge to do it comes on very strong. I very much enjoy being dressed as a girl/woman & feel quite relaxed & comfortable when I am. I do not know if we are allowed to discuss sexual feelings or not here so I better leave that for now. I am married with three kids & I feel I am betraying my wife & kids, I love my wife dearly but she was raised in the country & has only just accepted me shaving areas other than my face! I cant see myself ever stopping this & have only recently accepted the fact that this is a part of me, I love my fem side. I also have been told I have a body alot of women would want themselves, {tall & skinny with a cute little bum!} :battingeyelashes:there I go again, trying to be serious & thinking of my bum!lol! Anyhow I feel I have found somewhere that I belong & I hope I can make some very special friends,
for now, Chantelle...oxox

Talon DeRojo
06-07-2008, 01:24 AM
Chantelle - Welcome to the Forum! You've certainly come to the right place if you want to share your feelings and ask for advice on any matters related to CDing.
You say that your wife has begun to accept your shaving areas other than your face - Does she know about your interests in CDing?

06-07-2008, 01:47 AM
Chantelle, Welcome to the Forum. I think that your feelings are shared with a lot of us.

06-07-2008, 02:46 AM
Chantelle you are not weird, I have been through the same feelings that you are experiencing, I have never fit in with the boys, however I do fit in with the girls, and I have always been attracted to GG's as well. I identify as a woman, and have always loved womens fashions. I prefer to dress as a woman. When I am dressed as a woman it feels so natural to me, it is who I am. does your wife know about your crossdressing?.

06-07-2008, 03:51 AM
Thats lovely Chantelle, welcome, you are in a nice place. Have fun but its not going to get any easier!


06-07-2008, 10:03 AM
Kids make it hard, don't they? Yesterday, my wife was trying on a new dress I bought for her (she just had major plastic surgery...a "mommy makeover") and is just accepting that she can look good in clothes again. My almost 3 year old son asks her if her can wear it when he gets bigger. She shoots me a look/smirk as if to say "like father, like son." At least I know that if my son has the desire to be, do or wear anything, I will be far more understanding and supportive of him (and my daughter as well, of course) than my father would ever be of me if I wanted to talk to him about these kinds of things. My wife and I decided that if I was going to dress at home, we shouldn't hide it from the kids because we don't want them to think there is anything wrong with it, which there isn't, of course.

deja true
06-07-2008, 11:07 AM
Chantelle, dear one...don't stress too much at this stage...

As you've just joined up here, take some time, do some reading, see how scores of others have dealt with these oh-so-common feelings among us.

Read in the archives for similar advice. There's an education here, both physical and psychological, like you'll find no where else.

No rash decisions right now until you've been able to think it all out clearly...

A a couple of recent threads and polls have shown that your wife's apparent conservatism will really not factor in heavily on how she could take it if she found out, or if you told her eventually. The biggest factor in her ultimate acceptance is your love for each other and your record for honesty and sincerity.

Breathe deeply, then read deeply, then ask anything you like of us.

We're here to help if we can. That's what we do.

Don't feel guilty, either. We are what we are!

And you have our deepest

respect & love,



06-07-2008, 12:55 PM
hon all the girlz gave the best advice and i dont think i could do better, what i can tell you is that a lot of us feel the way you do. i also felt that i betry my wife but i dont feel guilty about it any more. its not that we girlz go and steal from some one or hurt some one to nab their panties or even worst get caught shoplifting a sexy bra from woolies. so i feel that what i do is sacret and i dont hurt any one i dont force my self onto my wife so hun dont feel bad its normal

06-07-2008, 03:20 PM
Hi Chantelle , First of all welcome , Second your not wierd , Probably all of us has had the same fears and questions that you have so try to relax and enjoy the time you shre with us. Tomara

06-07-2008, 03:44 PM
CHantelle, you are having very understandable and common feelings in the transgender community. But it is true that when you have a family involved, you have others to take into consideration.

06-07-2008, 04:14 PM
G'day Chantelle, and welcome. I think your feelings are very common among us here. As suggested by others, read the posts and ask questions. I think you will find we are an accepting group.

I too am still in the closet, except for here, although I have been making "baby steps", so far successfully. It is a long journey. Again, welcome,


06-07-2008, 08:57 PM
Chantelle - Welcome to the Forum! You've certainly come to the right place if you want to share your feelings and ask for advice on any matters related to CDing.
You say that your wife has begun to accept your shaving areas other than your face - Does she know about your interests in CDing?

Hey there, well I have found some very sweet & caring girlfriends out there, I feel better already!!!! To answer your question, no, my wife does not know about my CDing. She has gone shopping at the moment wich is why I am sitting here in my black g-string & little gym top, I wish I could wear this all day:heehee:. Thank you for the kind words. Is there a place here to discuss sexual feelings or that a no no???? I have ALOT of things I would like to talk about but I dont want to offend or get in trouble, so if someone can point me in the right direction for that topic I would appreciate it very much. Again I want to thank you all & express how wonderful it is to have found this site, I feel I belong here!
bye for now,
Chantelle, oxox

Angie G
06-07-2008, 09:03 PM
WE all know where your coming from Chantelle as most of us have been or are still there. This is something that chose you not something you chose And most of us have the thoughts you are having that's normal and sometimes gets us mixed up as to what's right. In MHO dressing don't make you a bad person hun. And by dressing your not betraying your wife or kids your just filling a need you have that none of us can say why we have it. just go with it and it will make you an even more loving dad and husband.
We can discuss our sexual feeling as long as it's not to in depth after all we are all ladies here thank you. :hugs:

06-07-2008, 09:08 PM
Hello Chantelle, I'm fairly new here too, and am so glad I found this website.
I've had the same feelings you describe most of my life and always thought I was doing something wrong.

I could never understand why these feelings wouldn't ever go away, because I just knew I was doing things that society said I wasn't supposed to do, and I was attracted to feminine things. I've just recently come to terms with the fact that those feelings are never going to go away, and I really don't want them to, I need to embrace them. It does away with a tremendous amount of guilt and is very freeing.

Just reading the posts from the other girls here has made a tremendous difference in how I view a very diverse part of who I am.


06-07-2008, 09:08 PM
WE all know where your coming from Chantelle as most of us have been or are still there. This is something that chose you not something you chose And most of us have the thoughts you are having that's normal and sometimes gets us mixed up as to what's right. In MHO dressing don't make you a bad person hun. And by dressing your not betraying your wife or kids your just filling a need you have that none of us can say why we have it. just go with it and it will make you an even more loving dad and husband.
We can discuss our sexual feeling as long as it's not to in depth after all we are all ladies here thank you. :hugs:
Thankyou Angie, you seem very sweet:)

06-07-2008, 09:22 PM
Actually society is wrong in saying crossdressing was wrong.

if you look back through history some of our most respected people were crossdressers.

and if you lived a couple of hundred years ago and were in say a shakespeare play you would have probably ended up dressed in female attire as only men were allowed to participate in plays even for the female parts.

they way society is at the moment its ok for women to wear mens clothing but not for men to wear womens,

well i say nuts to that and if we want to wear female attire then why shouldnt we?