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View Full Version : Outreach in My Church?

Melanie R
06-08-2008, 03:33 PM
I would love to be able to be in contact with other crossdressers who are members of our church. My wife and I are very close friends with one couple where the husband is a CD who goes out in public. The wife is 100% accepting. Another CD in the church has become like our adopted son. How do I reach out to others? Our church has 48,000 members (the largest in the US) with 25,000 in services on the weekend. Now there may be some in our church who visit or are members of this board that are very closeted. Our church is called Second Baptist of Houston - a somewhat liberal Baptist church. Of course not liberal enough yet to welcome with open arms crossdressers to services. I have been to one service as Melanie and have noticed at least 2 others CD's. Based on the statistic of 10,000 adult men who are members there should be a minimum of one percent - 100 - who are active crossdressers. If any of you are members of the church and are reading this, please contact me by private message.

Your ideas would be appreciated. I am not interested in any comments about the Baptist church, I know its problems but change is coming. The senior pastor in our church, Dr. Ed Young, who is seen by 4 million plus on television each week, once told from the pulpit that he enjoyed wearing his mother's clothes when he was very young. He said he has a dress up room in his house where the grandchildren can dress up even including the boys who may want to dress as girls. Maybe he will see this thread.



06-08-2008, 04:34 PM
Dear Melanie

The best I can offer you is that by your witness and actions you can lead and be affirming, both as a Christian and a crossdresser.

It can be difficult to be both at times as it seems that each end is diametrically opposed to the other. As Christians, the GLBT community may see us being intolerant. In fact we at times truly do fail to follow Christ's teachings. In the meantime the 'other than straight heterosexual' community is the subject of condemnation from the pulpit. Yet at the same time love for is also preached.

May I steer you to Matthew 7:16 and Matthew 12:33?

If you don't mind the prayers of Roman Catholic, you'll be in mine tonite



06-08-2008, 10:21 PM
I am so happy to find a christian post. I am a deeply devoted christian who is, as you say, gender gifted. Pray for my wife, who is warming to the idea of Elizabeth 2- and for me to go slowly. I've had this with me all my life. My wife has suspected and in the past I attempted two outs. The out came about three months ago.

Oh! I am also a Baptist, but I am not a member of your church. I pray that you can make the bridges in your congregation without some old walrus getting in the way.
