View Full Version : My makeup is getting better

06-09-2008, 04:53 PM
but not on myself.....sigh

Ok so saturday was a bit of a special night as a friend was having a bit of a do at our local fetish club around 25 people. Me, Tierganshaw , tierganshaw's lady partner and houseboi who was my sub for the evening

I had arranged for a friend who was an esthetician to show up and do our houseboi's makeup properly but she never showed up. I was disappointed, but in the end ended up doing it myself.

Well the results were pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. I'm not certain I got the shade of foundation quite perfect but it was at least an acceptable match. I had him dressed in a schoolgirl skirt and matching top and some nice mary janes with black velvet knee highs and fishnets underneath to give a little goth appearance.
Now bear in mind it was houseboi's first time out. I've forbidden him to cut his hair since last summer and it's just past shoulder length now so it was also his first time dressed with just his own hair, no wig.And now that it is a bit longer, it's much easier to style girly too.

Anyway to make matters short, houseboi had elected not to take the bus withus to the club (I'd been kind and given him a choice as it was his first time out). The cab arrives ( late due a dispatching mixup ) and we get in and houseboi is sitting in the back with Tirganshaw and her lady friend.

Well the fun starts because though I'm in drab, all the other 3 are fairly provocatively dressed. then the cab driver must have figured I was out for a night with my harem because he starts spouting how lucky I was to have 3 women all to myself. I just smiled and said "yes.....very lucky"

Apparently houseboi passes casual inspection.