View Full Version : Just feeling so good at the moment....

06-12-2008, 11:33 AM
and I've got to share it with any of you that are interested....

The past couple of days have been pure heaven...well maybe not that extreem but absolutly delightfull and totally different from anything I've expereinced before.

I started to Crossdress a couple of months ago...never really did it before and it just kind of popped up for me..the interest or desire shall we say...approached the wife with the idea and at first she was totally "what the f*** is going on here"!!!!!!!

Well since that moment she's gone through all the responses from are you toally gay to do you want to become a female to you need to shop here or we need to do this to here, some of my nitegowns for you to wear....

Well the past two days we've both been home and I've gone full "femme mode" for the first time and it's like ok no problem at all not only for her but for me....I'm totally comfortable and she's like whatever??? A few jabs at me about tripping over my hels or your boods are to big...to this is how you open a can of soda with your nails....

This morning I got up and had left my make up on from last nite so I freshen that up with a bit more shadow, lipstick and mascara and now I'm doing soem chores around the hosue like laundry and vacuuming dressed in jeans, heels t-shirt bra and boobs and wearing my earrings and feeling totally female at the moment and simply loving this moment in time....

I've fulling reached that point where my female side has been ackowledge, validated AND accepted....it's a great place to be in and it's been a great joureny to reach this point in time...."thanks Hon for being a fantasic partner, wife and best"....

and thank you all for your advice, counsel and putting up with all of my posts of late with all of my newbie questions....


06-12-2008, 12:40 PM
Gald to hear she is accepting you. My wife finially accepted my CDing about 2 months ago too. Before that she knew but we had a "No Ask, No Tell" policy.
Have you gone out dressed or only in the house?

06-12-2008, 12:43 PM
That's fantastic news, Stephanie! I bet she appreciates the help with the housework. And I'm sure there's no better feeling than being able to be yourself and having someone accept you for that.

06-12-2008, 12:51 PM
Yes it's all good so far and no haven't gone outside the house and that's not on my (our) radar at the moment...will it happen??? Don't know, but iknowing my wife as time goes by it wouldn't suprise me if she decided to dress me up and take me out to a gay club...and see how it goes in that enviroment..as far as anything else??? not sure, but she did mention about her and I going out shopping and me trying on clothes....so not sure if that is going in boy mode or girl mode....give her some more time and I think she'll get more and more into this who gender bending thing....stay tune and I'll keep you advise...

BTW I know that several have posted recently that things haven't gone well when they approached or told their wives or SO's....jsut jang in there and talk it through..SLOWLY unless you've got an extreemly strong and open relationship and communication line going with them...i time they might become more accpeting and who know wjat might happen....

Jenna Stunned
06-12-2008, 01:11 PM
That sounds great!!! One question though??? Does your wife have a sister??? J/K. If only we all were so lucky. Make sure you buy her some flowers or something.:)

06-12-2008, 01:16 PM
That's wonderful, I'm glad you had such a good time. For me, going out locally is probably not in the near future either, but my SO and I are going to SCC Atlanta this fall, and we're both really looking forward to that. Mostly, don't feel pressured to move faster or farther than you are comfortable with. It should just be fun for you and your wife.

Dee :fairy1:

Linda C
06-12-2008, 01:27 PM
You are a lucky t-girl!!! damn you.. just kidding. It's great feeling to enjoy something so grand.. :D

06-12-2008, 02:19 PM
Well, I'm glad to hear life on Cloud 9 is working out for you! :c9: That really is wonderful. Thanx 4 posting. :hugs: Tammi

06-12-2008, 03:33 PM
This CDing has just cause a problem with the wife....

She wants me to help her apply her make up tonight when we go to her brother's for dinner...

I'm using an airbrush system to apply the foundation for myself and she thinks it came out so good on me she wants me to do it for her tonight.....oh the "problems" of CDing....

Just kidding...glad she thinks enough of my efforts to ask me to help here...

maybe it's something like this...

..."the husband and wife that do their make up together never have to worry about "making up"!!!! What do ya think?????:hugs: