View Full Version : almost!

05-13-2005, 12:13 PM
I was sooo close to saying something to my mother Monday while we were shopping! Well, it was mostly me, and she was there to make sure I was actually getting the dress type stuff I was forced to wear last night for my senior night (just a night for the seniors at school where they give out awards and such, had to be in a suit :( ). Anyway, the first point of this she's stopped to look at the sale rack sitting outside one of the stores on our way out which really did have some very cute dresses I wouldn't have minded, but back to the point. I was trying to get her to hurry because I can't hardly stand temptation sometimes hehe, and she says "Are you embarassed to be standing here looking at clothes with me?" I nearly went "No, it's just I can't have any so I'd rather not be here looking." Luckily I have some thought before I speak (only at special times mind you ;) ) and just said yes lets go. Then as we walk through the last store to get to the car she said something and my eyes sort of wandered off to an outfit that was on a model thing (I forget the real word for these at the moment, but hopefully y'all know what I mean) and she told me not to roll my eyes at her. I was like "Wha...I....oh....ok, sorry." I got so excited at seeing some of those outfits I nearly lost it! Hehe, but best that I kept that in since we were in a public setting and she doesn't yet know. Hopefully soon I'll say something about it in a more private area and see how it goes there. Not that much of a ground breaking thing, but I was happy I didn't just blurt things out like I normally would have. I am slowly rebuilding after that purge, graduation money is very, very good for that :D .

I was so jealous last night seeing some of those girls dresses! I was probably the only guy looking a girl up and down for what she was wearing. Wow I would have killed for some of that and to look that good in it! Was wishing nearly the entire night that was me instead of them. Oh well, I have my times and they have theirs! :D

Take care girls!

Tamara Croft
05-13-2005, 12:20 PM
Oh that made me laugh... I could almost see it :p Next time... just say NO... and then say... how about you buy me this one :D and NO MORE PURGING!!!!!

05-13-2005, 12:22 PM
I was probably the only guy looking a girl up and down for what she was wearing.

Bet you weren't! :p

So, how does your mother feel about guys that appear different than what is commonly referred to as the norm?

If she's open minded about it, then after graduation, talk to her. You may find a helping hand.

If she's not, then there is no need to say anything that will upset her.

Wendy me
05-13-2005, 12:34 PM
yes with mom shopping you have to think...burlt it out omg i love that dress ............
oh them shoes are killer......and that skirt is too.....(mom)...son you got something you want to tell me?????

05-13-2005, 02:44 PM
Pretty sure she's an open minded type person. Never says anything about anyone unless they are just a bad person, I've never seen her judge someone just from what they appear to be. Hoping thats a good sign for this. Plus that incident I mentioned earlier about her seeing some of my things makes me think I really should say something. Pretty sure she knows, but she doesn't want to confront me and make me feel uneasy. Thats just what I think, but I could just be reading all this into it myself and that not be the case. Just have to get up the courage and find the right words on how to tell her and see how it goes I guess.

05-13-2005, 03:20 PM
It sounds like you’re working up the courage now. It is nice to have someone close to you who knows about this part of you. It’s hard being all alone with it. That’s why this site is so nice… I felt alone with it for a very long time. Thanks for sharing Suzanna and good luck.