View Full Version : Things I wish I would just SAY to people!

06-16-2008, 11:37 PM
1.) O.k. I know they're not real. You know they're not real. I know that you know they're not real. Does grabbing a boob every time you see me ever get old? Ever? Is grabbing an imitation breast really a neverending wellspring of comedy? Maybe on my trip to the grocery store I'll get some stockings and birdseed and next time I'm in the club I'll toss you a spare tit, that way you can sit at the bar, drink oddly named alchoholic beverages and squeeze fake titties all night long until the DJ ends the night on that one goofy selection and the bouncers kick people out.

2.) Congratulations! You've read me! I try my best to pass and blend in, but nothing gets by you! Way to go! I'd like to point out , however, that it is not your personal duty to the rest of society to call me out for people who haven't yet noticed. I realize that you feel the need to let me know that my 2 hours spent on hair, makeup, and wardrove were all for nothing, but your smug expression is enough, really. Oh and by the way, when you talk about me, I can hear you.

3.) Just because I'm a trannie doesn't mean I'm interested. I don't need to see yours I have one of my own, thanks. What? No, you'll just have to take my word for it.

4.) Thank you, person I just met, for using the female pronouns with me. Its not something I demand of my friends especially if they've known me before Violet really emerged, I let them use whatever they want, its o.k., really. But as soon as you met me, even when my overexcited female friend introduced me as "the tranny," you immediately began with she and her. Its a small thing really, but I appreciate the hint of acceptance.

5.) Wear a skirt, darn you! You're a woman you can do that! Its summer, its hot outside and even hotter in my office and these aren't really pants I'm wearing so much as a testicular furnace, whereas you, unlike me have the option of wearing something much cooler and more comfortable, but nooo, you want to boys in the meeting room to take you seriously. Also, when you put on the skirt make sure to swish it around alot as you walk, I'm living vicariously through you.

06-17-2008, 12:07 AM
That's priceless


Joy Carter
06-17-2008, 12:10 AM
Sometimes young one, a smile and silence speaks volumes.

Take Care Joy

06-17-2008, 12:20 AM
Geez....what kind of morons do you hang with? I think it's time for you to "upscale" a bit and find someplace with people with a few more manners.

I know you'll miss that constant Drum Core Solo featured on EVERY Clubmix Soundtrack, but you'll get over it! Might even give your ears a chance to rest. Just imagine if they can hear you, I bet they would make conversation, instead of grabbing your boobs.

Yes, I know that the pickin's are very slim if we are talking about GLBT Watering Holes, but judging by your picture you look a lot better and deserve more than some clown "outing you."

Course' it's up to you. If you want that kind of treatment, want to be introduced as "That Tranny," want to put up with crap like that, stick around. I personally would take my fanny somewhere else....somewhere I was appreciated.

Peace and Love, Joanie

06-17-2008, 12:29 AM
That's priceless


Though you should have a talk wth your friend about introducing as the tranny. You look great (highly passable great) and without that intro I don't think many people would know. Again the whole tread "priceless".

06-17-2008, 05:27 AM
Hi Violet, I kinda' know how you feel!!!!! I think frustration runs pretty deep within us all when we are trying to do our very best to become female or at least look like one, I know I feel this way. I think you are very pretty and without knowing that you are not a genetic female I would NEVER guess it. Please don't let some mindless idiot ruin your fun time girl, go out and enjoy

:love: Mollyanne

Karren H
06-17-2008, 06:32 AM
Those are right on, Violet..... I always wanted to ask some of those... btw... no one has grabbed my boobs yet! lol....

06-17-2008, 06:43 AM
Very well stated, Violet. Maybe you should consider writing the President's speeches. That way there would be a whole lot of truth, and no bulls&*t!!!

06-17-2008, 07:42 AM
How about "Yes, I'm a man, and yes, I'm wearing a dress. No that doesn't automatically make me gay, and you know you've been curious about wearing girls' clothing more than once in your life, so stop being so self-righteous about it."


"No, there's nothing wrong with me. I do this because I enjoy it, and if you tried it, you'd probably like it, too."


"Why do you get to wear the pretty clothes? 'Because I'm a girl' doesn't count."

06-17-2008, 08:36 AM
3.) Just because I'm a trannie doesn't mean I'm interested. I don't need to see yours I have one of my own, thanks. What? No, you'll just have to take my word for it.

well said to all

Niya W
06-17-2008, 08:39 AM
1.) O.k. I know they're not real. You know they're not real. I know that you know they're not real. Does grabbing a boob every time you see me ever get old? Ever? Is grabbing an imitation breast really a neverending wellspring of comedy? Maybe on my trip to the grocery store I'll get some stockings and birdseed and next time I'm in the club I'll toss you a spare tit, that way you can sit at the bar, drink oddly named alchoholic beverages and squeeze fake titties all night long until the DJ ends the night on that one goofy selection and the bouncers kick people out.p

Had GG do that to me. Of course last time she did it they were fake.l Not this time

06-17-2008, 09:34 AM
Violet, thank you for the smiles. I think my personal fave is "testicular furnace," but there is some very strong competition :)