View Full Version : Makeup

Natalie x
05-14-2005, 08:00 AM
I went shopping today. For the first time, I went around some department stores (just in male drab) choosing some makeup and buying my first stockings. Now, that may not sound much to you old hands out there, but I can tell you my heart was pounding! :o I felt really scared, as if I was naked and about to be caught. I thought everyone could tell what I was doing, especially the shop assistants.

Anyway, now I've got some lipstick (too pink, should have got a stronger red), eye shadow and mascara, and I've tried putting it on. The first thing I found was that I need some other stuff, like blusher and eye-liner (I think) and that is the purpose of this thread ...

... can any of you point to somewhere that I (and, I guess, other new CDs) can read and learn about what makeup to get and how to get the best effect? I don't have a partner, and I haven't come out to my grown up kids yet (it's still very early days for me) so there's no-one I can get help from.



05-14-2005, 08:05 AM
Congratulations Natalie on overcoming that hurdle today, I do understand how you must have been feeling, a feeling many of us here must have had at some point.

Check out Tristen's link pages (link below) where you'll find some there that have make up tips, I'm also sure others will give you their tips too.

http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1025 (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1025)


05-14-2005, 08:08 AM
Good questions! I will be waiting to hear and see what
directions our friends lead us to.

Natalie x
05-14-2005, 08:08 AM
Thanks Julie, will do.



05-14-2005, 09:21 AM
Check out the websites for different fashion magazines also, for tips on techniques, product ratings, etc. Glamour Magazine, Cosmo, Allure, etc. all have useful info, as do sites for cosmetics manufacturers, like Revlon, Max Factor, Covergirl, and so forth.
The best thing to do is to to just buy some of the basics, such as foundation and/or concealer, mascara, blush, etc. and just experiment, perhaps using a photo of someone you may like to emulate as a guide. It might be useful to buy a make-up kit as a beginning point. The quality of the product may not be the best, but at least you won't waste a lot of money while you experiment.
Good luck, and have fun!

Wendy me
05-14-2005, 09:42 AM
you will get better at the shopping .....the rewards are worth it......

05-14-2005, 12:16 PM
I went shopping today. For the first time, I went around some department stores (just in male drab) choosing some makeup and buying my first stockings. Now, that may not sound much to you old hands out there, but I can tell you my heart was pounding! :o I felt really scared, as if I was naked and about to be caught. I thought everyone could tell what I was doing, especially the shop assistants.

I buy stockings now just about every time I walk into a department store. I got past being scared along time ago, but my heart still pounds when I do - it's just so exhilerating! The shop assistants probably know what you're doing, they just really don't mind.

Along with the web sites listed above, have a look in your bookstore. I can recommend a couple;

Classic Make-up & Beauty by Mary Quant (DK Publishing)
Making Faces by Kevin Aucoin (Little, Brown)

Have fun!


Melissa A.
05-14-2005, 12:28 PM
Hi Breaktherules.

You will get more comfortable shopping. But it may take some time. Just wait till you buy shoes for the first time! There's really no hiding that one, since no woman I know would trust a guy to buy shoes for her! But you will get to a point when you just don't care. Just keep progressing.

Just think to yourself, what does getting "caught" really mean, anyway? (images of the Gender Police suddenly appearing, guns drawn!) I would never let someone who is supposed to be doing their job, which includes treating customers with respect and courtesy, make me feel uncomfortable about me. Never!

You will get there. Congratulations. I am very happy for you.


Melissa :)

05-14-2005, 12:34 PM
There are some great tips here...
Click on transformations and anything and everything you need help with is listed down the left side.
Don't let the name scare you its not at all drag make-up.
Hope this helps.

05-14-2005, 12:56 PM
You might have to be more specific in what you want to know. Is it the eyes, lips, skin, eyebrows.
I have mentioned somehere else on this forum a book by Kevyn Aucoin called "Making Faces". This book is quite helpful. He has another book, but I forget the name.
Here in the US, it is best to shop at drug stores like Rite Aid or CVS for make-up. You can get good results without spending to much. I think the UK equivalant would be "Boots".
I wouldn't worry to much about using blush, you don't really need it. Most CDs I see wearing blush, use too much and look clownish in appearance, unless you are going for the clown look.
Also it depends on your facial features, what might work for someone might not work for another, because of the shape of the face, color of the skin, beard cover, or different styles one wants.

Stacie Stockman
05-14-2005, 05:07 PM
Kevyn Aucoine's other book is "Face Forward." Just bought both last week and reading them.

05-14-2005, 05:30 PM
Hi Natalie:

I went to a book store (in my particular case borders) and purchased a book called "Make up, The Art Of Beauty". It's by Linda Mason. It has some good ideas about how to apply make up to get certain looks.

I have also purchased my make up from bare essentials. I have sensitive skin and their make up doesn't irritate my skin. As a starter kit, they sent me foundation, blush and a few other items along with an instructional Compact Disc. Their product is a little on the pricey side but I get very good results with it.

One other thing. Don't be afraid to just take sometime by yourself and experiment with applying the make up. That's what I did and after a while I got pretty good at it. Practice, practice and practice is the name of the game.

05-14-2005, 05:46 PM
A couple other girls have already mentioned these but the are the best both books by Kevin Aucoin are the books to buy Face Forward and Making Faces

05-14-2005, 05:53 PM
There are some great tips here...
Click on transformations and anything and everything you need help with is listed down the left side.
Don't let the name scare you its not at all drag make-up.
Hope this helps.
Thats a really great link thanks from an "OLD HAND"?

Natalie x
05-14-2005, 06:02 PM
So many replies - thanks girls :)

I've followed up on some of the links you've suggested, and found some really good tips. Also, I like the books idea, and will have a look when our sleepy town re-opens on Monday!

There is a makeup kit in ebay, which I've bid for - it may not be the right colours, but will be a start and should give me some ideas of what works, or doesn't, on me. I will need some cover-up for my beard shadow, and my poor old eyes have big bags underneath, so there's quite a lot to do to make me beautiful.

Although I was scared, shopping, it was certainly exhilarating, and I found it hard not to give a huge cheer when I came out of the store with my stuff!

Lots of love and kisses

