View Full Version : Weird moments

Niya W
06-23-2008, 07:42 PM
I've been dressing for almost 4 year. Aug 6 2004 will be four years.

In this time I've a few awkward moments. I get dressed at transformation Salon. Its a two story building. First floor is the salon and the second is a hall that gets rented out by the odd Fellas(I know there is a joke in there some were). It's the renting of the hall that gave me the awkward moments. see the owner of the building use to rent the hall on the second floor out. Now imaging being all dressed up and walking though a parking lot were Quinceaneras or a wedding reception is going on. You got kids running around, semi intoxicated adults. Funny thing is I guess I got use to it. Three ago weeks they had a little league sign up there and it didn't bother me. I know I had become harden when I walked past a church that was letting out on Sunday.

06-23-2008, 08:35 PM
You go, girl. You march right in front of all those church-goers, and make sure they know that their way isn't necessarily the only way people can make their way through this life.

Niya W
06-23-2008, 08:36 PM
Actualy I had to walk past them to get to the staging area for SJ pride. This was the first year the parade route did not go my that church.

06-23-2008, 08:44 PM
Try sharing a parking lot with a pre-school and day camp where every child waves at you and shouts hello at every opportunity. Hmm..., to tell the truth, I really love it. :)

06-23-2008, 09:53 PM
Imagine how you will feel when you can attend church, perhaps not your own but a church never the less. I have found it to be very calming.


06-23-2008, 09:58 PM
That is exactly why I moved my transformation studio to a private residential area. Many of my clients would not step outside the door if another person was visible.

We all get more comfortable with being seen as time goes on, but we need to start somewhere safe and quiet until we get the "fever" turned up.

Niya W
06-23-2008, 10:36 PM
Um this is in a residential area. Just that the odd fellas hall has been there since the 50's. Interesting note. There is SJPD officer that transitioned on the job. It just so happens the odd fellas hall is on her patrol route.

Oh bay the way the owner of the hall no longer rents the hall out to the general public. Only for trans/ drag events now. He has less problems with drag queens and trannies cleaning up the hall. This because the trans folks feel like its a second home and the drag queens seen the place as part of the community.