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View Full Version : Mid 30`s and hormones

05-15-2005, 08:35 AM
I'm in my mid 30's not sure if Im a transgenderist , gonna see a sex theropist soon . Question , if I find out I am a transgender , what can I expect from hormones .

I read some where that hormones can alter your face , Im assuming this means the fatty tissue around such as your cheeks and lips . Of course bone requires surgery .

05-15-2005, 09:41 AM
I don't know much but just want to send my support to you. I have watched some of the shows on discovery health channel and have heard there are patches so your internal parts don't have problems It just goes rigt to the blood stream they talked about dev breasts, softer skin, voice changes loose some hair and the worst part iratic emotions but look on the bright side no periods Just trying to be a little light hearted there are some threads on the subject from people that know a whole lot more then me. If I were Doing it I would probably do the patches.I would not want pills going through my system to before they do what they are supposed to. Those tv shows said that they have to give such a high dose of hormones so that only a little actually works and can cause liver and kidney problems. Yes definately the patch. They make patches for everything nowa days what a concept. I wish there was a money making patch

05-15-2005, 09:50 AM
thank ya , but before I consider hormones I first must speak with a sex theropist . And seccondly I must make sure that hormones woNT worsen or affect my pre-egisting health problems