View Full Version : Out of the mouths of babes ...

07-01-2008, 02:46 PM
I am in the closet. No one in my family has any idea that I am a cross dresser, not even my wife. I have never done anything CD related in any proximity to my children whatsoever (not even viewing this website).

Yet, for some odd reason, my 2 year old has begun calling me "MommyDaddy".

He still calls my wife Mommy and has no trouble with other relatives monikers (grandpa, grandma, etc.). Just me. I'm MommyDadddy.

I'm not upset by this by any means. It just makes me wonder, is it simply a child grappling to learn language? Or does he sense something more about me? I will admit I have had numerous GG's in my life (including my wife) tell me that some of my personality traits are "feminine" (or at least "very un-guy like"). Is it possible he senses that (at some level) as well?

Things that make you go hmm...

Emily Anderson
07-01-2008, 02:51 PM
It's probably just your kid grappling with who you are. Who knows?

I wouldn't ponder too much about such things... Life is too short to get hung up on such stuff, especially when it comes to kids. Just enjoy your time with them, regardless of how they call you. It will all change in time, anyway.

07-01-2008, 05:26 PM
It's probably just your kid grappling with who you are. Who knows?

I wouldn't ponder too much about such things... Life is too short to get hung up on such stuff, especially when it comes to kids. Just enjoy your time with them, regardless of how they call you. It will all change in time, anyway.

I agree. Trust me, there are a lot worse things they might call you one day.

07-01-2008, 05:44 PM
small children to about the age of three can see the human aura-a field of coloures around us reflecting our energy field and moods.so can animals...
i guess you have someone you can not hide from!dont worry though-there is no ability to intellectually interpret this and it will disappear when the child reaches the age of 3.

07-01-2008, 06:16 PM
[small children to about the age of three can see the human aura-a field of coloures around us reflecting our energy field and moods.so can animals...

Thats an interesting quote, I very often only get the chance to dress properly when my landlady is out of the house. This normally means leaving me alone with the dogs (a couple of bichon's). I see the landlady leave, dress up and go out to the back yard for a ciggie, but the dogs know that it is me - even with a wig and make-up - and do not treat me as an intruder. Do they (and children) have some kind of intuition ?

07-01-2008, 06:51 PM
I see the landlady leave, dress up and go out to the back yard for a ciggie, but the dogs know that it is me - even with a wig and make-up - and do not treat me as an intruder. Do they (and children) have some kind of intuition ?

Dogs have keen senses of smell, and do not need to see you to know who you are.