View Full Version : would you or wouldn,t

05-15-2005, 08:47 PM
my wife tells me when she gets finished doing my makeup and styling my hair for me,and i get dressed up.that if we did go out shopping or to a club ,that i look so pretty and sexy that i would get hit on alot.because know one can tell that i am not a woman.....and now that we have found this club that we both like to go too they are going to have a best dressed contest,,,,, she thinks i can win ,,,,,she says i have the bod. for it and the real sexy ladylike walk for it when i am in my highheels.,,,,,she says i shure do sit real sexy when i cross my long legs and let my highheel shoe hang off my toes with my short skirt on.(mid thigh).frist place pays 200.00 dollars and second place 100.00 dollars and thats all there is........now should i or should i not. michellejean(mrs. highheels )

05-15-2005, 08:50 PM
And the down side would be... NOTHING! I say go for it.

Lady Jayne
05-15-2005, 08:53 PM
Nothing to lose
And it sounds like fun!

05-15-2005, 08:54 PM
Well, I'm not at that point yet, but if I were and had the confidence and support of my wife......well.....I think I just might. What a thrill wether you win or not! It's certainly a rare occasion when you can draw applause and cheers while dressed en femme.


05-15-2005, 08:58 PM
Why question yourself?

If your wife is on your side and says you can win, there's not much you have to worry about!

Enter and have fun with it!


Stephanie Brooks
05-15-2005, 09:39 PM

You're passable. Your wife is supportive. Gee, that's a tough one. NOT! Go for it!!!! Oh, and let us know if you win.

05-15-2005, 11:17 PM
I say go for it gurl. :) Do it for yourself and all the gurls out there that would'nt stand a chance at something like that. ;) Good luck and let us know what happens.


Mia lynn
05-16-2005, 03:46 AM
Youre a lucky girl, have have a wife who understands and so very supportive. Go for it Girl! Have a great time.
Hugs Mia Lynn

05-16-2005, 03:58 AM
Go for it girl :)

05-16-2005, 05:04 AM
Remember, it's not about winning, but playing the game! Get in there and do your best!!!! Good luck and keep us updated!

Wendy me
05-16-2005, 06:13 AM
what do you think???? yes do it ....hay pitchures????????????????????

Vivian Best
05-16-2005, 06:43 AM
Is this a best dressed boy in girl clothing or a best dressed for girls contest you are entering? Doesn't make any difference go for it and win!


05-16-2005, 07:02 AM
If you can dangle your high heel off your foot and fool guys, then you have a gift! That is a talent I wish I had. Do it!

Katie Ashe
05-16-2005, 08:35 AM
So what are you waiting for, I wish I got comments like that. Go have fun :D and win a little with something you like to do.


05-16-2005, 09:16 AM

05-16-2005, 11:34 AM
Go for it! oorah!

kathy gg
05-16-2005, 12:00 PM
Hi Michelle-jean,

I am going to sound like a party pooper, but before showing up at this place you should at least phone ahead to see if there is any stipulation for a crossdressed guy entering the contest. I would hate to see the losers (if you won) of this contest after a few drinks and finding out the winner is not really what she seems. These girls could get ugly...

It is great that your SO is supportive and game for this. But you have to think of hers and your safety if someone did find out the truth.

My hubby and I used to go out to clubs alot a few yrs back and we went to mainstream straight bars too. ALot of places like this have no cover for women, but my husband always made sure that he paid. We did not want anyone causing us any problems for being deceptive. It was funny as usually the bouncers were trying to direct him towards free line and he would insist that he needed to go in the other line. Most were shocked that he was a guy, but usally the person taking the money (most always a girl) was not.
And we never did have any issues.

So, you might be really passable and look really great, but jsut be smart. People can get very unpredictable when they are faced with these situations.

kathy in canada

my wife tells me when she gets finished doing my makeup and styling my hair for me,and i get dressed up.that if we did go out shopping or to a club ,that i look so pretty and sexy that i would get hit on alot.because know one can tell that i am not a woman.....and now that we have found this club that we both like to go too they are going to have a best dressed contest,,,,, she thinks i can win ,,,,,she says i have the bod. for it and the real sexy ladylike walk for it when i am in my highheels.,,,,,she says i shure do sit real sexy when i cross my long legs and let my highheel shoe hang off my toes with my short skirt on.(mid thigh).frist place pays 200.00 dollars and second place 100.00 dollars and thats all there is........now should i or should i not. michellejean(mrs. highheels )

05-16-2005, 12:07 PM
I am going to sound like a party pooper, but before showing up at this place you should at least phone ahead to see if there is any stipulation for a crossdressed guy entering the contest.


Umm, I just sort of assumed you were talking about a contest specifcally for crossdressers. If I was wrong and the contest is intended for GG's, then I'd have to advise against it.

Would you clarify this for me please?


Stephanie Brooks
05-16-2005, 02:01 PM

Kathy's right! As with Sigrid, I assumed this was a CD event. Pay attention to what Kathy said. Be smart and be safe!

05-16-2005, 02:15 PM
i thank you ;and you are right, but it is a cd contest and every body knows it,,, but thank you for that.michellejean(mrs.highheels)

05-16-2005, 02:21 PM
my wife tells me when she gets finished doing my makeup and styling my hair for me,and i get dressed up.that if we did go out shopping or to a club ,that i look so pretty and sexy that i would get hit on alot.because know one can tell that i am not a woman.....and now that we have found this club that we both like to go too they are going to have a best dressed contest,,,,, she thinks i can win ,,,,,she says i have the bod. for it and the real sexy ladylike walk for it when i am in my highheels.,,,,,she says i shure do sit real sexy when i cross my long legs and let my highheel shoe hang off my toes with my short skirt on.(mid thigh).frist place pays 200.00 dollars and second place 100.00 dollars and thats all there is........now should i or should i not. michellejean(mrs. highheels )
You should go for it!! You are so lucky to have a wife like that!!!!!!!

05-16-2005, 03:19 PM
sweet girl! I would definatly! you sound pretty hot girl! I'm jelous! :p go for it girl! take care n stay sexy Eileenxxx ;)

05-16-2005, 03:56 PM
i thank you ;and you are right, but it is a cd contest and every body knows it,,, but thank you for that.michellejean(mrs.highheels)


Take some pictures with your amazing and supportive wife and go for it! Sounds like fun, even if you lose - it's really a win-win in your case.

We want pictures.
(repeat after me ;) )

05-29-2005, 05:16 PM
Go for it michelle-jean! Since your wife is very supportive and you have nothing to lose.