View Full Version : Do You Post Pictures on The Web to Entice Males? asks SO

Amanda Shaft
07-08-2008, 05:00 AM
Last night I was checking my Hi5 pages (it’s a sort of facebook type site, see the link below if you’re interested) when my SO sits down beside me and starts to take an interest. She specifically wants to see the pictures on there and the comments others have left about them. Most of the pictures I’ve posted here, some that might break the house rules are exclusively there, but non are particularly salacious and all ‘in the best possible taste!’ Some of the comments written back are a little more blunt and some offer to do things with me that I’m sure are illegal (even in Norfolk). I digress.
The thing is she got quite upset; asking was I trying to entice men? Did I correspond with any of them? Would I meet anyone of them and do the things they say they want to? I said no but she then asked then why do you post them?
I’ve not answered that question to her yet. I think it’s because it’s a way of showing Amanda off to the world, kind of emulating what GG’s are able to do everyday: just being there in front of everyone. I’ll not deny the compliments are nice and even the rude ones can be laughed off from the safety of the interweb since it’s remote and controllable. The pictures for me are a sort of art form, an image which is constructed and created for its own merit. Are they there to entice men? I still say no, but to fool them a little well maybe.

Any thoughts? Do you publish your photos on an open forum and why?
I'd be interested to know,
Hugs Amanda x

07-08-2008, 05:04 AM
I like to post some of my pics, and yes, simply because i see it as art but also is nice to get compliments from the guys. Its confirmation for me that Im looking good and not just some skag:)

07-08-2008, 05:25 AM
Do you publish your photos on an open forum and why?

I've only published a couple pics, and only on this forum (it's the only one I frequent as Tasha).

For me, it's like self-assurance that Tasha is real (look, I can see her out in the world!) and builds my confidence to bring her out more often.

I don't post to attract anyone, I'm happily and faithfully married to a loving and accepting woman.

07-08-2008, 07:45 AM
I've got quite a few on Flick but it has nothing to do with attracting anyone to me.
My original intent with the Flickr page was just to store them in the Internet so that they could be included in Blogs and posts here. Of course answer just dances around the intent of your question and still doesn't address the intent of your question.

In some ways it's about validation - "See, I TOLD you I would make a pretty woman!" lol

In some ways it's enjoying the freedom to share a part of you that you usually have to keep hidden - "See, this is me! This is what I look like, this is what I see in my minds eye when I picture myself."

Some of it is for the memories. When I am 70 and 80, I want something to look back at. I want to be able to point at them (if only to myself) and say "I was pretty"

Darlene Dippy
07-08-2008, 09:05 AM
Any pictures I post are about me, about 'coming out' in a small way.

As for attracting men well I suspect any admirers would come with a guide dog!


07-08-2008, 09:53 AM
Have your SO read 'My husband Betty', it might provide some insight. Having pictures taken and posting them is one sign of affirmation of who you are, giving the 'en femme' side validation.

07-08-2008, 09:57 AM
Well, I haven't posted pics, but I'm a little tart. I would, but only as a tease since I'm married.

Leslie Foxx
07-08-2008, 10:17 AM
I have a few social networking sites I post my photos to. Mostly I do it for comments from other t-girls. I do get interest from some males, most of whom I just ignore because they come off as rude hound dogs. I have corresponded with a few admirers who behave like gentlemen, but I make it clear to them that I am not interested in them below the belt.

The thing that surprised me the most was that I get hit on by a number of GGs. That's happend both online and out in the real world. Go figure! Not that I'm complaining.

I have to agree with Kimberly. It's all about the validation.

Bev06 GG
07-08-2008, 01:05 PM
Hi Amanda,
Your wife is worried. I can go with the validation thing, but the thing is because men are so visual you are bound to attract admirers. I remember one Christmas buying my partner some lovely silky underwear and a matching teddy. He looked great in them so we did some posing shots. I asked him not to post them on the internet because it was something that I felt at any rate was special for us.
What did he do? yes youve guessed all over TV chix and he'd shared them with many admirers too by private emails. I was devastated especially when I read some of the comments that came back.
You see what you do for validation we would do to attract the opposite sex. Well most of us anyhow.
I saw what he had done as a total betrayal and boy did I let him know it. He on the other hand couldn't really see the big deal.

Nicki B
07-08-2008, 01:33 PM
Hi Amanda,
Your wife is worried. I can go with the validation thing, but the thing is because men are so visual you are bound to attract admirers. I remember one Christmas buying my partner some lovely silky underwear and a matching teddy. He looked great in them so we did some posing shots. I asked him not to post them on the internet because it was something that I felt at any rate was special for us.
What did he do? yes youve guessed all over TV chix and he'd shared them with many admirers too by private emails. I was devastated especially when I read some of the comments that came back.
You see what you do for validation we would do to attract the opposite sex. Well most of us anyhow.
I saw what he had done as a total betrayal and boy did I let him know it. He on the other hand couldn't really see the big deal.

But Bev, for us it is usually just about affirmation and validation - it's about being proud of ourselves as we can be, not about seeking salacious comments?

Surely the real betrayal would be if he followed up on any of the offers? :idontknow:

07-08-2008, 01:36 PM
Before S.O. (KewtNKurvy), I'd have posted whatever struck *my* fancy, :heehee: and I have.

Now she shows concern about how far I'd take conversation and interactions with other males (CD or not).:timeout: She asks lots of questions from time to time. Sometimes the very same questions that were asked and answered.

I get it. I was quite open to new experiences, :dom: as my older posts show, and she was not necessarily comfortable with that. Given a choice, I'll take the bird in the bush, and leave self-indulgent exploration off, thank you very much.

So if I have any concern about a picture, or whatever I would do Enfemme, I would get her opinion as a guide. :2c:

My prayer is that the more I trust her judgment, the more she will trust mine, and we will discover our happiest medium together.:^5:

Right hunny? :love:

:rose: Roberta :rose:

Bev06 GG
07-08-2008, 01:39 PM
Yes I know your right Nicki, but to me those particular pics were special. He had plenty more he could have posted but he chose to post the very ones that I had been uncomfortable about him sharing with others.
Its over with now but the point I think I am trying to make is that we are very different in our outlooks and we read different things into situations.

Its history now and I soon got over it but I can sympathise with Amandas SO.

Nicki B
07-08-2008, 01:48 PM
Its history now and I soon got over it but I can sympathise with Amandas SO.

I can, too?

TBH I've never posted anything I would worry about my SO seeing. Well, at least the ones involving baked beans and jelly weren't of me... :whistling:

Bev06 GG
07-08-2008, 01:49 PM
I can, too?

TBH I've never posted anything I would worry about my SO seeing. Well, at least the ones involving baked beans and jelly weren't of me... :whistling:

LOL sounds a bit messy.

07-08-2008, 03:22 PM
I am certainly not trying to attract any tranny chasers, and few if any others are likely to be trying to either.
For me, posting was a sort of rite of passage. A part of joining the group.

suzy cool
07-08-2008, 03:41 PM
I think it is like a type of performance. Like practising violin at home for hundreds of hours and you daren't play live so you do a thing on Youtube instead. Posting pics of yourself dressed up and getting compliments just feels good. Everyone likes to be told they look good even if they are not what they seem to be. Although I can see that a SO would see it a different way.

07-08-2008, 04:06 PM
Who do girls try to impress? Why other girls of course. Its not about men at all, is it?

07-08-2008, 04:48 PM
Just tell your wife it gives you a sense of being out to the world, and no longer in the closet. Especially if you've not physically been out.

Emily Anderson
07-08-2008, 05:02 PM
Why haven't you answered that question yet? That's what I would be asking myself if I were your wife. I would serious have concerns.

Fiona K
07-08-2008, 05:04 PM
It's definitely an affirmation for me though given the serious editing of what I do post on fairly safe Trans sites I also have to give myself a shake to remind myself of the reality.

The ratio of what is posted to those that actually were taken is considerable!

My wife has more of a concern if I'm approached when out in the real world- it has happened but it's usually curious lesbians!

The wedding ring sees them off.......

Fab Karen
07-08-2008, 05:18 PM
Personally I post pix on such places for validation. Being pansexual, I'm not adverse to men enjoying them or asking if I have interest in them ( if they are respectful ). Each of us has our own reasons & interests, I'd suggest you tell her your personal reasons, & maybe add a note on your pics that you have no interest in anything sexual with men.

BTW, Flickr doesn't want their site used for hosting pics for other sites, it's against their rules.

Laney GG
07-08-2008, 08:19 PM
Let's say your SO has been heavy set her whole life and recently lost a lot of weight and is feeling really good about herself and her "new little hot body". So she gets dressed up in a nice teddy/suggestive lingerie and takes some pics and posts them. She gets some suggestive responses back. Even though she wouldn't act upon those comments, it may still make her feel "validated". How would that make you feel? Again, to her it could be self affirmation of how good she looks, but wouldn't you be upset that there are people out there making inappropriate comments about YOUR SO??? If you are in a committed relationship, those kind of "games" become inappropriate. Just something to ponder, I suppose.

07-08-2008, 08:51 PM
. . . BTW, Flickr doesn't want their site used for hosting pics for other sites, it's against their rules.

I think that's not quite right (though I may be wrong). Their rules don't prohibit this but they DO require you to link the photo to flcikr (set it up so that clicking on your pic brings the viewer to Flickr). The bad news is that means I'm STILL breaking the rules by using them here as I have no way to link the pics back to Flickr on this web site.

This is quoted from their web site:

Do link back to Flickr when you post your Flickr content elsewhere.
The Flickr service makes it possible to post content hosted on Flickr to outside web sites. However, pages on other web sites that display content hosted on flickr.com must provide a link from each photo or video back to its page on Flickr.

07-08-2008, 09:17 PM
The few photos I've posted have only been here. And I did it because i was curious as to what the other ladies and GG's thought of my appearance. And if they could offer any tips and advice.

07-08-2008, 09:24 PM
I got a space on tagged and have a lot of guys making comments and hitting on me. It is kinda fun.

Check it out if you like.

Deidra Cowen
07-08-2008, 09:35 PM
If it really comes down to it I probably should confess that I post pics on the net because I luv the attention. Funny thing is I hate my guy pics...but luv my girl pics.

If a guy likes my pics thats kewl...but even though I am gay I have long figured out that just about all the guys on the net that look at our pics and all that are time wasters so I don't worry much about guys on the net and tend to not even add them as friends at places like flicker or yahoo.

Their compliments and comments are usually quite stupid too. "I wanna do you baby!!" That kinda stuff you girls know what I mean. But when other Tgirls compliment me that means a lot more and they often mention makeup, outfits and that type thing that shows they know howmuch work goes into trying to achieve a femmy image.

07-09-2008, 07:58 PM
this is an interesting topic. as a gg, I have often wondered the same thing. my boyfriend has his femme pictures posted and often gets suggestive comments sent to him, many from men who assume he is gay. he has told me before that he justs ignores them but I had difficulty understanding why he would want to attract that type of attention. thanks for your comments on this topic, its been helpful and reassuring for me.

07-09-2008, 08:02 PM
this is an interesting topic. as a gg, I have often wondered the same thing. my boyfriend has his femme pictures posted and often gets suggestive comments sent to him, many from men who assume he is gay. he has told me before that he justs ignores them but I had difficulty understanding why he would want to attract that type of attention. thanks for your comments on this topic, its been helpful and reassuring for me.

As crossdressers, and especially closeted ones, we desperately seek some kind of confirmation that we exist. Being seen as a sensual and attractive human being is a bonus. However, sometimes we'll take any attention, no matter what it is or who it's from.

07-09-2008, 11:40 PM
I have this one bookmarked from long ago...



Great post, Laney. Thanx ;)