View Full Version : Whats Your Story?

07-12-2008, 04:06 PM
We all have our own stories of how we discovered the CDs within us. So how did it happen? Mine is as follows:

It originally started out as a dare between me and my sister. The dare was that I had to wear her clothes for 2 weeks while she wore mine. Now she and I are twins, so it wasn't too difficult to blend in; we just needed a couple wigs and a few other things. The entire two weeks went by in a blur and no one suspected a thing. It was a lot of fun, albeit humiliating when we had to go out in public. This was a couple months ago. We haven't done it ever since.

But last week, Renee (my sister), caught me redhanded wearing her clothes again. Obviously, I had a more fun than I expected during the dare. I don't know, there's this certain rush when I'm wearing her panties. I know, weird right? Renee has admitted that she's been feeling the same way too. We sat down together and talked. We've decided to make into a hobby instead of a lifestyle. Everybody has to have pride in their bodies. This being said, we'll stick to crossdressing and not go for the TG method. But it was an interesting topic though. If me and my sister were TG's, me being her and her me, without parental consent, would there be much of a difference between us considering that we're twins? Nobody but us would know, and in a way, it would probably have no effect on the family.

Amy Hepker
07-12-2008, 04:12 PM
I played dressup with my 3 sisters when I was very young. I cannot tell you how young, but I do remember the dress, no panties just a dress. It was so much fun I guess it imprinted on me and I started wearing my sisters things in private later on.

07-12-2008, 04:21 PM
In my case, all started one morning when I was about 12 years old.

My mother was yelling at my dad, because she found him wearing her panties and bra. They thought I could not listen from my room.

After that, I got curious as to why my father was doing that, so one day I was alone at home I tried it, and I loved it. It was a short skirt from my mum and pantyhoses. And I was never able to take that out of my head. I left the CDing aside for a while, but I am always back to wear girls clothes...

My father already passed away, but somehow, he left a legacy on me...

07-12-2008, 07:17 PM
It originally started out as a dare between me and my sister. The dare was that I had to wear her clothes for 2 weeks while she wore mine. [...] This was a couple months ago. We haven't done it ever since.

But last week, Renee (my sister), caught me redhanded wearing her clothes again.

The parts I have quoted above are not in agreement with your introduction posted just yesterday, in which you said that it has been a "long while" since you cross-dressed.

With that contradiction in mind, your "how it happened" story reads uncomfortably like fantasy fiction. :sad:

trannie T
07-12-2008, 07:31 PM
Are you and Renee identical twins?

07-12-2008, 07:58 PM
Having read a fair amount of TV fiction, I have to go along with Tess-Leigh. It reads like the usual formula pulp.

Angie G
07-12-2008, 08:38 PM
I found some girl thing tryed them on abd Bingo I loved it that was almost 50 years ago. :hugs:

Nicole Erin
07-12-2008, 08:57 PM
Mine was a little different.

When I was about 22, I was fully made up and dressed. I was so comfy that I went to the bank and forgot I was dressed. I noticed my parents were in the bank, and I didn't want them to recognise me. So I pulled the pantyhose off my legs and pulled them over my head figuring it would be a good cover-up.

Thing was, I don't know why but the policeman in the bank drew his gun and the next thing I knew, I was being patted down for weapons. I didn't have any, I just wanted to get some money out of my account so I could pay for my forced feminization session with my mistress.

Everyone who says no one notices when they wear pantyhose, well walk into a bank with them on your head and then come back and say no one notices or cares.

07-12-2008, 08:59 PM
The parts I have quoted above are not in agreement with your introduction posted just yesterday, in which you said that it has been a "long while" since you cross-dressed.

With that contradiction in mind, your "how it happened" story reads uncomfortably like fantasy fiction. :sad:


07-12-2008, 09:06 PM
Mine was a little different.

When I was about 22, I was fully made up and dressed. I was so comfy that I went to the bank and forgot I was dressed. I noticed my parents were in the bank, and I didn't want them to recognise me. So I pulled the pantyhose off my legs and pulled them over my head figuring it would be a good cover-up.

Thing was, I don't know why but the policeman in the bank drew his gun and the next thing I knew, I was being patted down for weapons. I didn't have any, I just wanted to get some money out of my account so I could pay for my forced feminization session with my mistress.

Everyone who says no one notices when they wear pantyhose, well walk into a bank with them on your head and then come back and say no one notices or cares.

Now that's funny. What did your mom and dad say?

Nicole Erin
07-12-2008, 09:11 PM
Now that's funny. What did your mom and dad say?

My mom said "Reinforced toe pantyhose with sandals?" after inspecting the hose after the cop pulled them off my head.

Don't remember what dad said.

07-12-2008, 09:16 PM
My mom said "Reinforced toe pantyhose with sandals?" after inspecting the hose after the cop pulled them off my head.

Don't remember what dad said.

Mom sounds great!<lol>

07-12-2008, 11:19 PM
Mine started with a fetish for pantyhose which started sometime in my early tweens in the early 80's. Only recently did it quickly lead to fully crossdressing.
The fetish is still there, but it's even more enjoyable while dressed in femme.
It's such a wonderful feeling of being the recipient of someone's admiration of my nyloned legs and feet. :c9:
I feel so much like a lady being the object of attention.


07-13-2008, 12:52 AM
The one thing I don't get about crossdressing fiction is the incestuous overtones. What the hell? It's always like a mom or a sister catching these people "red handed" and then forcing them to dress up.

...and now that I've typed this out, I scrolled up and noticed the OP's location. WTF?

07-13-2008, 01:22 AM
I started around the age of 4 wearing slips and other silks and satins. Then, at the age of about 9 or 10, something inside me said try on that skirt/dress, that was about 20 years ago.

07-13-2008, 02:39 AM
As far as me, I have always been a verrrrrry feminine person as far as i can remember, but i think it was the age of 14 when I smelt my mom's perfume and sweet smelling lotions, I knew from that moment that I was genuine female as far as I known. Then @ the lovely tender age of 16, I started dressing as female. Oh my god, did I ever have a ball. I'm sure my mom has a lot of stories to fill everyone up on with catching me buying female clothing from the mall and itching to get home to put it on. Then at 18, I went to see my very first drag show and fell in love with the queens and from there on it's history.

07-13-2008, 03:15 AM
I guess my "story" is like very many others'.

Aged about 7, maybe 8 (can't remember) used to play dressing up in sister's clothes. Actually it was sisters who played at dressing me in their clothes. Just went along with it - in the bedroom, being undressed and then re-dressed in knickers, skirt and blouse or dress with their socks and shoes.

That went on for a bit until for some reason they stopped so I went "independent" and dressed myself in every one of my sisters' outfits, this time by myself when no-one else was around.

Then gap after we no longer were at home. During that time, no girly dressing. But...

Something (don't know what) decided me to buy some girls' knickers, then outfits, then accessories which I would wear. I always wore girls' stockings and knickers/panties and often also wore a blouse and miniskirt - all under male clothes.

Now, since working from home, I dress as a girl almost every day. I don't 'play' at part dressing but am just like a girl -

1. ALWAYS wear complete girls clothes from underwear to outer wear to foot wear and accessories.
2. Have far too many clothes.
3. Take ages to decide what to wear.
4. Often change during the day.
5. Spend ages deciding what goes with what.
6. Try on jewellery, make up until happy it all 'matches'.

To help me choose, I have numerous ladies fashion guides and magazines from 1920's onwards so that I can wear the ensemble appropriate to the 'era' I am dressing in.

Empress Lainie
07-13-2008, 04:01 AM
Just an aside first: I didn't realize I was female until July 2, 2007. I am 73.

I remember liking my sister's yellow dress she got for her birthday in 1944.

In 1946 for Halloween I dressed as a girl and had a scarf over my head, wearing my sister's dress. I stayed like that all day and until late night. I went to the elementary school halloween party and had a teacher "gypsy" tell me fortune and she said I was a boy. I was very disappointed that she could tell. (I was 11 then.) I remember riding my bicycle to my aunt's in her dress that night.
In 1949, she took a pair of my pants and was wearing them (I was 14) so I decided tit for tat, and put on one of her dresses and ate watermelon in it sitting in the backyard and some of my friends on the block came over while I was doing it so I told them why I was wearing a dress. I got watermelon on it accidentally and that made her mad.

I used to love to go shopping with my girl roommate for clothes. One day in 1994, I think, we were at a store for big women, and I saw a white dress I wanted so bad, and couldn't figure out why on earth I wanted that dress, but I knew I really did.
I still thought I was a male person at that time.

I don't remember any other crossdressing incidents until I started buying women's nightgowns because I thought the men's were too ugly, that was about 1998. At about that time I had felt that all the men's clothes were too ugly for me to want to wear. I got some shorts I liked (men's) in nicer colors one summer.

I started wearing fancy women's tee shirts in about 2005 sequins outlining kokapelli dancers in colored shirts of pink, yellow, white and blue, and butterflies. I wore these to teach in, no one paid any mind. I also started wearing wigs because I couldn't stand my bald head in about 2001 I think, and wore them to teach in. The kids loved them, I would get asked by the middle school kids where I got it. I only had one until Oct 2005, got my 2nd one a short halloween wig, then and shortly after got my long blonde wig with bangs. Was frequently called maam when wearing it.
Next October another blonde short Halloween wig (only $5.00!), the in 2006 I got my 2nd long red one with bangs and in 2007 three more short red ones with bangs. One of which I lost in the apt somehow.

On a whim while shopping at Ross with my girlfriend I saw a skirt and fancy panties I just had to have, sometime in 2006, long before my realization I was female.

One night I went to the grocery store at 3am in my blue velour nightgown and my long blonde wig, and no one took any exception to me.

On July 2, 2007 went to my first trans meeting at invitation of a tgirl I was trying to date. That night realized I was truly female and had been all my life. From that day forward 24/7 lived and dressed female. On July 3 went out to dinner and stores for the first time and was surprised I was accepted completely as female.

So there it is my own little drama. One of many, sometimes I have felt like I was living a soap opera.

Paula G
07-13-2008, 04:17 PM
My story started as a kid wearing my mother's shoes when she wasn't home and trying on my grandmother's thigh high stockings. After that it wasn't until after I was married when I tried on one of my wife's skirts and pantyhose. It had been secretly a part of my life since then, but it has only been within the last five years or so that I really began to come to terms with it and accepting this part of me.

07-13-2008, 07:02 PM
My first exposure to anything vaguely transgender was when I was a little kid, on an Adam Sandler CD, during the skit about the mom how could only scream "NOO!" and "They're all gonna laugh at you!" The only had one female voice actor, so they got David Spade(i think) to play the voice of one of the daughters. At the age all I could think was that it was a guy with a flamboyant voice, but when he mentioned wanting to buy a cute skirt at the mall, it struck a nerve in me. "An effeminate man wearing a skirt?" I thought. It was an amazing concept. I kept reading about it more and more, and the idea of gender role reversal became very captivating for me.

When I was about 14-15, I had horrible social anxiety. I missed so much school out of fear that my grades didn't matter, I would fail because of poor attendance. The principal told me that if I could get my GED I would be permitted to leave school for good, which I did. I spent several years on my computer, almost dormant from society. I would go out once a week with my friends on Friday, but even then the anxiety made me stay quiet. On my computer, I researched many things, and did a lot of "soul searching". I spent so much time defining who I was.

At this time I also created a character named Aidlian Bursis. I've been into role playing games for as long as I can remember, and at this time I was playing on called Ultima Online. Aidlian was essentially what I wanted to be(though at the time he was very vague and lacked much of a story). This is when the subject of gender came up again. Through time, Aidlian became much more feminine, until he was practically a female who referred to himself as male. I, too, became more feminine. My hair has always been somewhat long, but at this point I started actually growing it out, styling it and cutting it in more feminine shapes. I started shaving my legs, which is still hard for me too do, my skin doesn't like it. Technically, my first time dressing up was A-kon 16 in 2005, when I was 19. I dressed up as a character named Bridget from a game called Guilty Gear. Bridget is a boy who was raised as a girl, and dressed in an odd little dress with a nun cap. I finally wore women's clothing the next year at A-kon 17, a japanese schoolgirl uniform, and have been crossdressing ever since. At A-kon 18, I started wearing bikinis at the pool, very exciting experience. It was pretty scary, but went well, and my friends didn't give me any flak about it.

That's basically it. I don't really define myself as a crossdress, as I have no desire to actually BE a woman, I just want to be seen and treated as one. That and I don't wear female clothes specifically, I just wear what I like.

Emily Anderson
07-13-2008, 07:05 PM
Indeed, I think Tess-Leigh nailed this one... Unless you have more convincing facts to add?

07-13-2008, 07:10 PM
Started for me about the age of 10. My mum had a bag of old clothes including her wedding dress. Well i looked great in it and all the other short 70's skirts in there.Not sure why she let me wear them but hey oh.She sometimes mentions it now..If only she knew??????

Kimberly Marie Kelly
07-13-2008, 07:46 PM
When in my teens, when I pleasured myself I would wear multiple pairs of underwear to keep the fifth extremity down. I soon found out that womens panties (My moms) did this more effectively. You might say I learned how panties help keep a tuck. Anyway as time went by I progressed to wearing my Mom's padded bush-up bra's. As I got older and had money to spend I started to buy panties of my own. Now 40+ years later, divorced and on my own I can wear anything I want and I luv it. :battingeyelashes:

07-14-2008, 08:51 AM
The one thing I don't get about crossdressing fiction is the incestuous overtones. What the hell? It's always like a mom or a sister catching these people "red handed" and then forcing them to dress up.

...and now that I've typed this out, I scrolled up and noticed the OP's location. WTF?

Oh goody.. it's not just me wondering WTF as to that location.


Sakura Rini
07-14-2008, 09:26 AM
i started to wear my little sister clothes with i was around 13-14 she was about 10 so the clothes were really girly and cute. i guess i did it becuase i was a real thrill do wear something that your not ment to. i use do dare myself to do thing like walk outside in a skirt or dress on. one time i wore my sister barbie panties to school then the next day i wore panties and a skirt under my pantes and at lunch i would go into the boys room and go into a stall and take off my pants and stand there for awhile. then afew days after that i wore one of my sister school uniform dresses under my clothes and did the same thing. i never got caught doing it. after awhile i stopped dressing.
it wasnt until i turned 20 that i started up again buying my own clothes.
i like to buy girls school uniform and girl anime cosplay costumes.

Leann James
07-14-2008, 11:30 AM
You all are going to think this is fiction, but it really happend this way.
A long time ago when I was about 9 or 10 years old, it was a friday and we were out of school for some reason ( no idea why ) I went to my friends house and found that he and his dad han gone fishing for the wekend. His 2 sisters were sitting on the front yard with a neighbor girl. One sister was about 2 years older than me and the other 2 girls were my age. I asked if I could join them and they said I could sit and be one of the girls. To make a long story short they jumped me, took me in the house and dressed me up in a skirt and sweter, little mary janes ect. Then they tied my hands behind me and took me out for a walk around the block. They teased me and I was scared, then big sister said we had better get back to the house befor thier mom got home and caught is. We din't make it, mom caught us in the drivway and though I made a cute little girl and that I should stay overnight with them. I said no thanks and mom said she would tahe me home and I could get my clothes the next day ( blackmail ) so I agreed to stay and she called my mom and told her that I would be staying over. I stayed dressed and we played games that night. The next morning mom and the girls dressed me up really cute in a pink and white dress with a big bow in the back and all the trimmings. The girls were dressed in dresses and looked cute and we all went to town shopping, they were holding dresses up on me and had me trying on shoes and girl stuff all day. We went to the drive in for lunch. We got home about 5 that afternoon and mom cleaned me up, gave me my clothes and gave me a ride home. Nothing was ever said about it all but I had a wonderfull time that sat. I loved that day and it was the start of it all. Been CD ever since and still love it.

God may have created man befor woman, But there is always a rough draft befor the masterpiece.

And that is my story and im sticking to it. Leann :love:

CD Susan
07-14-2008, 12:48 PM
When I was five years old (1953) and in kindergarten I had a crush on a girl in my class She had really nice blond hair and would often wear a very frilly yellow dress. I just loved looking at her in that yellow dress and wanted to wear a dress like that myself. This was when I knew that I was different from the other boys. It was around this time that I secretly started wearing my sisters clothes. I had three sisters that were close to my age and they would leave thier clothes lying all over the house. The temptation to wear thier clothes was so great that I could not resist it. That was 55 years ago and I have been dressing for all of them except during the four years that I served in the military. I still have a thing for yellow dresses!

07-14-2008, 03:48 PM
The mixture of fact and fiction in this thread is intoxicating.
But I don't have crossdressing fantasies. I just do it (that would make a good slogan...).

Miss Tracy Cox
07-14-2008, 05:10 PM
i started at the age of 14 becuse of ex-boyfriends fetish but little did i know that i wou;d end up doing it full time

07-14-2008, 06:08 PM
Your right! We don't believe you.

It might make a very interesting thread to see if we can come up with some ideas on why SOME people are compelled to make up these stories. Reality is far more interesting, and there are fiction writers on numerous sites that write far better than any of us. Let us leave "The Fantasy," to people who are good at it!

Little Girls who are into bondage.....indeed! That just happens so often!

Peace and Love, Joanie

07-14-2008, 09:10 PM
It started for me in early childhood. I don't remember this incident, but it is a family legend. When I was about three years old, my two older sisters got life-sized dolls for Christmas. They were about 5 and 6 at the time. I had been their play-thing from birth. One day they dressed me up in their new dolls' clothes and walked me around the neighborhood. My father saw us while driving home from work. He went ballistic and forbade them from ever doing that again. I was always happy being the toy of my sisters and fascinated by all of their feminine stuff. I grew up to be a captain of the football team and an airline pilot. But I have always had a reverence for women and a strong feminine side. Fast Forward to a few years ago, married (for the second time) to a wonderfully open, creative and kinky woman. The relationship evolved in such a way that I submitted to her, and bingo .... all of the submissivness and desire to please from my childhood flooded back into my psyche. After meeting a couple with a male crossdresser in a BDSM context, I started fantasizing about doing it myself. We had a play date that was scripted as a "girl's night out". The boys playing in drag as entertainment for the GGs who were the main attraction as a lesbian couple. The rest, as they say, is history. I was hooked.

Leann James
07-14-2008, 11:36 PM
Joanie; First I dom't care if you belive me or not. Second, I am sorry that as a kid you never got to play cowboys and indians and get to be tied to a tree while the other kids danced around you.

Love you all Leann :hugs:

07-15-2008, 02:13 AM
My adventure began when I was 5 years old. I use to play with the girls in kindergarten playing dress up. I enjoyed the dresses for some reason. When I was in my early 20's, the desires completely left when I started dating. Once I got married a few years later, the desires began to come back again.

Fast forward to today. The desires are still here and even stronger than before.

07-15-2008, 06:49 AM
Mine started at age 8 with a pair of my adoptive mom's pantyhose and heels.she just looked at me and never got angry at me including my adoptive father.My adoptive mother finally decide to get me some girl's clothing and and I was very happy after that.

07-15-2008, 07:43 AM
When I was 5-6 years old, there were no boys my age in the neighborhood where I lived, so my sister watched me & I played with she and her friends. Being all girls, they played all girls games including dressup & makup, and I played right along with them.

It seemed so naturral to play house, play dressup, wear makeup, etc. It was a lot of fun & I didn't realize that boys usually did not play those games.

So at the tender age of 5-6, I was hooked wearing girls dresses & makeup. The situation continues with the "no boy" neighborhood for several years, and when my sister became older, her interest in letting me play with her & her friends waned, but my desire to dress became more of an addiction.

I continued to dress in her clothing including her underwear & makeup in private, and as I got older, it also became a sexual thing.


07-15-2008, 04:35 PM
Joanie; First I dom't care if you belive me or not. Second, I am sorry that as a kid you never got to play cowboys and indians and get to be tied to a tree while the other kids danced around you.

Love you all Leann :hugs:

OK Leann, whatever! But I reread your post, you didn't say anything about playing "Cowboys and Indians." You claimed that the little Girl's "jumped" you, took/ or tore off your clothes, forcibly dressed you in Girl's Clothes, tied your hands behind your back, and paraded you around The Block!

Sounds like a bondage scenario to me.

Peace and Love, Joanie

07-16-2008, 06:29 AM
My youngest memory of dressing was when I was about 5 or 6 and I was asked by a girl on my street to play dressing up games. She dressed me in her dress and shoes and I really loved it! I didn't really get another opportunity to do it after that for a few years!! But I did remember thinking to myself when I went clothes shopping with my mum for years that I would prefer a dress rather than t shirts and trousers! I didn't really read that much into it then though, because I was too young.

Moving on a few years to when I was 13 or 14 years old, I remember going into my brother's bedroom looking for something (I can't remember what but it was something for a school project) and I looked in the drawer under the bed and found a pile of tights!! Lord knows what they were doing there because I have no sisters - perhaps he was experimenting too. Anyway, I was in the house alone and for some reason I had the urge to try on a couple of pairs and that was it. I was hooked.

At first I was scared of what I was doing and thought 'this is all wrong'. But no matter what I did, I couldn't stop myself. I stole a few pairs of tights from my brother's room (what was he gonna do? Tell on me? haha) and began developing my wardrobe from there. I bought myself skirts, tops, knickers, tights, shoes, bras, etc. I took me a while to do it because I always thought that people were 'looking at me' when I was buying my clothes. The first item of clothing I bought for myself was a new pair of tights and I drove to another town and was practically hyperventilating when I did it hahaha. Anyway, I carried on and built up my wardrobe - did the purging thing a number of times before eventually deciding that I can't stop and accepted it.

I am fairly sure that I got rumbled by mum and dad. Once, I left some tights out in my room! My mum asked whose they were and I said they were my brother's girlfriends and she must have been in my room (?!?!) And another time, i fell asleep in a cami top, lacy thong and my stockings and I am sure someone opened the door and closed it when I was 1/2 asleep. Another time my stash was found but no-one said anything but it doesn't take much working out does it!!

07-16-2008, 08:57 AM
I think the trolls have it....

I will add, I do recall at a very young age being at a my mothers friends houses. They had moved out of our neighborhood a few years before so we only visited them two or three times a year. My mothers friend was showing my mother pictures as we had not seen the family in a few years. They had a daughter who was about my sisters age and a son who was a year older than me and still went to my school (elementary-middle), so we were still pretty close friends. There was a picture of the mother, daughter and this little girl in a dance/ballerina type outfit on the slide in their backyard. I do not recall how it was said, but I do remember my moms friend saying that was my friend all dressed up as a girl. I remember asking...that is ???NAME???!!!! and his mother responding with yes it is. I also remember asking if it was for holloween or something? She said no he just wanted to get all dressed up, so she said his sister (who was about 6-7 years older) a dressed him up in one of his sisters dance outfits. I really think we were about 4th or 5th grade then. The only thing I am sure of it was him dressed perfectly like you'd never know he was a boy, and I remember that moment so well because it meant alot for me. It meant I wasn't soo crazy or possibly not alone. I didn't have internet back then. It was during the era when every household in the 80's had Polaroids. Some of the young ones probably won't know what those are!! LoL. Not that I am old, but that's not how it started....but to say....and who took the picture....Dad?!?!?! Crazy for me to understand as the first time i was caught with a pair of pantyhose (my sisters tights - we went to prep school, so more tights than what i'd call panythose), anyway....i had taken one pair for whatever reason, tried them on...liked it and kept them between my matress and box spring. My dad came to flip the mattresses and found them and whooppeedd my assss!!!!!!! He beat my ass until it was black and blue and yelled at me if i wanted to be a girl, if i was gay, if i knew i was a boy...some really crazy stuff? made me feel like absolute shit!!! It didn't stop me though, i was always my own person and got my ass beat for it again I mean tore up with a belt when i got caught maybe 4 or 5 more times between then and being 15 or 16. My Dad was sooo scared I was gonna be gay or that i was. Lol meanwhile I couldn't get enough of women.....get enough sex or get enough of them en femme.

Now that is some truth for ya right there.

07-17-2008, 02:08 PM
for me it started out when i was 12 or 13. my cousin who is the same age as me dared me to try on her clothes and i dared her to try on mine and so we did it. when i put them on they felt a whole lot better than guy clothes and then we took them off but when she went to sleep on the couch i went into her room that night and tried on just about everything she had it was so much fun:). So when i got back to my house i then started wearing my moms panties, dresses, swimsuits, and bras...i even "borrowed" some clothes from my cousin.

Victoria Pink
07-17-2008, 06:57 PM
Started at age 5. Pair of sis's panties and an old dress of my Mom's.
