View Full Version : I have a problem

07-14-2008, 08:41 PM
I recently purchased a beautiful gown. I just love it. It's a real snug fit but it does fit. There is a long sipper up the back. Now I know the tricks about putting a thread through the zipper to get it up (so to speak), but this zipper does not have the little hole to put the tread through. It is kind of an arrow shape. Now I got the zipper part way up but didn't dare go any farther cause I strongly suspected that I wouldn't be able to get it back down. Now this might seem like an innocuous delema for most of you, but when you are a widower, living alone and not out to your family, this could present a real problem. What to do?????

So, I appeal to all the SO's out there. Normally you have a good looking guy to pull the zip up and then pull it back down at the end of a perfect evening.
What would you do if presented by a similar situation?

I really love this gown and would like to get al gussied up. Please help! And no, I won't go out and solicite the help of a passing cab driver!!!!!

07-14-2008, 09:08 PM
Sounds silly but I use either tongs (the small kind) or clamps (like surgical ones). :D

07-14-2008, 09:51 PM
Kimberly,how about some locking forceps attached to the zipper or you could purchase miniature locking needle nose vise grips.You could always drill your own whole through the zipper with a Dremmel tool and miniature drill bit then run fishing line through it(enough to grab hold of) and leave it on.Just tuck it inside the dress so it won't be exposed.

07-14-2008, 10:08 PM
Oh sure. Maybe I could get a job at the Kenedy Space Center!!!! What I need is an easy solution to the problem. I don't have all these fancy tools. PLEASE!!!

07-14-2008, 10:17 PM
You could probably bend a paper clip to fit around the zipper tab, tie the paper clip to a cord and you've got it.

07-14-2008, 10:50 PM
I know this might sound like a typical male solution to the problem but hey here goes. Why not drill a small hole through the zipper.


07-14-2008, 10:53 PM
You can ask your neighbor to come over and zip you up. He'll like that!

Seriously, try to put some monofilament line through the hole where the tab attaches to the rest of the zipper. Not sure if it will work, but worth a try.

Peace and love, Joanie

07-14-2008, 11:03 PM
I was trying to give you a permanent solution.You don't have to be an engineer to get a hole through a simple aluminum zipper and the tools needed are not elaborate or expensive.You can do it with a finishing nail and a hammer also.

07-14-2008, 11:09 PM
Try a wire "coat" hanger, just straighten it out but leave the hook untouched. It will work both ways-on and off.

CD Susan
07-14-2008, 11:21 PM
The best solutuon to this is to drill a small hole in the zipper pull. If you do not have an electric drill and can't borrow one go to a hardware store and buy a small c-clamp. Attach the c-clamp to the zipper pull and run a piece of string through the c-clamp to pull with. The c-clamp should be easy to take off but will be harder to put back on if you need the string to pull the zipper back down.

07-14-2008, 11:38 PM
These are all great solutions which will work in a pinch (ouch!) If you want to get into that gown badly you'll find a way

...... so I go into a bar and sitting there is this hot honey in a tight black dress ......intrigued as I was.. I approached and spoke to her
"so how does one get into a dress that tight?"
she answered "well you can start by buying me a drink!"

Ok I'm in a silly mood .......must be these UFO'S.....Lacie:battingeyelashes:

07-14-2008, 11:47 PM
Ha ha, great thread! How about taking the gown back to the shop, and exchanging it for one that does fit?

07-14-2008, 11:59 PM

Katherine Bell
07-15-2008, 12:58 AM
Wow... I've nveer heard such complicated answers to such a simple question. What I do, what I've always done... put the dress on backwards... zip up and twist around. Genrally you want to twist the fabric around at you most narrow so as not rip anything.

Joanne f
07-15-2008, 03:34 AM
It usually works for me if i push the zip up as far as i can from the back and then lift the dress up from the shoulders until you can reach the zip from the top , the do it in revers to get it off .


Shelly Preston
07-15-2008, 05:08 AM
Hi Kimberly

I think a paper clip or monofilament line are the best solutions try them on the dress before you put it on to make sure they are strong enough

Just a thought
changing dress size is not always the best option and some dresses you cant turn when zipped up

07-15-2008, 07:22 AM
Wow... I've nveer heard such complicated answers to such a simple question. What I do, what I've always done... put the dress on backwards... zip up and twist around. Genrally you want to twist the fabric around at you most narrow so as not rip anything.

Now Katherine! What if the dress has sleaves. Folks wouldn't know whether I was coming or going.:heehee:

07-15-2008, 07:31 AM
Perhaps a pair of vice-grips? Just a thought.

07-15-2008, 08:23 AM
Perhaps a pair of vice-grips? Just a thought.

Yup! Maybe a real big pair. Then the zipper would pull itself down. Maybe some duck tape would help?

The zipper cannot be drilled. It's one of those oblong jobbies. Lord! What's a hemostat? Last time I was in surgery, I was a little too drugged out to ask!!!:heehee:

07-15-2008, 08:38 AM
i guess it should be a simple problem. But i have found myself in a predicament when i was trying on some of my wife's things when i shouldn't have been. (I'm going to hear it from the GGs here on that one) Well of course the zipper sticks and I'm in a panic, at this point sweating profusely and worried that if i do manage to get it off i will damage the garment.

Finally after much finagling i manage to free myself (may have dislocated my shoulder jk). I think it was like 45 min till i actually got it off. But I have learned my lesson! No more trying on my wife's stuff!

07-15-2008, 08:47 AM

I might actually be able to suggest a solution to the problem which might work on a more permanent basis. Most of the sippers that I have seen in the past of some kind of space between the pull tab and the actual zipper to allow the tab to rotate in order to be used. You should be able to slip some type of pull extension through that hole and use it to zip and unzip the dress. I would suggest a very strong type of fishing line or decorative wire that you can put some type of beads or crystals on to make the pull extension look like it is suppose to be there. That should take care of the problem for good.

You should be able to find something like what I am talking about at a craft store that sells supplies for hand made jewelry. You might even be able to find something at the local wal-mart if yours has a decent craft section.

let me know if this helps. if it doesn't I can always call my mom and ask her for a suggestion on solving the problem.


p.s. My mom is a seamstress that is why I know so much about zippers.

Carol A
07-15-2008, 01:35 PM
I know and understand the problem as I just purchase a skirt with this type of zipper. Now we can get it on and up but if that little link between the zipper and the pull tab breaks honey you are stuck in a gown until someone comes to you aid. Sorry I can't help your more, :hugs:

07-15-2008, 04:22 PM
Wow... I've nveer heard such complicated answers to such a simple question. What I do, what I've always done... put the dress on backwards... zip up and twist around. Genrally you want to twist the fabric around at you most narrow so as not rip anything.

I think you just did a "Gotcha," on the rest of us. My First Wife always put on her bra's that way....should have remembered it.

Oh well, hopefully we are capable of learning! Your solution would be the easiest, IF THAT DRESS AIN'T TOO TIGHT!

Peace and Love, Joanie

07-15-2008, 05:52 PM
Oh sure. Maybe I could get a job at the Kenedy Space Center!!!! What I need is an easy solution to the problem. I don't have all these fancy tools. PLEASE!!!

You know, pliers work and these tools are easily purchased in any pharmacy.

Perhaps a pair of vice-grips? Just a thought.

That's what I was thinking but apparently...

Yup! Maybe a real big pair. Then the zipper would pull itself down. Maybe some duck tape would help?

The zipper cannot be drilled. It's one of those oblong jobbies. Lord! What's a hemostat? Last time I was in surgery, I was a little too drugged out to ask!!!:heehee:

If you want to go the duct tape route, then just tape a wire to the end of the zipper and pull. :D

Emily Anderson
07-15-2008, 06:33 PM
If the zipper has an arrow head, I'm assuming that the head has enough width to tie a piece of string around it, and pull it up. Of course, you don't want to contend with having to cut a knot once you've pulled the zip up to your neck, so the secret is to tie a "hangman's knot" in the thread. In this way, you can simply loosen the knot once you're zipped.

Karen C
07-15-2008, 09:30 PM
use a cordless drill and drill a small hole in the zipper and then you can put a string or thred through and pull it up . Ive been building things in the garrage all week .work benches making handles for tools what can i say im on vacation .tomarow im gowing to baltmore the aquarium and the hipo if any one is bord maby ill see you ill be the one from out or town sticker on the car.

07-15-2008, 09:36 PM
It usually works for me if i push the zip up as far as i can from the back and then lift the dress up from the shoulders until you can reach the zip from the top , the do it in revers to get it off .


This way always works for me, and no tools needed...

Katherine Bell
07-15-2008, 10:47 PM
Now Katherine! What if the dress has sleaves. Folks wouldn't know whether I was coming or going.:heehee:

If the dress has sleeves don’t put your arms in them obviously, zip as far as you can turn the dress around then put your arms in the sleeves--then pull the zipper up the rest of the way.
If you can not twist the dress around your body then it’s really not a good idea to wear the dress because there is good chance you'll bust a seam the moment you sit down. If I can twist a girdle around my body you can twist a dress.

07-15-2008, 10:53 PM
Crazy Glue and a small metal picture hanger loop comes to mind.

Or better yet, bring the dress to a tailor and have them put a new zipper head on the gown.

Joy Carter
07-15-2008, 10:59 PM
Wow... I've nveer heard such complicated answers to such a simple question. What I do, what I've always done... put the dress on backwards... zip up and twist around. Genrally you want to twist the fabric around at you most narrow so as not rip anything.

Were still male hun. Want the Brooklyn Bridge built over your patio ? :heehee:

Empress Lainie
07-16-2008, 01:10 AM
Hmm did I miss this: Take it to an alteration place and they will change out the zipper handle for you.

07-16-2008, 02:16 AM
If the zipper is easy to move, go to the local radio shack or other electronic supply store and buy an aligator clamp and attach a cord to it. You could clamp it to the zipper, pullit up and then remove the aligator clamp. Simple and cheap.


Fab Karen
07-16-2008, 05:07 AM
I've always done it the "hard way" but then always able to as I have long arms. One hand holds the top taught, other pulls zipper down as far as I can reach. Then switch and pull zipper from underneath ( sometimes bending forward helps too ).

07-16-2008, 08:48 AM
I would like to thank you all for some good advice. When I get the time, I will take the plunge and put it on. Hopefully, I will be able to take a few pictures and post them for all to see. It will be quite apparent why I just love this gown. Gad! I think I'd even go on a diet to make it easier to get into.

Did I really say that????:love: