View Full Version : Telling the parrents

Niya W
07-14-2008, 10:51 PM
Use whirl effect to travel back in time to Dec 31 2004. Little miss Niya had been only out four months. This New Years Eve I didnt realy want to go out, but since it was my first New Years since I came out I said I'll go for it. get all made up and put on a nice black dress. The rain finally eased up around 10pm, but it still was raining. I get on my car and was going to go to a local tranny spot. I guess still bit nervous I take a wrong turn. I'll just go two blocks and hit the freeway another way. Well I get to the first intersection and this lady runs the light. Now the rain started coming down hard , and there is about 1/8th inch of standing water on the road. Hitting the breaks was worthless at this point. All I could do is let up of the gas and hopes she makes it through the intersection before I hit her. No such luck I t bone her. Bent in her two car doors on the passenger side and pop one of her tires. We both pull into a gas station. First words out of her mouth please dont call the cops. I just got a DUI. I'm freaking out cause I dont want to call the cops. I have no idea how they will react to a CD.(This was before I knew a TS cop that patrols the area). Now she is scared that I'm going to call the cops. She asks me to follow her to her cousins house. Hell no, she must think I'm really dumb. My indecision on weather or not to call the cops scares her and she just walks off. its at that point I call my father. He wants to come out at the scene. Now I'm trying my best for him not to come out. Finally I just blurted out I'm dressed as woman been doing for the last 6 weeks. Well told pops, and she left time to call the cops. Turns out the car is not hers , but her moms. Its so new it still has the temp reg with no plates. The cop was asking me to describe her. He looks over and that passenger seat and notice sh was kind enough to leave her wallet on the seat. Oh and she sends her cousin back to the gas station and starts talking to me. The cop then turns to her and says hey, you have nothing to say to him. Your cousin has five minutes to show up or its hit and run.

Now I wish I could of been there when she told her mom, I wrecked you car, got it impounded, oh yeah insurance is not going to pay for it.

Rachel M
07-14-2008, 11:39 PM
You are still their child,what mattered first and foremost was you safety. I guess you can say you "Came out" with a bang.