View Full Version : Too Hot and Humid

07-16-2008, 05:44 PM
I live in Upstate New York, and we're in the middle of a hot and humid spell.
Unless you have the comforts of air conditioning, it becomes rather difficult when trying to dress up as a woman. Pantyhose can be difficult to pull up, silky and satin panties and boy shorts and tap pants seem to stick to you, and hooking that bra up in the front and trying to slide it around so that the cups are in the front and the snap is in the rear is really difficult too.
Maybe I'll just have to wait for a cool night.:sad:

07-16-2008, 05:50 PM
Welcome to womanhood . if you have breasts then the sweat were your arms meet your boobs is well eww

Emily Anderson
07-16-2008, 05:51 PM
Think about the GG's do this every day!!!

07-16-2008, 06:22 PM
I see it like this dear, if we are going to be women, then we have to take the good, the bad, & even the ugly. For me, yes it does get to be a pain but I am sure it is the same for ALL our GG's here. I guess I have said my piece. I will leave you all with this thought: are we ladies or wimps??? I perfer to be a lady & I for one will do as the rest of the girls( GG) do.

Thank you for letting me put in my :2c:.
Hugs to you ALL,

07-16-2008, 07:09 PM
Try on what GG's wear when it is hot and humid ?

:rose: Roberta :rose:

07-16-2008, 07:12 PM
Just wear machine wash stuff in that weather.

Texas - very hot. Sometimes or often humid! I don't workout in summer outside!

07-16-2008, 07:24 PM
I live in Upstate New York, and we're in the middle of a hot and humid spell.
Unless you have the comforts of air conditioning, it becomes rather difficult when trying to dress up as a woman. Pantyhose can be difficult to pull up, silky and satin panties and boy shorts and tap pants seem to stick to you, and hooking that bra up in the front and trying to slide it around so that the cups are in the front and the snap is in the rear is really difficult too.
Maybe I'll just have to wait for a cool night.:sad:

Have to agree with you there

Angie G
07-16-2008, 08:06 PM
What kind of girl are you anyway I live in Central New York and dress. Now suck it up and put the dam underwear on hun Just kidding BUt I do live there and dress 5 day a week hot or not. :hugs:

07-16-2008, 08:18 PM
I live in Upstate New York, and we're in the middle of a hot and humid spell.
Unless you have the comforts of air conditioning, it becomes rather difficult when trying to dress up as a woman. Pantyhose can be difficult to pull up, silky and satin panties and boy shorts and tap pants seem to stick to you, and hooking that bra up in the front and trying to slide it around so that the cups are in the front and the snap is in the rear is really difficult too.
Maybe I'll just have to wait for a cool night.:sad:

Sweetie, I too live in Up-State (Niskayuna) and I know exactly what you're going through. I try to limit my dressing to the early morning so the humidity isn't such a factor, but if you wait to dress in the early evening, I may suggest a long "warm" not hot shower, then just relax and have a fan running nearby to move the air so as you naturally dry off the fan will help remove the moisture. Also Baby powder does wonders, back of the neck, top of the shoulders, top of chest, crotch, etc. all the places we seem to "perspire" a little more than GG's do.
I have found that since my diet is very low sodium (I hate salt) I don't retain any water at all and therefore have a tendancy to perspire more than your average bear :o
There are times when no matter how relaxed or cool I seem to be, I just sweat!
Here's an article that may help:

Luck sweetie, and keep the powder handy:battingeyelashes:

07-16-2008, 08:24 PM
Try on what GG's wear when it is hot and humid ?

:rose: Roberta :rose:

Halter tops, shorts, bikinis, OH YEAH! I LOVE the summer time!:D

07-16-2008, 08:26 PM
Thats the biggest reason I usualy take a break from CDing in the summer. Here in S FL it gets misrable.

07-16-2008, 09:45 PM
I know your pain all too well living in Florida! I try to run as fast as i can to the car with just concealer and eye shadow on and apply the rest in the AC of the car when i get to where I am going. This works all and well until you get a Florida-Endless rainstorm. Then it doesn't matter how much you sweat you are wet all over! As a female you can't beat mother nature, she has got our number down!

Niya W
07-16-2008, 09:56 PM
Wounder what the Girls in Az do. I mean it can be 8am and already 90.

07-16-2008, 10:28 PM
In Texas it's just plain hot and HOT!
A good tan does wonders for makeup problems; the only problem is not to over do the tanning on the skin damage thing later on.

07-16-2008, 10:50 PM
The heat definitley has a negative impact on my dressing. Try 90+ temps and 90%+ humidity like we always experience in S. Texas. I assure you that it is not that much fun to be sweating in your wig. Ugh.

Ashley Lyn
07-17-2008, 11:07 AM
Perfect weather for just a bra and panties....:battingeyelashes:

I usually slip on a short skirt as well, but the skirt is only 13 inches long..:o

Just ordered some 'Skimmers' from Payless... 50% off sale..!:D

CD Susan
07-17-2008, 12:19 PM
The high temperatures and humidity of where I live in Iowa has an impact on my dressing during the summer months. I very seldom get dressed all the way but just dress in shorts and tank tops. I ride my bike while dressed every day and wearing a wig when it is hot can be a problem. Lately I have been leaving the wig off and just let my bike helmet cover my head.

07-17-2008, 01:52 PM
I'm another upstate gal who is about 90% at this time. Every day is the same, getting dressed, full makeup, etc. Yes, it's a bit hot and humid but I don't let it stand in the way.

07-17-2008, 02:17 PM
Don't wear pantyhose in that sort of heat! Leave your legs naked and smooth - much cooler.


07-17-2008, 06:15 PM
Girls that what cotton is all about, leave the satin for the evenng when it is cooler and just grab a pair of cotton patnies and and a cotton bra.

Deidra Cowen
07-17-2008, 06:19 PM
Luckily this is not quite as hot a summer as we have be getting in Georgia the past few years. But regardless its my very LEAST fav time of year for going out. At 8 or 9pm its still usually very warm outside..so I have to crank up the AC in my car. Then if I am going clubbing most bars are not that well air conditioned. The lesbian bar I like for example typically just leave doors open. My makeup and wig get me hot...I get uncomfortable and start worrying that I am melting and its really no fun! :eek:

Real chicks can go light on the makeup...wear less stuff than me since I have to hide my boy figure...and for sure they don't have wigs most da time.

Kate Simmons
07-17-2008, 06:56 PM
Yup, it is hot but guess what? I go to Rainbow Mountain(local LGBT club/resort) every Friday and Saturday to dance and socialize for 4-6 hours regardless of the temperature and I'm no "spring chick" by any means. I'm usually soaked after a couple of hours but hey I have fun(you just have to find makeup that won't melt--LOL). The best part is that when folks see myself and my friends out there, they usually join us. I'm not saying it doesn't take some endurance but in the final analysis we accomplished our goal of having fun and maybe gained some new friends in the process. Sometimes all it takes is showing what we are made of.;):)

07-17-2008, 07:06 PM
It is the same here in Michigan, I normally do not dress in July unless it is early morning. My last outing on July 3rd I was comfortable it was just when I changed it was not so easy to change.

07-17-2008, 08:14 PM
The wig feels like a fur hat in the summer. It gets uncomfortable very quickly.

Nicole Erin
07-17-2008, 08:21 PM
Yes summer sucks for trying to look pretty.
Indiana is lucky enough to get all humid and sticky.

I hate stepping outside at 4:40 AM to head to work and it is already kinda warm.

You see folks, when it is cold, one can easily escape cause the body produces it's own heat, but for escaping heat, that is way harder.

07-17-2008, 09:41 PM
I love shorts and tank tops in the warm weather

07-17-2008, 10:57 PM
Is HOT here in Cincy too. I still try to wear something femm everyday, even if it's just underwear. It makes me feel good. P.S. I'm counting the days untill Fall.:2c:

07-19-2008, 10:37 PM
So true! Missouri is the same way. Hot and humid all summer. Unless you are in AC your makeup will melt right off of your face. It just makes you more impressed with GG's everyday.

Suzy Harrison
07-20-2008, 12:08 AM
Here in Australia it can get really hot.

I live on the west coast in Perth, which is in the southern cooler area of the state. But even there, in the summer, the temp can go from 35c to 45c (95f - 110f) - However the humidity is very low so it doesn't feel so bad. Most places here are air conditioned ~ cars, shops, houses etc...-

In fact I've even seen an airconditioner mounted on a kiddies large outside 'cubbie house' in a McDonalds play area!

When I go up north where it's hotter (it all works upside down and back to front here!) - it's hotter and also very humid as well - so you can't really go outside.

My biggest problem used to be beads of sweat showing under my foundation. The cure is Revlon Colorstay - Brilliant !

07-20-2008, 12:25 AM
What's heat and humidity? For that matter, what's cold? Are these some sort of animals that don't exist in San Diego where it's like 75 all year ?!?

:hugs: :tongueout :drink: :eek:

07-20-2008, 02:18 AM
Its a warm winter in Canberra this year .... We have only had a few frosts at about -5 deg C, so far.

Its been a serious drought as well .... Today is the first rain we have had all month. Our ski resorts have only just opened 2 weeks ago. If it wasn't for snow making they would be in trouble.

like on the west coast in Perth it can get to 45 Deg C in summer, but its usually dry and that is not so bad. Darwin in the Northern Territory is always 33 deg C, but very humid even now and thus hard to bear!

This web site is our premier ski resort .... Its raining there now. Check the rain on the cameras!!

07-20-2008, 05:08 AM
mmnn trials and tribulatuons another ny girl hot n humid equals just a bra panties short light weight skirt n blouce if i have to thi hi's::hugs:

07-20-2008, 02:33 PM
Not all wigs are hot. There are some lite ones from Adolfo that are much cooler. I bicycled 20 miles one humid day and then went to the library. When I came out some guy started talking to me about high heels. I had switched to them before entering the library.

Kimberly Marie Kelly
07-20-2008, 05:43 PM
In the Summer time, especially when outside. Thank goodness I have AC and dress how I like inside.. :battingeyelashes: Kim

07-20-2008, 05:54 PM
I live down on Long Island and its been terrible here too, nice to wear just a little sundress and go bare legged. Denise

07-20-2008, 06:00 PM
Wounder what the Girls in Az do. I mean it can be 8am and already 90.

Arizona has dry heat, Niya, not humid. If you want humidity, come to Georgia! It is 6:50 PM and 88 F with 90% Humidity. And I am sitting here wearing a bra and satin panties under my skirt and tight tank top. Sure, I am in my airconditioned house now, but I just came back from doing some shopping. So I was out in the heat and humidity. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, where we had all kinds of weather! You have to learn to adapt, as my dear late wife used to say when I complained about my satin panties sticking to my skin. She told me, "it's a girl thing and if you dress like a girl you have to adapt to it." She was right, of course, and I have adapted!:)


Often a lady on the outside, but always a man underneath!