View Full Version : She loves me!

07-17-2008, 10:28 PM
Sometimes, despite all the evidence to the contrary, I wonder if my SO really is as supportive as she claims to be. After all, there are the funny looks, the times when we push things a little too far and there is a bit of dissapointment. Tonight, after she fixed a wonderful dinner accompanied by a delightful wine (which she picked out) I made my typically naive and somewhat stupid comment that I wonder if I could find someone to do my toenails. She immediately proceeded to paint them in a lovely mauve color without so much as a moment of hesitation. Going back to DD's question on support I wonder why it is that we don't give our wives and SO's the credit for all the wonderful things they do for us. We (I) seem to need constant reassurance that we are okay and that all this crazy stuff that we long to do is in fact, okay. Why can't we simply accept the fact that these women in our lives love us. They wish, perhaps, that this wasn't such an important and visible part of our lives, but would rather have us as we are than not be able to enjoy all the other things about us that made them love us in the first place. I am a very lucky person!

Kimberly Marie
07-17-2008, 10:37 PM
You are very fortunate....I'm still looking........:)

07-17-2008, 10:52 PM
You are very fortunate....I'm still looking........:)
You are so, so fortunate. When my wife was alive I too had the suspicions but I believe it was just guilt that I did not tell her sooner and felt that we were married and then I told her. I loved her Very Much and I was SO Very Lucky to have had her in my Life and in some way I did not really appreciate her like I should have, being she accepted me and was understanding. Please dont make my mistake and constantly tell her that you Love her and appreciate her not only for being undersatnding but for being that wonderful Lady you married, As with me My Wife is gone and trying to find someone to love and someone to love me as I really am is very Difficult. As the saying goes appreciate and Love someone now for when they are gone it is so hard to say it to them and show it. Joann0830:sad:

07-17-2008, 11:02 PM
I'm often the same way. I have a very loving wife, but since I crossdress, and she not real down with it, I find myself constantly seeking her love and approval in other ways. I really ought to strike a balance between being really sweet to her, and accepting the fact that she loves me, all while never taking her for granted.

07-17-2008, 11:17 PM

Hear, Hear, (Sound of applause):love:
I agree completely, lets hear it for the wives and SOs that love us despite of our weird behaviors! It is hard enough to maintain a marriage, even without throwing in CDing and all of the other baggage associated with it.


07-17-2008, 11:34 PM
You are right, a lot of us take our wonderful wives for granted regardless of weather they are accepting or not of our CDing. The put up with a lot. My wife was nice enough to accompany me to night to the salon where we both received pedicures. We both had a good time.


07-18-2008, 05:22 PM
Hi Jayme,
I'm glad your SO is supportive. Just remember feelings will come and go. My wife is very supportive, but also needs her space from the CD at times. I try to be sensitive to that and I make myself remember that she loves me even when she doesn't want any thing to do with the crossdressing during those times.

Jennifer Giovannetta
07-18-2008, 05:55 PM
Jayme I feel the same way you do. My SO knows that I dress, and it appears that she accepts it at this time. Sometimes she might say something negative about it especially when she is feeling moody. But when push comes to shove she knows that there are worse things that I could engage in. Last weekend she actually encouraged me to come out in the yard with her while I was dressed. I was scared to do it because it was during the day, and there were other people in the neighborhood out in their yards doing this and that. But she said that they would not recognize me. So I should come outside and sit and relax with her.:eek: So I did, and sat there with her. It was a sunny breezy day, and it felt wonderful.

Although there are things that I would like her to do with me while dressed, like see a drag show, or go dancing. She says that she is not ready for that. I cannot force her to do these things with me. Maybe someday she will. But at this time I feel very lucky that she is accepting as she is right now.
Sometimes I put myself in her shoes. (No pun intended) I try to imagine how it would feel if she wanted to dress like a man with a shirt and tie with and facial hair. I would accept this and encourage it. But this is probably due to the fact that I am a crossdresser.
Bottom line is that she is a wonderful woman and I would not trade her for any other woman in the world and I love her very much.

Amy Hepker
07-18-2008, 06:00 PM
I know what it is for me, I have had many GGs leave me due to my CDing. I am constantly thinking she may leave me and saying things like "Do you really LOVE me?" It is funny because even though others have said yes, they still left me.

Angie G
07-18-2008, 07:37 PM
You are indeed a lucky girl As Am I. :hugs:

07-18-2008, 08:49 PM

You are indeed a lucky person. I too was very fortunate during my married life of over 40 years. My dear late wife was supportive our entire life together, and I did thank her often!

Those of us who either have, or have had, supportive wives or SO's know the value of having that support. We certainly do owe them a loud HOOO RAHH in appreciation, plus whatever else we can give them to show our thanks.

Always remember, they married us because we are men! But they allow us to exhibit our femininety also. Bless everyone of them!!!


Lady on the outside, but man underneath!

Rachel Morley
07-18-2008, 09:25 PM
Hi Jayme,

We (I) seem to need constant reassurance that we are okay and that all this crazy stuff that we long to do is in fact, okay.

Whew! ... that right there really hits home for me. Not nowadays, but in the beginning when my wife and I first started "exploring the girl in me" this was how it was.

I would one day be fine with it all but if I heard my wife say anything that could even slightly be construed as a possible negative comment (which incidentally never happened, it was just how I perceived her comment) I used to feel all guilty and self loathing about wanting to dress and act girly :sad:

Nowadays, thankfully I am very comfortable with my feminine self (both looks and feelings) and I am totally at peace being a feminized male when not dressed en femme :)

It takes time but I have no doubt that you'll get there :hugs:

07-21-2008, 05:29 PM
Hi ladies -
Thank you for all your kind words and notes of encouragement. As Jonianne (what a lovely name) said, feelings come and go. I guess that's what makes me go from euphoria to discouragement when those little comments, or even lack of comments, burst my balloon. How fragile our sense of security seems to be. But, with encouragement and little doses of reality from all my sisters there is a great deal of happiness just waiting to be enjoyed.