View Full Version : On shaving your legs in the summer.

Melinda G
07-18-2008, 12:23 AM
In recent years, I like to keep shaved year round. However, when I have some social event, picnic, bar BQ, family thing, etc, where I will be wearing shorts, I usually let the hair grow out for a couple weeks before. This results in some short hair, about 1/2 inch, but not long and curly like normal. Nobody has ever said anything, and may not have noticed, as it does not appear shaved. I have been thinking about various excuses, if by chance, someone ever did say something, however unlikely, without going into a long song and dance about CDing.

1. I noticed swimmers and bicyclists shave their legs, and it is a cool look.

2. Makes me look younger. Hairy guys look old.

3. Some chick talked me into it. [I'm single]

4. It feels good, especially in the summer.

5. Just wondered what it was like.

6. Chicks don't like hairy guys.

Do these excuses sound reasonable and believable? Some thoughts?

07-18-2008, 12:30 AM
It is best not to make excuses for our appearance. There is no law against shaving your body. Look at how many folks are running around with shaved heads. Please don't give other people that much power over you. If someone asks why you shave either tell them that it's none of their business, or that you simply don't like body hair. I always tell them that smooth legs feel better when I wear pantyhose. Honesty is the best policy!

:2c: Jamie

07-18-2008, 12:37 AM
I want to tell people that shaved legs are common among cyclists and swimmers (I am both), but that the real reason is that shaved legs look a lot better under thigh-highs and skirts...

Unfortunately, over the past year and some that my legs have been shaved, no one has asked about them or made a comment. I should mention here that I go to an exercise club and take spin classes, then swim afterward, at least a couple times a week. Again, no one has ever made any comment...


07-18-2008, 12:40 AM
You could always go with the guilt route...

"I didn't want to shave my legs, but the chemo made the hair so patchy it was the only way I could even it out." ... then give a really sad hang-dog look.

Nothing says mind your own business more than healthy dose of 'don't you feel awful for calling me out for having cancer'.

07-18-2008, 01:24 AM
I do not even worry about that these days. I remember when I first came out to the family an relatives around a pool in some very short swimmers. Yep, they had a good look, but they didnt say a thing. Im not sure whether it was the shaved bod or the body jewelry that got the attention!

Jocelyn Quivers
07-18-2008, 01:29 AM
If it's a guy asking, you can turn it around on them by answering "yes I shave my legs, and may I ask why are you checking out my legs?"

07-18-2008, 01:35 AM
i always ask them if they are jealous that my legs look better than theirs.

Emma England
07-18-2008, 02:29 AM
You will find that no one asks.

Angie G
07-18-2008, 04:42 AM
I have been asked once by my Granddaughters friend I just said sometime and she let it go. :hugs:

07-18-2008, 04:58 AM
belive it or not, i shaved my legs not because i dressed, as like you i figured id get caught out in warmer months... but because when my legs sweat (with hair and have to wear trousers to work) they itch and i was scrathing then so hard id rip the skin away... in the end my doctor said to try and shave my legs to see if it made a difference... it did :S... so thats always been my excuse.

Ive been swimming with friends / family and no one has noticed, well not seemed to notice anyway....

hope this helps..

Joanna xx

07-18-2008, 05:21 AM
Oh please, not another leg shaving thread about what to tell poeple about your bare legs.:thumbsdn: Look, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR BARE LEGS! Really, nobody will notice. Nobody will say anything. In the three years I have been shaving my legs, only one person has said anything. One. When they did ask if I shaved, I looked them right in the eye and said " Yes I do, hairy legs don't look good in thigh highs" and left it at that. I was not lying and it was a way of saying, none of your business.

Now, lets put this business too rest and move on.

07-18-2008, 05:38 AM
Shave and be happy!
(why are you checking out my legs?) I love it!!!

07-18-2008, 06:13 AM
You will find that no one asks.

Most people just don't notice. They're not that observant. I have gone to the store en drab, but with sandals on, since my toes are always painted some shade of red, I was expecting, the first time, to see strange looks, but no one hardly noticed. To the ones that did, I just smiled and said "Like the color?" and they invariably got embarrassed and looked away.

It's no one's biz, as for the shaving, I like the way it feels. There's no feeling like sliding into fresh sheets with newly shaved legs. One of life's simple pleasures.


PS. My wife was the one who asked why I shaved my legs and body but not my armpits. (I'd avoided that as I thought that might be more noticeable in a tank top, being closer to eye level) Now I happily shave nose to toes.

Wendy me
07-18-2008, 06:30 AM
lol i am going to the doctors today just shaved .... no big deal just do it..........

Slip Affinity
07-18-2008, 08:10 AM
I've been shaving my legs year around for the past 9 years and no one has ever said anything. No, not even the Dr.

07-18-2008, 08:18 AM
I also have been shaving nose to toes for years with no problems.

07-18-2008, 10:50 AM
i keep my legs smooth and getting no questions so far, so i think is the people around me dont look at my lovely legs (sniff) or its no prob and getting used to it by now. lucy

07-18-2008, 11:02 AM
Here is what I do since I shave everywhere:

Generally, in the summer I wear those short denim shorts sold in the juniors section and show a lot of my shaved legs. But if there is a function where I believe those short shorts would not be appropriate, I just wear something longer, such as Bermudas. And I shave as normal. That's all you have to do if you are worried about it.

07-18-2008, 11:15 AM
When I first started shaving my legs I was thinking of using the scare on my left leg as an excuse since there is an area 3 inches long and 1/2 inch wide that doesn't grow hair. After thinking about it for a short time I decided that I didn't want to use that as an excuse. Instead I opted for the truth, first I am tired of looking like a gorilla and second I like the way it looks and feels.

Just my feelings and thoughts

Jennifer James
07-18-2008, 12:09 PM
I shaved my legs by using Nair and i noticed after a few weeks without using it the area where I used Nair had tons of little pimples can someone explain what that is and If I had used Nair every day or so would those pimples still appear?

07-18-2008, 12:50 PM
I've never tried Nair. Couldn't get past the smell.

Nicole Erin
07-18-2008, 12:55 PM
You will find that no one asks.

And the congregation said -


07-18-2008, 01:25 PM
Nobody is going to care. I shave from the neck down year round and in summer IF (mighty big IF mind you), IF someone asks, I tell them "Being clean shaved helps cut down on perspiration and helps eliminate odor because there is no hair to trap said odor from perspiration, and I'm a lot cooler in this Texas humidity. Besides, it allows me to have fabulous conversations with cromagnans like you." ((okay, I just added that last sentence for you ladies, but you get the idea)).


Deborah Jane
07-18-2008, 01:33 PM
What does it matter what other people think?
They,re your legs....
If it makes you happy shaving them

Just do it!!!

07-18-2008, 02:33 PM
I've been shaving my upper body for many years and my legs part time in the winter. This year I finally got up the courage to go ahead and shave my legs for the summer and so far the only person who has said anything to me is my wife. Of course she hates it but nobody else seems to care.

07-18-2008, 03:56 PM
Amen! Thankyou Deborah Jane for stating this. :)

What does it matter what other people think?
They,re your legs....
If it makes you happy shaving them

Just do it!!!

07-18-2008, 09:16 PM
Nobody is going to care. ...

My wife would likely disagree with you on this :D

07-18-2008, 09:24 PM
Most people don't give a damn, and no one will ask you "So. How's it goin'? I was wondering - do you shave your legs or are you naturally like that?"

And truthfully, I can't recall purposefully looking at a guy's legs anyway. I prefer looking at a woman's legs, and if they aren't shaved, well...:eek:

trannie T
07-18-2008, 10:18 PM
I've shaved my legs for years and no one has made a comment. If someone does ask I'll probably tell them the truth, "I think they look better with a skirt." They won't believe me and it should shut them up.

07-18-2008, 10:44 PM
I have had hairless legs for 15 years. Nobody has ever said a thing --- as far as I an tell not even a stare. I'm not sure whether that's good news or bad news.

07-19-2008, 03:05 AM
For me to shave my legs which I have done many times in the winter so I can keep them covered with the long pants and all,, but anyway if I was to shave in summer and go out,, what sits in the back of my mind is since the rest of my body is very much male body hair,, (hairy chest and arms, and facial hair) it would look out of balance, and since I have never really came out to anyone except my sister and past GF's, and maybe a few females that heard rumors so they asked and I confirmed,, and I cant wait - she will be moved back to home town in 2 weeks,, Anyway I LOVE the feel of shaved legs,, I do wish I could do it year round,. :drink:

07-19-2008, 08:38 AM
Been shaving my legs for 5 years now and have not had a comment from anyone. I have gotten many looks, but no comments. Darn!

Jennifer James
07-19-2008, 11:19 AM
Seems like women dont like guys who shaved legs or body is that true?

07-19-2008, 11:28 AM
The only thing stopping you is yourself. There is really no good reason why you can't shave your legs.

For me to shave my legs which I have done many times in the winter so I can keep them covered with the long pants and all,, but anyway if I was to shave in summer and go out,, what sits in the back of my mind is since the rest of my body is very much male body hair,, (hairy chest and arms, and facial hair) it would look out of balance, and since I have never really came out to anyone except my sister and past GF's, and maybe a few females that heard rumors so they asked and I confirmed,, and I cant wait - she will be moved back to home town in 2 weeks,, Anyway I LOVE the feel of shaved legs,, I do wish I could do it year round,. :drink:

07-19-2008, 11:30 AM
Does it really matter? I'm sure that women don't like guys with shaved heads either but guys do it anyway. Also, when GGs change their hairstyle, do they really care whay guys think? The answer is "no"; they do it for themselves and not for men.

Seems like women dont like guys who shaved legs or body is that true?

Jennifer James
07-19-2008, 11:40 AM
ok thanks I would like to shave my enough body from nose to toes

07-19-2008, 03:35 PM
had my first wax about 3 weeks ago and often wear shorts at work and when running. No comments yet (apart from missus). Going on Monday for another and also eyebrows


07-19-2008, 10:08 PM
I think your excuses are fine but I've never had anybody ask. You'll notice that there are a lot of men who have very little leg hair or very light colored leg hair so it's just not something that people pay a lot of attention to.

07-20-2008, 12:40 AM
I started shaving my legs this winter. And I, like you, was very concerned about who would react how & all of this sort of thing. On occasion, I still feel some uncertainty. However, I must agree with most of the other girls here. No one notices. No one cares. If they care, not enough to say anything about it. I have an "excuse" ready to go for family & close friends. (I would tell them that I tried shaving as part of my triathlon training -Only half true! Dressing was the real motivation. And my lovely wife liked it quite a lot. - Only half true! We both like it quite a lot!)

If someone I wasn't so familiar with started inquiring, I would probably tell them that it's none of their damn business.

That said, I have hung around family, friends, strangers & everyone in between so far this summer. I have not received one question. Not one comment.

Again, so far as I can tell, no one notices. No one cares. At least not enough to speak up about it.

Enjoy the shaven legs! Honestly! Do it. You'll love it.

07-20-2008, 12:42 AM
If I lived alone I might try this, but I know my wife would find all the hair in the tub, and then come find me and kill me. lol

07-20-2008, 01:54 AM
I ride mountain bikes, and compete in races.
Been shaving legs for ages .... only one person ever asked ... they were expecting me to be embarrased. Instead of excuses I said "Because they look better mate " That took the wind out of the sails!

Much cooler in the summer, and also in winter. I tend to wear lycra tights under things in winter ( as it is now )

Nair or similar tends to disolve the hair just below the skin level, and the little red dots are the re-growth trying to get out, but getting jammed ... a good scratch with a scrub brush will help, and tone up the skin as well.

Depilatory creams only work if the hair is a bit longer, as you need to pull on it to get it out ( with the sponge or wet hand towel ) they are great for arm pits where its difficult to get at the area with a razor. They can be dynamite in the wrong place .... Do not get tempted to do your face .... The hair on your face is inbedded about 1/8 " and will not react , but you will get a chemical burn instead. ( Been there done that )

07-20-2008, 05:26 AM
I shave my legs all year round, I have never been asked "Hey, why are your legs hairless"? And to be honest if someone did I would smile and say something like " Its because I like them that way" but in actuality pantyhose feel and look better on shaved legs and I like the way they feel.

:love: Mollyanne

Carly D.
07-21-2008, 09:26 AM
And 7 pantyhose not only feels right, it looks right without hair on the legs.. I tried and failed to grow my hair back on my legs this month.. I wanted to see what that felt like to have hair on my legs so this month was supposed to be grow it back month.. but Friday I shaved my legs again.. mostly I wanted to try a new triple blade razor to see how it works and it worked better than imagined.. so I'm hair free from my waist down again.. feels great..