View Full Version : Followup to PantyhoseLover

07-23-2008, 01:15 PM
In the last thread PantyHoseLover (me too!) was asking why as an older person we are getting more women that are interested in us. The idea was that as we get older we have more ages of women to pick from and be attracted by. That said, why is it I am finding lots of much younger women (20-30) that come on to me when I'm fully dressed? Have many of you when you go out fully dressed in your finest get picked up on by younger, pretty girls. Any reason why that is that you can think of?

Bev06 GG
07-23-2008, 02:43 PM
Hi Charlie
Can I ask do they just come on to you or do you actually get a date. To some ladies talking to someone a bit out of the ordinary can be a talking point in the office with their mates. I know because I listen to some of our younger members of staff.
If however they are genuinly interested in taking things further, then maybe its because younger women do not have the hang ups that some older ladies have. They seem to be far more liberal in their thinking and anything seems to go.

07-23-2008, 03:13 PM
For the life of me I cannot get it. The last time it happened I went in to a bar. I was fully dressed and talked to a few people. I then sat down and was listening to karaoke. A 21 year old sitting next to me started talking and told me I was pretty. I quickly told her the same thing. Before 15 minutes had passed she leaned over and kissed me. Not being shy (I'm a 58 year old guy and this is a hot looking young lady) I returned the kiss and then some. Her roomate (I was told that they were a couple) returned and said she was leaving so she had to go. At that point, another young lady that introduced herself as Gillian wanted me to come join her at the bar. I had to go myself as I had a very early flight the next morning, but why the attraction at all?

Bev06 GG
07-23-2008, 04:00 PM
Well then maybe you just are attractive and they genuinly find you so.
No surprise really, younger women do like men who have something about them and are in their words cool about themselves.
Take care

07-23-2008, 05:21 PM
I couldn't begin to tell you why. Hopefully they really are attracted to you.

So, why ask why, enjoy ;)

07-23-2008, 06:52 PM
I should add that this attraction occurs for me in drab. I'm not brave enough to go out in public yet (wondering if I'd be passable; maybe I should use a service to help), but that's a subject for another thread. So I wonder, do the gg's sense something different?

07-23-2008, 07:05 PM
Sometimes it's the old male standby, "She looked at me, she must like me". It could be that girls feel comfortable opening themselves up to us and it is taken out of context.

07-23-2008, 07:09 PM
Strange! I've never been come on by any attractive women, young or old, while dressed while a bar or club.
Maybe I'm just going to the wrong places.


Angie G
07-24-2008, 12:38 AM
Only in my dreams hun. :hugs:

07-24-2008, 03:34 AM
Charlie I know exactly what you are experiencing, I am 48 yrs old and when I am dressed enfemme, I get a lot of come ons by younger and very pretty women, I get kissed, loved on, hands up my skirt, sweet words wispered in my ear, and so on. it is incredible, and the sensations during intimacy is out of this world. I dont know why this happens to me when in femme mode, but all I can say is I enjoy the hell out of it. As I have said in pantyhoselovers thread, the come ons never happen when in male mode. For me being enfemme has been a blessing. I have had a couple of older women come onto me when I was infemme, but have had many more younger ones come on to me. great thread charlie.

07-24-2008, 05:11 AM
I think part of it is that by far the most common place for us girls to go out are bars and clubs. Most of the female clientel are under 30. That already skews the age of women who could interact with you.

In Boston I have run into some of the same thing. Only a few have come-on to me but several of the other girls get mobbed on a regular basis! Some are straight some are lesbian/bi. Just like some of the men that are attracted to t-girls, I think the young women find us exotic! It also shows that we have a good sense of who we are and aren't afraid to show it. Young guys are notoriously NOT comfortable with themselves or anyone else! (can you tell I have a 20 something daughter?)

Carol A
07-24-2008, 08:56 AM
Well the only time I was ever hit on was by my wife when we were young and first married. Her and her sister dolled me up and we went out an after getting back home my wife was so turned on, well let's say she took control for the rest of the evening. Other then that the answer is no as went enfem she is ALWAYS at my side.:love:
I believe she still thinks I may get picked up :tongueout