View Full Version : The journey continues...

07-25-2008, 04:16 PM
Ok, so this may sound a little tame to many of you cosmopolitan, urban boys and girls who already go out and about in your preferred attire, amongst people for heaven's sake! This evening I ventured into the great outdoors, en femme, for the first time ever.

I needed to walk the dog, I needed to go out en femme as part of my journey ever onwards. Two birds, one stone etc.

So I picked out suitable clothes, applied the make-up, fussed my hair a bit, got in the car and headed off to a favourite spot. Nothing remarkable happened, I met no-one close up, I just walked.

There, you see, tame!

However for me it was indeed an important milestone - I just did what I normally do except presenting (as far as possible, at present) as female.

Now of course I'm as happy as a very happy thing and wanted to tell someone, so I'm telling you as no-one else is at home right now.



07-25-2008, 04:31 PM
Awesome Sarah I am impressed. That is a big step and it sounds like you doing what you needed to do for you to progress in your journey.

07-25-2008, 05:03 PM
Its not tame, that going out for the first time ever. It is wonderfully marvellous and unrepeatable. Go with it and enjoy the feeling and you will need more than two sexy dresses, especially outside.

PS Congratulations
Huggzzes ~Samm

07-25-2008, 05:12 PM
Hi Sarah,

Congratulations on the big step. As my wife told me, "You need to feel the sunshine on your face", when she took me out my first time.

07-25-2008, 05:22 PM
Hi Sarah,
Congradulations on your first crossing (so to speak)
guaging the experience as you say that it was tame sounds like you are hinting it was also perfectly normal and comfortable . you were out just being you... doing naught...

( but ah it's still wonderful wasn't it ! hugs.... lacie:battingeyelashes:

CD Susan
07-25-2008, 05:23 PM
Congradulations Sarah on taking that first huge step. There is nothing like going out for the first time. Like you have more than likely heard it gets easier and is more fun the more you do it. Hiking and biking trails are great places to be out and not have to be amoung large crowds of people. I do it all the time and enjoy it. I bet you will start going out more and I hope you do. Enjoy!!

Emily Anderson
07-25-2008, 05:28 PM
Well, that's bloody brilliant Sarah!!!

You should really congratulate yourself on this experience... A lot of us never manage to get beyond our imagination.

Just think about what you've done, and where it could go next.


07-25-2008, 05:38 PM
Ok, so this may sound a little tame to many of you cosmopolitan, urban boys and girls who already go out and about in your preferred attire, amongst people for heaven's sake! This evening I ventured into the great outdoors, en femme, for the first time ever.

I needed to walk the dog, I needed to go out en femme as part of my journey ever onwards. Two birds, one stone etc.

So I picked out suitable clothes, applied the make-up, fussed my hair a bit, got in the car and headed off to a favourite spot. Nothing remarkable happened, I met no-one close up, I just walked.

There, you see, tame!

However for me it was indeed an important milestone - I just did what I normally do except presenting (as far as possible, at present) as female.

Now of course I'm as happy as a very happy thing and wanted to tell someone, so I'm telling you as no-one else is at home right now.



As you said Sarah it is an important milestone and one I am sure will be eclipsed more and more with your future adventures and outings. Congratulations on the big step into the real world!

07-25-2008, 06:24 PM
Congradulations Sarah on taking that first huge step. There is nothing like going out for the first time. Like you have more than likely heard it gets easier and is more fun the more you do it. Hiking and biking trails are great places to be out and not have to be amoung large crowds of people. I do it all the time and enjoy it. I bet you will start going out more and I hope you do. Enjoy!!

Hiya Sarah :) congratulations on taking that very big first step. I know it can be quite frightening at first, but it gets better as time goes by. :hugs: bobbie

07-25-2008, 06:46 PM
Hello Sarah!
I remember my first jaunt outside. I decided to walk around the parking lot of a Ross store. Dumb perhaps, but a big step anyway. Try a nightclub next to get to know some people and perhaps even get some dancing in. With that cute waist and long lovely legs you should have no problems!

07-25-2008, 08:39 PM
Congratulations Sarah! I understand how huge a step this is and how intimidating it can be. Sounds like you handled it like a true woman. Now onward and upward..


07-25-2008, 11:11 PM
I did the same thing this past Tuesday. I left the house dressed and headed to the city. Ate dinner with friends, then attended a meeting. I beleive the journey will always continue because they more for us to see, do, and learn.



Angie G
07-25-2008, 11:52 PM
Good for you Sarah you go girl. :hugs:

Empress Lainie
07-26-2008, 12:35 PM
Congratulations Sarah, I remember my first time, wondering if I will be accepted as a woman. I remember thinking at the time, (unthinkable completely now) that if I couldn't pass I wouldn't transition. Guess I would have eventually killed myself.

It was at a KFC, with good music and I danced to the music while waiting for my order. The girls behind the counter looked as if they wished they were dancing there with me. i.e.: COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE.

07-26-2008, 02:30 PM
Not at all tame, Sarah. Some of my most enjoyable times out are doing normal everyday activities... walking, shopping, going to a movie or play, getting the car washed, etc. Being able to do things like this adds to our ability to accept ourselves.

bridget thronton
07-26-2008, 02:36 PM
Funny how our worst fears sometimes do not materialize

07-26-2008, 02:48 PM
Way to GO! That's fantastic. The first few times I was very nervous the whole while ... with time you'll relax and have fun. Good for you! And thank you for posting your experience!

07-26-2008, 02:56 PM
Hey! Thanks for your support everyone. Just fantastic - well done!
