View Full Version : If you took 100 men....

07-26-2008, 07:16 AM
I've read in this Forum over the past 4 months or so that I've been a member many of you describe your CDing experiences in so positive of words..."loving it"..,"addictive" "exhilerating"...."hooked"...etc.

So that got me thinking that it seems that for most of us that once we try the "le femme" lifestyle for most of us it's no turning back...kind of I guess trying "coke" and getting hooked as a "figuire of speech" only...LOL

So this is what I've been thinking and thought I'd throw this up and see what you all thought....

Say you take 100 men. These men had no inclination to CD or at least aside from some deep hidden desire which they have not revealed to anyone showed or indicated a desire to dress in female mode...

They were initially offered say $500 or $1,000 to dress in female mode for 2 days or 3 days or a week but no more than that time. The money was the "motivating factor" to try this since otherwise they'd catagorically say "No" to the suggestion, but for a price they'd be willing to do it.

These 100 men were selected with several criteria present. First of all they had to have a decent size and shape to them...no 275lb beer gut burly type men that you see in truck driver or construction worker. Thes men all had to have a fair chance to be able to be transformed into a passable female. So their male looks could be transfored into a female look through the normal pocess and transfornation of make up etc....

They were also shown a number of females pictures (unlnown to them they were both CD and GG pictures) and asked to rate their appeal from 1-10. This gave a idea of what type of females they find attractive and pleasing and thus the collection of pictures would be used to make a "composite concept" of how to dress and create their look as a female. Example would be they seemed to find females wearing blonde hair and high heels and short skirts/dresses over other female pics they say. So they were cjosen a blonfish style wig high heel shoes and either short dresses or skirts and blouses that were similar to their appeal.

Now they were totally exposed to the female ritual as well as the transofrmation....manicure, pedicures, having of body hair removed, massages, and then they had their wigs selected and styled for them and taken cloths shopping and allowed to pick out and try on their clothes. All the time it was done in a private as well as a supported and encouraged astmosphere by those who were overseeing this effort. Then during their 48-72 hour "experience" they got to go out with another CDer who was part of this and a couple of GG females to go do girl stuff...shop, have lunch or whatever else they wanted to d. Then one of the nites they all went out to a club to have a "girls nite out"....

So these 100 men all experienced the "total cd experience" from A-Z for a set period of time and they all came out looking pretty good in the transformation process...no "Bozo the clown" in this group.

My question here is this....

How many of these 100 men would now continue to CD since they experienced being totally "femmed out" and had the chance to live totaly as a woman for an extended period of time (a period of time that they could reach a comfort zone both being a female and being out with it as well)...

And would this number be higher or lower than the "number" of CDers to the general population?

My point here is this.

If you take "X" number of men and exposed then to a culture or lifestyle that so many of you/us all refer to as "addictive" or "exhilerating experience" and allow them to experience the total expereince that we've all come to know and love....how many of these men who have no inclination previously to do this and are only motivated to try it because of some financial gain...once they experience this will become "hooked"?

I have no idea, but I think it might be higher than the ratio of CDers to the population as it is under normal conditions...

Now I am curious to see what you all think on this idea.

deja true
07-26-2008, 07:40 AM
Well, Sherry...what you got here is a proposal for a TV reality show very similar to the one that aired about 2 years ago called "She's a Lady".

A buncha regular guys, all married, of all shapes and sizes, did just that for a grand prize of how-much-I-don't-remember.

There are lots of snippets from it on YouTube. Check out Alberta, she was so good at it and so amazingly passable that we all are sure that that girl had had plenty of previous experience, just hadn't admitted it.

Now we all wanna know what happened to all those newbie girls, all of whom looked to be having a hell of a lot of fun.

In an open casting call that announced truthfully what the premise of the show was, I'd bet that at least 80% of the hopefuls would be closet dressers .

If a random buncha nominally "straight" guys, were recruited for this experiment, who were known not to have CD "tendencies", my guess is that a lot more than the (arguably) 5% in the normal population would get into it and continue dressing, even if they were eliminated prizeless in the earliest rounds.

Hell, I'd fly across the country to audition for a show like this, probably even en femme!


07-26-2008, 07:53 AM

In coming up with this "idea" I thought about doing it as a reality TV show idea....$10,000 grand prize etc....but tuned it down to more of an "soical order study" type experiment rather thanthe next reality TV show/compitition....just to eliminate all the closet CDers out there....I'm more interested in let 100 men who have not exhibited any tyopp of pre-tendicies toward CDing to be involved and this is the best senerio I could come up with at this time w/o getting all technical in this idea.

But I'd be very interested in trying this...just need someone to come along and "fund this study"....because it sure as hell ain't coming out of my pocket...(money wise that is....) LOL...

Emily Anderson
07-26-2008, 08:04 AM

It would require men who are not totally opposed to the idea, which would naturally taint the statistical sample. That is, some men would not want to go dress up as a woman, even if paid to do so. Of course, the higher the pay, the greater the temptation.

Secondly, I think you would find that the men who would do this kind of thing have a greater open-mindedness than the the general population. In fact, some of the men would probably be more even more open-minded than some crossdressers, because it requires going beyond one's comfort zone, which is not always possible for crossdressers. So, it would require open-minded men, which again taints the sample versus the "normal" population.

Thirdly, the sample would need to be composed of men who do not already crossdress, or have not crossdressed in their entire lives, otherwise... it taints the sample when determining if a person was converted to crossdressing from the experience, or has always had a tendency toward crossdressing.

Having said that, I think you could indeed find one or more men in the sample who had never crossdressed before, were open-minded, and who got such a kick out of the experience that they would want to do it again... and again... and again :)

I doubt, however, that the number of converted would be higher than the normal statistical range for crossdressers, but that's just my "guesstimate".

07-26-2008, 08:19 AM
I remember seeing an Oprah show a few years back where she pulled men out of the audience and had them "transformed" into women. And I recall seeing at least one of those chosen who looked as if he was really enjoying it - I thought, well here's one who's probably going to continue this after the show. Still I think the idea proposed here is excellent - that Oprah show was good, but I would like to see it where the men spend several days transformed.

07-26-2008, 08:27 AM

It would require men who are not totally opposed to the idea, which would naturally taint the statistical sample. That is, some men would not want to go dress up as a woman, even if paid to do so. Of course, the higher the pay, the greater the temptation.

Secondly, I think you would find that the men who would do this kind of thing have a greater open-mindedness than the the general population. In fact, some of the men would probably be more even more open-minded than some crossdressers, because it requires going beyond one's comfort zone, which is not always possible for crossdressers. So, it would require open-minded men, which again taints the sample versus the "normal" population.

Thirdly, the sample would need to be composed of men who do not already crossdress, or have not crossdressed in their entire lives, otherwise... it taints the sample when determining if a person was converted to crossdressing from the experience, or has always had a tendency toward crossdressing.

Having said that, I think you could indeed find one or more men in the sample who had never crossdressed before, were open-minded, and who got such a kick out of the experience that they would want to do it again... and again... and again :)

I doubt, however, that the number of converted would be higher than the normal statistical range for crossdressers, but that's just my "guesstimate".

I think to keep the sample "pure" you'd have to basically select them at random, slip 'em a mickey, kidnap them, transform them and burn their male clothes. Then tell them their choice is to go along with it, complete with the shopping, lunches, clubbing, etc., or they can opt out and go home but they'd have to do so en femme since their drab was no longer an option. Sounds like a plot for a CD short story. Even then there'd be a fair chance you'd have some in the sample who CD in the closet, or at least have had the notion before. I don't think there's a way weed out those who have the propensity from those who would never consider it on their own. I do like the reality show idea. I really miss "He's a Lady".

Emily Anderson
07-26-2008, 08:33 AM
I think to keep the sample "pure" you'd have to basically select them at random, slip 'em a mickey, kidnap them, transform them and burn their male clothes. Then tell them their choice is to go along with it, complete with the shopping, lunches, clubbing, etc., or they can opt out and go home but they'd have to do so en femme since their drab was no longer an option.

There you go, a combination kidnapping / forced crossdressing reality TV show!

I like it, I like it :D

07-26-2008, 08:40 AM
well, considering the basic consensus is that 3%-5% of the US male population cross dresses, I would say that no less them 5 of the men would continue to dress, the rest were just in it for the money, and money only.

07-26-2008, 08:42 AM
I was trying to kee this idea simply and now you all are turning this into a mystery/reality TV show idea...sheeesh!!!! LOL....

Really I was jsut trying to come up with some way to selct 100 men who were not predisposed to CDing...expose them to Cding and see hwo many would continue on once they had a chance to try it....without making it to complicated...technical etc....and yes I think we'd "capute" some who were in the closet , but really it would take great effort to get a 100% "pure" group of men who had no inclination or desire to CD....it's jsut an excersie in theory to see what you all think the results might be based upon the comments of most CDers here that once they tried it they got "hooked" and transfering that though over to 100 who hadn't had any previous desires to see how many of them might also get "hooked" once they tried it....

deja true
07-26-2008, 08:46 AM
OH! that's right! HE's a Lady!

And if I remember correctly, the contestants were recruited by using a different premise altogether. Just when the cameras started rolling was the whole (and completely diferent) agenda revealed to them.

I don't remember how many walked out right away but I honestly can't remember that any did. I think the prize money was just too good in the case of the majority....and then, of course there was Alberta!

07-26-2008, 08:55 AM
First of all they had to have a decent size and shape to them...no 275lb beer gut burly type men that you see in truck driver or construction worker. Thes men all had to have a fair chance to be able to be transformed into a passable female. So their male looks could be transfored into a female look through the normal pocess and transfornation of make up etc....

I'm a bit insulted, as I'm definitely a member of that group. Why would you exclude us bigger guys?


07-26-2008, 09:02 AM
Given your premise, and taking all the guys at random, I'd say you'd get about 45 to 50 percent of them dressing regularly. I had absolutely no desires to crossdress when I started, and I got hooked pretty easily. I'm guessing many many others would find it just as appealing and fun.

07-26-2008, 09:11 AM

My selection was only for this "theory" in that they would be better able to be transformed in apeparence that they might find it more acceptable to themselves and in doing so they would be more inclined to do it again if they found themselves looking more femaled....as oppsoed to those of us that are inclined to CD or at least try CDing because we have this inner desire to CD or dress le femme....

No offense to anyone out there that isnt' of perfect size....

Does that make any sense or not????

Carol A
07-26-2008, 09:12 AM
Deja true,
You are very right as I remember the show fully. The prise was $500,000 and the grant winner was Wynnoua. Now I believe Alberta was the best as she just seem to be so natural at it. The program was on for 10 weeks and I tell you it was a blast. :daydreaming:

Deidra Cowen
07-26-2008, 09:19 AM
If you look at online games...where the cost and effort to go femme is very very low would suggest there is a good population of guys that will then CD...well in a virtual way. :devil:

You can fix yourself up to be a hot babe in 5 mins flat while you design your avatar and I see about 10% of the guys going with a fem avatar. Now they make excuses and all that....but it is obvious that a lot of guys if they can be pretty girls will do it!

I think there are big cultural norms that push gay guys towards being masculine too. (Gay guys look down on 'sissys and queens' as they call us and fem guys more than Straight guys!)

But having been to so many gay bars and watched those guys...I think a lot more of them would be femmy if there were no social cost. I just can't tell you how many times I see them slipping...doing a femmy walk, girly mannerism and lots of them have great voices with a high range. So that would be another large population to add in. Oh...I have more antidotal evidence...go to a gay bar on Halloween. Half the guys are in drag!

Fun topic sweetie and a nice post you did.

07-26-2008, 09:25 AM
Deja true,
You are very right as I remember the show fully. The prise was $500,000 and the grant winner was Wynnoua. Now I believe Alberta was the best as she just seem to be so natural at it. The program was on for 10 weeks and I tell you it was a blast. :daydreaming:

...and I'll bet you dollars to dognuts that Alberta CDs to this day.

07-26-2008, 10:17 AM
well, considering the basic consensus is that 3%-5% of the US male population cross dresses, I would say that no less them 5 of the men would continue to dress, the rest were just in it for the money, and money only.

Only 3%-5%? I have a feeling that its probably a good bit higher than that. I'm sure they are clopset CDers who won't admit it.

Felicity :)

07-26-2008, 10:24 AM
...Does that make any sense or not????No, not really, Sherry. By excluding any group, you would skew the results. Besides, who decides what is an acceptable female transformation objective? The Barbie look? The fact of the matter is by only seeking out candidates who could "successfully" transform, you are excluding significant number of the group you are trying to gather information about. GG's come in all shapes and sizes. Therefore any male can be transformed into a female presentation. The subjective result will vary dramatically from each observer of the result but isn't the object to see how the individual being transformed reacts?

Empress Lainie
07-26-2008, 10:32 AM
This reminds me of another tv show I watched where they took guys and made passable girls of them and had them work as girls in a restaurant.

They also took girls and made passable guys of them and had them work also.

It was the first time I heard of tucking as they were actually telling the guys how to do it (no pics), and fittend them with bras and breastforms.

I don't know the outcome of the show, I think it was called changing places or something like that.

If anyone remembers it, please post here.

Angie G
07-26-2008, 02:24 PM
I'd think maybe 50 % would keep on dressing. :hugs:

Kate Simmons
07-26-2008, 03:31 PM
Hmm--It's been said that a lot of policemen who go undercover as women to catch perps come to enjoy the experience. Selecting random people doesn't work however as I think they would have to be pre-disposed to enjoying it to begin with. Many guys woud like to try it but just don't have the opportunity or the gumption to do it on their own.:)

07-26-2008, 07:10 PM
A female interviewer once interviewed one of the Kids in the Hall, who always used to dress in drag on the show, to ask if he missed it when the show was over, expecting a 'yes.' But the answer was a 'no.' and that basically dressing up was a bother, (it certainly is time consuming), and he was not tempted to do it on his own. That is as close an answer as I can find from real life.

07-26-2008, 08:38 PM
Well, Sherry...what you got here is a proposal for a TV reality show very similar to the one that aired about 2 years ago called "She's a Lady".

A buncha regular guys, all married, of all shapes and sizes, did just that for a grand prize of how-much-I-don't-remember.

There are lots of snippets from it on YouTube. Check out Alberta, she was so good at it and so amazingly passable that we all are sure that that girl had had plenty of previous experience, just hadn't admitted it.

...and I'll bet you dollars to dognuts that Alberta CDs to this day.

I to this date still believe that Alberta is a CD, I watched the show and she was way to good and the mannerisms where too polished. I do know that reality shows will look for 1 or 2 people that has the experience to guide the program.

Now for the 100 men, in order to make it interesting a litheness test would need to be performed to make sure that the are not TG/CD if you wish to get the results. I would include men of all sizes since the goal should be to also see how women of all shapes and sizes are treated. The other requirement would be that they would have to live as the opposite gender for 30 days 24/7. 3 to 7 days will not give them the experience needed to see if they would like to continue dressing.

Another area would be that if the candidate if bald they would would have a full lace hair piece glued on and for those with short hair extensions added. The purpose for this is in order o get the full affect of living as a woman they would not be allowed to remove the hair in order to enhance the experience.

For the project I would suggest glue on forms as well. I d like the part about testing them with photos to develop the dressing style, I would also take it further to placing them in a work environment where people would not know about the project and they would be forced to interact with the public in an uncontrolled environment.

Now the clincher is the candidates would be 25% dating, 25% Single no commitments, 25% married no children and 25% married with children. All candidates may have to live away from home however the married candidates will have to bring the family for the project.

Given these few factors I would say in the following groups:
(25 men per group)

of the married with children
1 Would go full time
2 Would continue

of married
1 Would go full time
3 would continue

Single with comitments
2 would continue
2 would go full time

Just single
5 would go full time 3 may go stealth
3 would continue

10% Will continue
9% Would go full time
19% Total

It is higher because like many of us who are not out to family they would hide it! The remaining would find it too hard and some would walk away from the project.


Pamela Julie
07-28-2008, 06:14 PM
You can't leave anyone out. Draw contestants from the general population, subtract the expected % of crossdressers from the number that continued crossdressing after the show ended and you have the approximate % that converted that otherwise may not have. I would think a crossdressing challenge would not convert a very large percentage. I crossdress because I feel like a woman inside; the feeling came first, not the dressing.


07-29-2008, 06:00 AM
I was wondering if there would a different response in different countries.

Here in Britain there is a bit of culture for 'dressing up' as abit of a laugh for fancy dress parties (especially vicar & tarts), stag nights etc...

Also there is a lot crossdressing going on in theatre over here i.e. pantomime, girls being boys and men being woman even old shakespear has crossdressing in his plays

Then you have Japan.......

Maybe you could try it in sy the USA, Britain, France & Japan to see if you got different results......

Might be interesting :)

Tina Dixon
07-29-2008, 06:09 AM
I'm sure a few will keep doing it but you do need all men and not just good looking ones, get some of the tuff guys out there and have some fun with it.